
Module Contents#



Class for using the NDA loader by Frederik Huld (Beyonder).


load_nda(*args, **kwargs)

class DataLoader(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: cellpy.readers.instruments.base.BaseLoader

Inheritance diagram of cellpy.readers.instruments.ext_nda_reader.DataLoader

Class for using the NDA loader by Frederik Huld (Beyonder).

initiates the NdaLoader class

instrument_name = 'neware_nda'[source]#
static get_params(parameter=None)[source]#
abstract get_raw_limits()[source]#

Include the settings for how to decide what kind of step you are examining here.

The raw limits are ‘epsilons’ used to check if the current and/or voltage is stable (for example for galvanostatic steps, one would expect that the current is stable (constant) and non-zero). It is expected that different instruments (with different resolution etc.) have different ‘epsilons’.

Returns: the raw limits (dict)

abstract get_raw_units()[source]#

Include the settings for the units used by the instrument.

The units are defined w.r.t. the SI units (‘unit-fractions’; currently only units that are multiples of Si units can be used). For example, for current defined in mA, the value for the current unit-fraction will be 0.001.

Returns: dictionary containing the unit-fractions for current, charge, and mass

loader(file_name, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Loads data into a DataSet object and returns it

load_nda(*args, **kwargs)[source]#