GITT analysis

GITT analysis#

In this notebook we will use cellpy to extract the open circuit voltages (OCV) from a GITT measurement. The extracted OCVs will be plotted, and the results saved in .csv format.”

import pathlib
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import cellpy
from cellpy.utils import plotutils

Set filepath and load the datafile:

filedir=pathlib.Path("data") # foldername within the same directory
c = cellpy.get(filedir / 'out' / '20210210_FC.h5')

Produce an overview plot to identify cycle numbers for the GITT experiment (for an interactive version of this plot, you have to have plotly installed):

plotutils.cycle_info_plot(c, cycle = list(range(2, 7)))

OCV extraction#

From the overview plot above, we can identify the GITT cycles to be cycle number 4 and 5. In the following, we will focus on cycle 5 only.

For further analysis, we create the step table, called steps, a dataframe that contains a lot ofnformation on all the cycle steps for the cell.

In the following, we apply several filters to steps, to eventually extract OCV voltages and corresponding capacities:

  1. ``steps_cycle``: Extract the rows specifically for the selected GITT cycle (here: cycle Nr 5).

NB: For simplicity, steps_cycle only contains rows relevant for further analysis, i.e. “cycle”, “step””charge_last”, “discharge_last”, “voltage_first” ,”voltage_last”, “type”.”

steps_cycle=steps.loc[(steps.cycle==GITT_cycle),["cycle", "step", "charge_last", "discharge_last", "voltage_first" ,"voltage_last", "type"]]

Taking a closer look at the created steps_cycle dataframe:

  • steps_cycle.head(10) to view the first 10 rows

  • steps_cycle.tail(10) to view the last 10 rows

cycle step charge_last discharge_last voltage_first voltage_last type
755 5 8 0.003358 0.003258 3.212396 3.343531 ocvrlx_up
756 5 7 0.003358 0.003294 3.330632 3.139919 discharge
757 5 8 0.003358 0.003294 3.162645 3.314970 ocvrlx_up
758 5 7 0.003358 0.003330 3.302993 3.080647 discharge
759 5 8 0.003358 0.003330 3.102759 3.283338 ocvrlx_up
760 5 7 0.003358 0.003366 3.272282 3.008170 discharge
761 5 8 0.003358 0.003366 3.029361 3.246485 ocvrlx_up
762 5 7 0.003358 0.003392 3.233587 2.999878 discharge
763 5 10 0.003358 0.003392 3.010627 3.010627 ir
764 5 11 0.003358 0.003392 3.037038 3.228980 ocvrlx_up
  1. To extract the OCV voltages, we then filter the steps_cycle dataframe for

    • the OCV relaxation steps on discharge, steps_ocv_dch, of type oxvrlx_up (and rest), corresponding to step==3, and

    • the OCV relaxation steps on charge steps_ocv_cha, of type oxvrlx_down (and rest), corresponding to step==8. Thereby we obtain two new dataframes

steps_ocv_cha = steps_cycle.loc[steps_cycle.step==3]
steps_ocv_dch = steps_cycle.loc[steps_cycle.step==8]
cycle step charge_last discharge_last voltage_first voltage_last type
390 5 3 0.000036 0.0 3.512440 3.487564 rest
392 5 3 0.000072 0.0 3.518582 3.494320 rest
394 5 3 0.000109 0.0 3.524724 3.499848 rest
396 5 3 0.000145 0.0 3.530559 3.505991 rest
398 5 3 0.000181 0.0 3.537315 3.513054 rest

The voltages at the end of these steps (voltage_last), contain the (pseudo-) OCV voltages:

V_cha = steps_ocv_cha.voltage_last.reset_index(drop=True)
V_dch = steps_ocv_dch.voltage_last.reset_index(drop=True)
cap_cha= steps_ocv_cha.charge_last.reset_index(drop=True)*1000 #*1000 to convert to mAh
cap_dch= steps_ocv_dch.discharge_last.reset_index(drop=True)*1000 #*1000 to convert to mAh

To plot our results, we additionally get the entire voltage vs capacity curves for the selected GITT cycle, employing the .get_ccap and .get_dcap methods. The cell mass is used to convert from gravimetric capacity (mAh/g) to capacity (mAh).

ccap = c.get_ccap(cycle=GITT_cycle)
dcap = c.get_dcap(cycle=GITT_cycle)
mass = c.get_mass() # in mg
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(ccap["charge_capacity"]*mass/1000, ccap["voltage"], color='blue', label="charge")
ax.plot(cap_cha, V_cha, "bo", label="OCV charge")
ax.plot(dcap["discharge_capacity"]*mass/1000, dcap["voltage"], color="green", label="discharge")
ax.plot(cap_dch, V_dch, "go", label="OCV discharge")
plt.xlabel("Capacity [mAh]", fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel("Voltage [V]", fontsize=15)
plt.title("GITT OCV curve", fontsize=15)
#plt.ylim(0, 0.91)
#plt.xlim(0, 4.70)

Saving the data#

Concatenate the OCV voltages and capacities into a dataframe, and save as a .csv file.

OCV_cha = pd.concat([cap_cha, V_cha], axis=1 ,keys=["Charge_cap_mAh","OCV_V"])
OCV_dch = pd.concat([cap_dch, V_dch], axis=1, keys=["Discharge_cap_mAh", "OCV_V"])
#OCV_cha.to_csv('GITT_OCV_cycle'+str(GITT_cycle)+'_cha.csv', index=False)
#OCV_dch.to_csv('GITT_OCV_cycle'+str(GITT_cycle)+'_dch.csv', index=False)