Source code for cellpy.utils.plotutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utilities for helping to plot cellpy-data.

import collections
import importlib
import itertools
import logging
import os
import sys
import warnings
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from cellpy.parameters.internal_settings import (
from cellpy.utils import helpers

[docs] plotly_available = importlib.util.find_spec("plotly") is not None
[docs] seaborn_available = importlib.util.find_spec("seaborn") is not None
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.captureWarnings(True)
[docs] SYMBOL_DICT = { "all": [ "s", "o", "v", "^", "<", ">", "D", "p", "*", "1", "2", ".", ",", "3", "4", "8", "p", "d", "h", "H", "+", "x", "X", "|", "_", ], "simple": ["s", "o", "v", "^", "<", ">", "*", "d"], }
[docs] COLOR_DICT = { "classic": ["b", "g", "r", "c", "m", "y", "k"], "grayscale": ["0.00", "0.40", "0.60", "0.70"], "bmh": [ "#348ABD", "#A60628", "#7A68A6", "#467821", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", ], "dark_background": [ "#8dd3c7", "#feffb3", "#bfbbd9", "#fa8174", "#81b1d2", "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#bc82bd", "#ccebc4", "#ffed6f", ], "ggplot": [ "#E24A33", "#348ABD", "#988ED5", "#777777", "#FBC15E", "#8EBA42", "#FFB5B8", ], "fivethirtyeight": ["#30a2da", "#fc4f30", "#e5ae38", "#6d904f", "#8b8b8b"], "seaborn-colorblind": [ "#0072B2", "#009E73", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7", "#F0E442", "#56B4E9", ], "seaborn-deep": ["#4C72B0", "#55A868", "#C44E52", "#8172B2", "#CCB974", "#64B5CD"], "seaborn-bright": [ "#003FFF", "#03ED3A", "#E8000B", "#8A2BE2", "#FFC400", "#00D7FF", ], "seaborn-muted": ["#4878CF", "#6ACC65", "#D65F5F", "#B47CC7", "#C4AD66", "#77BEDB"], "seaborn-pastel": [ "#92C6FF", "#97F0AA", "#FF9F9A", "#D0BBFF", "#FFFEA3", "#B0E0E6", ], "seaborn-dark-palette": [ "#001C7F", "#017517", "#8C0900", "#7600A1", "#B8860B", "#006374", ], }
_hdr_summary = get_headers_summary() _hdr_raw = get_headers_normal() _hdr_steps = get_headers_step_table() _hdr_journal = get_headers_journal()
[docs] def create_colormarkerlist_for_journal( journal, symbol_label="all", color_style_label="seaborn-colorblind" ): """Fetch lists with color names and marker types of correct length for a journal. Args: journal: cellpy journal symbol_label: sub-set of markers to use color_style_label: cmap to use for colors Returns: colors (list), markers (list) """ logging.debug("symbol_label: " + symbol_label) logging.debug("color_style_label: " + color_style_label) groups = journal.pages[].unique() sub_groups = journal.pages[_hdr_journal.subgroup].unique() return create_colormarkerlist(groups, sub_groups, symbol_label, color_style_label)
[docs] def create_colormarkerlist( groups, sub_groups, symbol_label="all", color_style_label="seaborn-colorblind" ): """Fetch lists with color names and marker types of correct length. Args: groups: list of group numbers (used to generate the list of colors) sub_groups: list of sub-group numbers (used to generate the list of markers). symbol_label: sub-set of markers to use color_style_label: cmap to use for colors Returns: colors (list), markers (list) """ symbol_list = SYMBOL_DICT[symbol_label] color_list = COLOR_DICT[color_style_label] # checking that we have enough colors and symbols (if not, then use cycler (e.g. reset)) color_cycler = itertools.cycle(color_list) symbol_cycler = itertools.cycle(symbol_list) _color_list = [] _symbol_list = [] for i in groups: _color_list.append(next(color_cycler)) for i in sub_groups: _symbol_list.append(next(symbol_cycler)) return _color_list, _symbol_list
[docs] def create_col_info(c): """Create column information for summary plots. Args: c: cellpy object Returns: x_columns (tuple), y_cols (dict) """ # TODO: add support for more column sets and individual columns hdr = c.headers_summary _cap_cols = [hdr.charge_capacity_raw, hdr.discharge_capacity_raw] _capacities_gravimetric = [col + "_gravimetric" for col in _cap_cols] _capacities_gravimetric_split = ( _capacities_gravimetric + [col + "_cv" for col in _capacities_gravimetric] + [col + "_non_cv" for col in _capacities_gravimetric] ) _capacities_areal = [col + "_areal" for col in _cap_cols] _capacities_areal_split = ( _capacities_areal + [col + "_cv" for col in _capacities_areal] + [col + "_non_cv" for col in _capacities_areal] ) x_columns = ([hdr.cycle_index, hdr.data_point, hdr.test_time, hdr.datetime],) y_cols = dict( voltages=[hdr.end_voltage_charge, hdr.end_voltage_discharge], capacities_gravimetric=_capacities_gravimetric, capacities_areal=_capacities_areal, capacities=_cap_cols, capacities_gravimetric_split_constant_voltage=_capacities_gravimetric_split, capacities_areal_split_constant_voltage=_capacities_areal_split, ) return x_columns, y_cols
[docs] def create_label_dict(c): """Create label dictionary for summary plots. Args: c: cellpy object Returns: x_axis_labels (dict), y_axis_label (dict) """ hdr = c.headers_summary x_axis_labels = { hdr.cycle_index: "Cycle Number", hdr.data_point: "Point", hdr.test_time: f"Test Time ({c.cellpy_units.time})", hdr.datetime: "Date", } _cap_gravimetric_label = ( f"Capacity ({c.cellpy_units.charge}/{c.cellpy_units.specific_gravimetric})" ) _cap_areal_label = ( f"Capacity ({c.cellpy_units.charge}/{c.cellpy_units.specific_areal})" ) _cap_label = f"Capacity ({c.cellpy_units.charge})" y_axis_label = { "voltages": f"Voltage ({c.cellpy_units.voltage})", "capacities_gravimetric": _cap_gravimetric_label, "capacities_areal": _cap_areal_label, "capacities": _cap_label, "capacities_gravimetric_split_constant_voltage": _cap_gravimetric_label, "capacities_areal_split_constant_voltage": _cap_areal_label, } return x_axis_labels, y_axis_label
[docs] def summary_plot( c, x: str = None, y: str = "capacities_gravimetric", height: int = 600, markers: bool = True, title=None, x_range: list = None, y_range: list = None, split: bool = False, interactive: bool = True, share_y: bool = False, rangeslider: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Create a summary plot. Currently only supports plotly. Args: c: cellpy object x: x-axis column (default: 'cycle_index') y: y-axis column or column set. Currently, the following predefined sets exists: - "voltages", "capacities_gravimetric", "capacities_areal", "capacities", "capacities_gravimetric_split_constant_voltage", "capacities_areal_split_constant_voltage" height: height of the plot markers: use markers title: title of the plot x_range: limits for x-axis y_range: limits for y-axis split: split the plot interactive: use interactive plotting rangeslider: add a range slider to the x-axis (only for plotly) share_y (bool): share y-axis **kwargs: additional parameters for the plotting backend Returns: ``plotly`` figure or None """ if plotly_available and interactive: import as px else: warnings.warn( "plotly not available, and it is currently the only supported backend" ) return None if title is None: title = f"Summary <b>{c.cell_name}</b>" if x is None: x = "cycle_index" x_columns, y_cols = create_col_info(c) x_axis_labels, y_axis_label = create_label_dict(c) # ------------------- main -------------------------------------------- y_header = "value" color = "variable" additional_kwargs = dict( color=color, height=height, markers=markers, title=title, ) # filter on constant voltage vs constant current if y.endswith("_split_constant_voltage"): cap_type = ( "capacities_gravimetric" if y.startswith("capacities_gravimetric") else "capacities_areal" ) column_set = y_cols[cap_type] s = partition_summary_cv_steps(c, x, column_set, split, color, y_header) if split: additional_kwargs["facet_row"] = "row" # simple case else: column_set = y_cols.get(y, y) if isinstance(column_set, str): column_set = [column_set] summary = summary = summary.reset_index() s = summary.melt(x) s = s.loc[s.variable.isin(column_set)] s = s.reset_index(drop=True) x_label = x_axis_labels.get(x, x) y_label = y_axis_label.get(y, y) fig = px.line( s, x=x, y=y_header, **additional_kwargs, labels={ x: x_label, y_header: y_label, }, **kwargs, ) if x_range is not None: fig.update_layout(xaxis=dict(range=x_range)) if y_range is not None: fig.update_layout(yaxis=dict(range=y_range)) elif split and not share_y: fig.update_yaxes(matches=None) if rangeslider: fig.update_layout(xaxis_rangeslider_visible=True) return fig
[docs] def partition_summary_cv_steps( c, x: str, column_set: list, split: bool = False, var_name: str = "variable", value_name: str = "value", ): """Partition the summary data into CV and non-CV steps. Args: c: cellpy object x: x-axis column name column_set: names of columns to include split: add additional column that can be used to split the data when plotting. var_name: name of the variable column after melting value_name: name of the value column after melting Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame`` (melted with columns x, var_name, value_name, and optionally "row" if split is True) """ import pandas as pd summary = summary = summary[column_set] summary_no_cv = c.make_summary( selector_type="non-cv", create_copy=True ).data.summary[column_set] summary_no_cv.columns = [col + "_non_cv" for col in summary_no_cv.columns] summary_only_cv = c.make_summary( selector_type="only-cv", create_copy=True ).data.summary[column_set] summary_only_cv.columns = [col + "_cv" for col in summary_only_cv.columns] if split: id_vars = [x, "row"] summary_no_cv["row"] = "without CV" summary_only_cv["row"] = "with CV" summary["row"] = "all" else: id_vars = x summary_no_cv = summary_no_cv.reset_index() summary_only_cv = summary_only_cv.reset_index() summary = summary.reset_index() summary_no_cv = summary_no_cv.melt( id_vars, var_name=var_name, value_name=value_name ) summary_only_cv = summary_only_cv.melt( id_vars, var_name=var_name, value_name=value_name ) summary = summary.melt(id_vars, var_name=var_name, value_name=value_name) s = pd.concat([summary, summary_no_cv, summary_only_cv], axis=0) s = s.reset_index(drop=True) return s
[docs] def raw_plot( cell, y=None, y_label=None, x=None, x_label=None, title=None, interactive=True, plot_type="voltage-current", double_y=True, return_matplotlib_figure=False, **kwargs, ): """Plot raw data. Args: cell: cellpy object y (str or list): y-axis column y_label (str or list): label for y-axis x (str): x-axis column x_label (str): label for x-axis title (str): title of the plot interactive (bool): use interactive plotting plot_type (str): type of plot (defaults to "voltage-current") (overrides given y if y is not None), currently only "voltage-current" is supported. double_y (bool): use double y-axis (only for matplotlib and when plot_type is used) return_matplotlib_figure (bool): return a matplotlib figure (only for matplotlib) **kwargs: additional parameters for the plotting backend Returns: ``matplotlib`` figure or ``plotly`` figure """ _set_individual_y_labels = False raw = if y is not None: if y_label is None: y_label = y y = [y] y_label = [y_label] elif plot_type is not None: # special pre-defined plot types if plot_type == "voltage-current": y1 = _hdr_raw["voltage_txt"] y1_label = f"Voltage ({})" y2 = _hdr_raw["current_txt"] y2_label = f"Current ({})" y = [y1, y2] y_label = [y1_label, y2_label] else: warnings.warn(f"Plot type {plot_type} not supported") return None else: # default to voltage if y is not given y = [_hdr_raw["voltage_txt"]] y_label = [f"Voltage ({})"] if x is None: x, x_label = ("test_time_hrs", "Time (hours)") if title is None: title = f"{cell.cell_name}" if x == "test_time_hrs": raw["test_time_hrs"] = raw[_hdr_raw["test_time_txt"]] / 3600 if plotly_available and interactive: title = f"<b>{title}</b>" if len(y) == 1: # single plot import as px if x_label or y_label: labels = {} if x_label: labels[x] = x_label if y_label: labels[y[0]] = y_label[0] else: labels = None fig = px.line(raw, x=x, y=y[0], title=title, labels=labels, **kwargs) else: # double plot from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import plotly.graph_objects as go fig = make_subplots( rows=2, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.02, x_title=x_label, ) x_values = raw[x] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=x_values, y=raw[y[0]], name=y_label[0]), row=1, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=x_values, y=raw[y[1]], name=y_label[1]), row=2, col=1, ) fig.update_layout(height=600, title_text=title) if _set_individual_y_labels: fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y_label[0], row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y_label[1], row=2, col=1) return fig # default to a simple matplotlib figure xlim = kwargs.get("xlim") if len(y) == 1: y = y[0] y_label = y_label[0] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(raw[x], raw[y]) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlim(xlim) if return_matplotlib_figure: return fig return if not double_y: fig, (ax_v, ax_c) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 8), sharex=True) ax_v.plot(raw[x], raw[y[0]]) ax_c.plot(raw[x], raw[y[1]]) ax_v.set_ylabel(y_label[0]) ax_c.set_ylabel(y_label[1]) ax_c.set_xlabel(x_label) ax_v.set_title(title) ax_v.set_xlim(xlim) else: fig, ax_v = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 4)) color = "tab:red" ax_v.set_xlabel(x_label) ax_v.set_ylabel(y_label[0], color=color) ax_v.plot(raw[x], raw[y[0]], label=y_label[0], color=color) ax_v.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color) ax_c = ax_v.twinx() color = "tab:blue" ax_c.set_ylabel(y_label[1], color=color) ax_c.plot(raw[x], raw[y[1]], label=y_label[1], color=color) ax_c.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color) ax_v.set_xlim(xlim) fig.tight_layout() if return_matplotlib_figure: return fig return
[docs] def cycle_info_plot( cell, cycle=None, get_axes=False, interactive=True, t_unit="hours", v_unit="V", i_unit="mA", **kwargs, ): """Show raw data together with step and cycle information. Args: cell: cellpy object cycle (int or list or tuple): cycle(s) to select (must be int for matplotlib) get_axes (bool): return axes (for matplotlib) or figure (for plotly) interactive (bool): use interactive plotting (if available) t_unit (str): unit for x-axis (default: "hours") v_unit (str): unit for y-axis (default: "V") i_unit (str): unit for current (default: "mA") **kwargs: parameters specific to plotting backend. Returns: ``matplotlib.axes`` or None """ t_scaler = cell.unit_scaler_from_raw(t_unit, "time") v_scaler = cell.unit_scaler_from_raw(v_unit, "voltage") i_scaler = cell.unit_scaler_from_raw(i_unit, "current") if plotly_available and interactive: fig = _cycle_info_plot_plotly( cell, cycle, get_axes, t_scaler, t_unit, v_scaler, v_unit, i_scaler, i_unit, **kwargs, ) if get_axes: return fig return fig axes = _cycle_info_plot_matplotlib( cell, cycle, get_axes, t_scaler, t_unit, v_scaler, v_unit, i_scaler, i_unit, **kwargs, ) if get_axes: return axes
def _cycle_info_plot_plotly( cell, cycle, get_axes, t_scaler, t_unit, v_scaler, v_unit, i_scaler, i_unit, **kwargs, ): import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np if kwargs.get("xlim"):"xlim is not supported for plotly yet") raw_hdr = get_headers_normal() step_hdr = get_headers_step_table() data = table = if cycle is None: cycle = list(data["cycle_index"].unique()) if not isinstance(cycle, (list, tuple)): cycle = [cycle] delta = "_delta" v_delta = step_hdr["voltage"] + delta i_delta = step_hdr["current"] + delta c_delta = step_hdr["charge"] + delta dc_delta = step_hdr["discharge"] + delta cycle_ = step_hdr["cycle"] step_ = step_hdr["step"] type_ = step_hdr["type"] time_hdr = raw_hdr["test_time_txt"] cycle_hdr = raw_hdr["cycle_index_txt"] step_number_hdr = raw_hdr["step_index_txt"] current_hdr = raw_hdr["current_txt"] voltage_hdr = raw_hdr["voltage_txt"] data = data[ [ time_hdr, cycle_hdr, step_number_hdr, current_hdr, voltage_hdr, ] ] table = table[ [ cycle_, step_, type_, v_delta, i_delta, c_delta, dc_delta, ] ] m_cycle_data = data[cycle_hdr].isin(cycle) data = data.loc[m_cycle_data, :] data[time_hdr] = data[time_hdr] * t_scaler data[voltage_hdr] = data[voltage_hdr] * v_scaler data[current_hdr] = data[current_hdr] * i_scaler data = data.merge( table, left_on=(cycle_hdr, step_number_hdr), right_on=(cycle_, step_), ).sort_values(by=[time_hdr]) fig = go.Figure() grouped_data = data.groupby(cycle_hdr) for cycle_number, group in grouped_data: x = group[time_hdr] y = group[voltage_hdr] s = group[step_number_hdr] i = group[current_hdr] st = group[type_] dV = group[v_delta] dI = group[i_delta] dC = group[c_delta] dDC = group[dc_delta] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, mode="lines", name=f"cycle {cycle_number}", customdata=np.stack((i, s, st, dV, dI, dC, dDC), axis=-1), hovertemplate="<br>".join( [ "<b>Time: %{x:.2f}" + f" {t_unit}" + "</b>", " <b>Voltage:</b> %{y:.4f}" + f" {v_unit}", " <b>Current:</b> %{customdata[0]:.4f}" + f" {i_unit}", "<b>Step: %{customdata[1]} (%{customdata[2]})</b>", " <b>ΔV:</b> %{customdata[3]:.2f}", " <b>ΔI:</b> %{customdata[4]:.2f}", " <b>ΔCh:</b> %{customdata[5]:.2f}", " <b>ΔDCh:</b> %{customdata[6]:.2f}", ] ), ), ) cell_name = kwargs.get("title", cell.cell_name) title_start = f"<b>{cell_name}</b> Cycle" if len(cycle) > 2: if cycle[-1] - cycle[0] == len(cycle) - 1: title = f"{title_start}s {cycle[0]} - {cycle[-1]}" else: title = f"{title_start}s {cycle}" elif len(cycle) == 2: title = f"{title_start}s {cycle[0]} and {cycle[1]}" else: title = f"{title_start} {cycle[0]}" fig.update_layout( title=title, xaxis_title=f"Time ({t_unit})", yaxis_title=f"Voltage ({v_unit})", ) if get_axes: return fig def _plot_step(ax, x, y, color): ax.plot(x, y, color=color, linewidth=3) def _get_info(table, cycle, step): # obs! hard-coded col-names. Please fix me. m_table = (table.cycle == cycle) & (table.step == step) p1, p2 = table.loc[m_table, ["point_min", "point_max"]].values[0] c1, c2 = table.loc[m_table, ["current_min", "current_max"]].abs().values[0] d_voltage, d_current = table.loc[ m_table, ["voltage_delta", "current_delta"] ].values[0] d_discharge, d_charge = table.loc[ m_table, ["discharge_delta", "charge_delta"] ].values[0] current_max = (c1 + c2) / 2 rate = table.loc[m_table, "rate_avr"].values[0] step_type = table.loc[m_table, "type"].values[0] return [step_type, rate, current_max, d_voltage, d_current, d_discharge, d_charge] def _cycle_info_plot_matplotlib( cell, cycle, get_axes, t_scaler, t_unit, v_scaler, v_unit, i_scaler, i_unit, **kwargs, ): # obs! hard-coded col-names. Please fix me. if cycle is None: warnings.warn("Only one cycle at a time is supported for matplotlib") cycle = 1 if isinstance(cycle, (list, tuple)): warnings.warn("Only one cycle at a time is supported for matplotlib") cycle = cycle[0] data = table = span_colors = ["#4682B4", "#FFA07A"] voltage_color = "#008B8B" current_color = "#CD5C5C" m_cycle_data = data.cycle_index == cycle all_steps = data[m_cycle_data]["step_index"].unique() color = itertools.cycle(span_colors) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8)) fig.suptitle(f"Cycle: {cycle}") ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=1, fig=fig) # steps ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 3), (1, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=2, fig=fig) # info ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 3), (3, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=5, fig=fig) # data ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax1.set_xlabel(f"time ({t_unit})") ax1.set_ylabel(f"voltage ({v_unit})", color=voltage_color) ax2.set_ylabel(f"current ({i_unit})", color=current_color) annotations_1 = [] # step number (IR) annotations_2 = [] # step number annotations_4 = [] # info for i, s in enumerate(all_steps): m = m_cycle_data & (data.step_index == s) c = data.loc[m, "current"] * i_scaler v = data.loc[m, "voltage"] * v_scaler t = data.loc[m, "test_time"] * t_scaler step_type, rate, current_max, dv, dc, d_discharge, d_charge = _get_info( table, cycle, s ) if len(t) > 1: fcolor = next(color) info_txt = f"{step_type}\ni = |{i_scaler * current_max:0.2f}| {i_unit}\n" info_txt += f"delta V = {dv:0.2f} %\ndelta i = {dc:0.2f} %\n" info_txt += f"delta C = {d_charge:0.2} %\ndelta DC = {d_discharge:0.2} %\n" for ax in [ax2, ax3, ax4]: ax.axvspan(t.iloc[0], t.iloc[-1], facecolor=fcolor, alpha=0.2) _plot_step(ax1, t, v, voltage_color) _plot_step(ax2, t, c, current_color) annotations_1.append([f"{s}", t.mean()]) annotations_4.append([info_txt, t.mean()]) else: info_txt = f"{s}({step_type})" annotations_2.append([info_txt, t.mean()]) ax3.set_ylim(0, 1) for s in annotations_1: ax3.annotate(f"{s[0]}", (s[1], 0.2), ha="center") for s in annotations_2: ax3.annotate(f"{s[0]}", (s[1], 0.6), ha="center") for s in annotations_4: ax4.annotate(f"{s[0]}", (s[1], 0.0), ha="center") for ax in [ax3, ax4]: ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if x := kwargs.get("xlim"): ax1.set_xlim(x) ax2.set_xlim(x) ax3.set_xlim(x) ax4.set_xlim(x) if get_axes: return ax1, ax2, ax2, ax4 if __name__ == "__main__": pass