Main cellpy objects#


This chapter would benefit from some more love and care. Any help on that would be highly appreciated.

The CellpyCell object#

digraph {
   "CellpyCell" -> "Data";
   "CellpyCell" -> "session metadata";
   "CellpyCell" -> "cellpy metadata";
   "CellpyCell" -> "methods";

The CellpyCell object contains the main methods as well as the actual data:

cellpy_instance = CellpyCell(...)

Data is stored within an instance of the Data class.

digraph {
 "CellpyCell" -> "Data";
     "Data" -> "cell metadata (cell)";
     "Data" -> "cell metadata (test)";
     "Data" -> "methods";
     "Data" -> "raw";
     "Data" -> "steps";
     "Data" -> "summary";

The Data instance can be reached using the data property:

cell_data =

The Data object#

The Data object contains the data and the meta-data for the cell characterisation experiment(s).

The cellpy file format#

As default, cellpy stores files in the hdf5 format.