Source code for cellpy.utils.batch_tools.batch_experiments

import ast
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings

import pandas as pd
from import tqdm

import cellpy
from cellpy import prms
from cellpy.parameters.internal_settings import get_headers_journal, get_headers_summary
from cellpy.readers import cellreader
from cellpy.internals.core import OtherPath
from cellpy.utils.batch_tools import batch_helpers as helper
from cellpy.utils.batch_tools.batch_core import BaseExperiment
from cellpy.utils.batch_tools.batch_journals import LabJournal

[docs] hdr_journal = get_headers_journal()
[docs] hdr_summary = get_headers_summary()
[docs] class CyclingExperiment(BaseExperiment): """Load experimental data into memory. This is a re-implementation of the old batch behaviour where all the data-files are processed sequentially (and optionally exported) while the summary tables are kept and processed. This implementation also saves the step tables (for later use when using look-up functionality). Attributes: journal (:obj: LabJournal): information about the experiment. force_cellpy (bool): tries only to load the cellpy-file if True. force_raw (bool): loads raw-file(s) even though appropriate cellpy-file exists if True. save_cellpy (bool): saves a cellpy-file for each cell if True. accept_errors (bool): in case of error, dont raise an exception, but continue to the next file if True. all_in_memory (bool): store the cellpydata-objects in memory if True. export_cycles (bool): export voltage-capacity curves if True. shifted_cycles (bool): set this to True if you want to export the voltage-capacity curves using the shifted-cycles option (only valid if you set export_cycles to True). export_raw (bool): export the raw-data if True. export_ica (bool): export dq-dv curves if True. last_cycle (int): sets the last cycle (i.e. the highest cycle number) that you would like to process dq-dv on). Use all if None (the default value). selected_summaries (list): a list of summary labels defining what summary columns to make joint summaries from (optional). errors (dict): contains a dictionary listing all the errors encountered. Args: db_reader (str or object): custom db_reader (see doc on db_reader). Example: """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): db_reader = kwargs.pop("db_reader", "default") super().__init__(*args) self.journal = LabJournal(db_reader=db_reader) self.errors = dict() self.log = dict() self.force_cellpy = False self.force_raw = False self.force_recalc = False self.save_cellpy = True self.accept_errors = False self.all_in_memory = False self.export_cycles = False self.shifted_cycles = False self.export_raw = True self.export_ica = False self.last_cycle = None self.nom_cap = None self.instrument = None self.custom_data_folder = None self.selected_summaries = None def _repr_html_(self): txt = f"<h2>CyclingExperiment-object</h2> id={hex(id(self))}" txt += "<h3>Main attributes</h3>" txt += f""" <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Attribute</th> <th>Value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td><b>force_cellpy</b></td><td>{self.force_cellpy}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>force_raw</b></td><td>{self.force_raw}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>force_recalc</b></td><td>{self.force_recalc}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>save_cellpy</b></td><td>{self.save_cellpy}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>accept_errors</b></td><td>{self.accept_errors}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>all_in_memory</b></td><td>{self.all_in_memory}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>export_cycles</b></td><td>{self.export_cycles}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>shifted_cycles</b></td><td>{self.shifted_cycles}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>export_raw</b></td><td>{self.export_raw}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>export_ica</b></td><td>{self.export_ica}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>last_cycle</b></td><td>{self.last_cycle}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>nom_cap</b></td><td>{self.nom_cap}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>instrument</b></td><td>{self.instrument}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>custom_data_folder</b></td><td>{self.custom_data_folder}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>selected_summaries</b></td><td>{self.selected_summaries}</td></tr> </tbody> </table> """ txt += "<h3>Cells</h3>" txt += f"<p><b>data</b>: contains {len(self)} cells.</p>" txt += "<h3>Errors</h3>" txt += f"<p><b>errors</b>: contains {len(self.errors)} errors.</p>" txt += "<h3>Log</h3>" txt += f"<p><b>log</b>: contains {len(self.log)} log entries.</p>" return txt @staticmethod def _get_cell_spec_from_page(indx: int, row: pd.Series) -> dict: # Edit this if we decide to make "argument families", e.g. loader_split or merger_recalc. PRM_SPLITTER = ";" EQUAL_SIGN = "=" def _arg_parser(text: str) -> None: individual_specs = text.split(PRM_SPLITTER) for p in individual_specs: p, a = p.split(EQUAL_SIGN) logging.debug(f"getting cell_spec from journal pages ({indx})") try: cell_spec = row[hdr_journal.argument] logging.debug(cell_spec) if not isinstance(cell_spec, dict): raise TypeError("the cell spec argument is not a dictionary") except Exception as e: logging.warning(f"could not get cell spec for {indx}") logging.warning(f"error message: {e}") return {} # converting from str if needed for spec in cell_spec: if isinstance(cell_spec[spec], str): if cell_spec[spec].lower() == "true": cell_spec[spec] = True elif cell_spec[spec].lower() == "false": cell_spec[spec] = False elif cell_spec[spec].lower() == "none": cell_spec[spec] = None else: try: logging.debug( f"Using ast.literal_eval to convert cell-spec value from str '{cell_spec[spec]}'" ) cell_spec[spec] = ast.literal_eval(cell_spec[spec]) except ValueError as e: logging.warning( f"ERROR! Could not convert from str to python object!" ) logging.debug(e) return cell_spec
[docs] def save_cells(self, **kwargs): """Save all cells in the experiment. Args: kwargs: passed to the save method of the CellpyData-object. Returns: None """ errors = [] for row in self.journal.pages.iterrows(): cell_name = row[0] c =[cell_name] try: if self.custom_data_folder is not None: print("Save to custom data-folder not implemented yet") print(f"Saving to {row.cellpy_file_name} instead") if row.fixed and Path(row.cellpy_file_name).is_file(): logging.debug("saving cell skipped (set to 'fixed' in journal)") else:"saving cell to {row.cellpy_file_name}") c.ensure_step_table = True, **kwargs) except Exception as e: errors.append(f"could not save {cell_name} - {e}") self.errors["save_cells"] = errors
[docs] def update( self, all_in_memory=None, cell_specs=None, logging_mode=None, accept_errors=None, **kwargs, ): """Updates the selected datasets. Args: all_in_memory (bool): store the `cellpydata` in memory (default False) cell_specs (dict of dicts): individual arguments pr. cell. The `cellspecs` key-word argument dictionary will override the **kwargs and the parameters from the journal pages for the indicated cell. logging_mode (str): sets the logging mode for the loader(s). accept_errors (bool): if True, the loader will continue even if it encounters errors. kwargs: transferred all the way to the instrument loader, if not picked up earlier. Remark that you can obtain the same pr. cell by providing a `cellspecs` dictionary. The kwargs have precedence over the parameters given in the journal pages, but will be overridden by parameters given by `cellspecs`. Merging: recalc (Bool): set to False if you don't want automatic "recalc" of cycle numbers etc. when merging several data-sets. Loading: selector (dict): selector-based parameters sent to the cellpy-file loader (hdf5) if loading from raw is not necessary (or turned off). Debugging: debug (Bool): set to True if you want to run in debug mode (should never be used by non-developers). Debug-mode: - runs only for the first item in your journal Examples: >>> # Don't perform recalculation of cycle numbers etc. when merging >>> # All cells: >>> b.update(recalc=False) >>> # For specific cell(s): >>> cell_specs_cell_01 = {"name_of_cell_01": {"recalc": False}} >>> b.update(cell_specs=cell_specs_cell_01) """ # TODO: implement experiment.last_cycle accept_errors = accept_errors or self.accept_errors debugging = kwargs.pop("debug", False) testing = kwargs.pop("testing", False) skip_bad_cells = kwargs.pop("skip_bad_cells", False) experimental = kwargs.pop("experimental_mode", False) find_ir = kwargs.pop("find_ir", True) find_end_voltage = kwargs.pop("find_end_voltage", True) if skip_bad_cells and not experimental: print("Skipping bad cells is only available in experimental mode") skip_bad_cells = False # --- cleaning up attributes / arguments etc --- force_cellpy = kwargs.pop("force_cellpy", self.force_cellpy) force_raw = kwargs.pop("force_raw", self.force_raw)"[update experiment]") if all_in_memory is not None: self.all_in_memory = all_in_memory"Additional keyword arguments: {kwargs}") selector = kwargs.get("selector", None) try: bad_cells = self.journal.session.bad_cells if bad_cells is None: bad_cells = [] except Exception: bad_cells = [] pages = self.journal.pages if self.nom_cap: warnings.warn( "Setting nominal capacity through attributes will be deprecated soon since it modifies " "the journal pages." ) pages[hdr_journal.nom_cap] = self.nom_cap if self.instrument: warnings.warn( "Setting instrument through attributes will be deprecated soon since it modifies the journal pages." ) pages[hdr_journal.instrument] = self.instrument if x := kwargs.pop("instrument", None): warnings.warn( "Setting instrument through params will be deprecated soon since it modifies the journal pages." "Future version will require instrument in the journal pages." ) pages[hdr_journal.instrument] = x if pages.empty: raise Exception("your journal is empty") # --- init --- summary_frames = dict() cell_data_frames = dict() number_of_runs = len(pages) logging.debug(f"You have {number_of_runs} cells in your journal") counter = 0 errors = [] pbar = tqdm(list(pages.iterrows()), file=sys.stdout, leave=False) if debugging: pbar = tqdm(list(pages.iterrows())[0:1], file=sys.stdout, leave=False) # --- iterating --- # TODO: create a multiprocessing pool and get one statusbar pr cell for index, row in pbar: counter += 1 h_txt = f"{index}" n_txt = f"loading {counter}" l_txt = f"starting to process file # {counter} ({index})" if skip_bad_cells: if index in bad_cells:"Skipping bad cell: {index}") continue pbar.set_description(n_txt, refresh=True) cell_spec_page = self._get_cell_spec_from_page(index, row) if cell_specs is not None: cell_spec = cell_specs.get(index, dict()) else: cell_spec = dict() cell_spec = {**cell_spec_page, **kwargs, **cell_spec} l_txt += f" cell_spec: {cell_spec}" logging.debug(l_txt) # --- UPDATING ARGUMENTS --- filename = None instrument = None cellpy_file = OtherPath(row[hdr_journal.cellpy_file_name]) _cellpy_file = None if not force_raw and cellpy_file.is_file(): _cellpy_file = cellpy_file logging.debug(f"Got cellpy file: {_cellpy_file}") if not force_cellpy: filename = row[hdr_journal.raw_file_names] instrument = row[hdr_journal.instrument] cycle_mode = row[hdr_journal.cell_type] mass = row[hdr_journal.mass] nom_cap = row[hdr_journal.nom_cap] loading = None area = None if hdr_journal.loading in row: loading = row[hdr_journal.loading] if hdr_journal.area in row: area = row[hdr_journal.area] summary_kwargs = { "use_cellpy_stat_file": prms.Reader.use_cellpy_stat_file, "find_ir": find_ir, } step_kwargs = {} if not filename and not force_cellpy: f"Raw file(s) not given in the journal.pages for index={index}" ) errors.append(index) continue elif not cellpy_file and force_cellpy: f"Cellpy file not given in the journal.pages for index={index}" ) errors.append(index) continue else:"Processing {index}")"loading cell") try: logging.debug("inside try: running cellpy.get") cell_data = cellpy.get( filename=filename, instrument=instrument, cellpy_file=_cellpy_file, cycle_mode=cycle_mode, mass=mass, nominal_capacity=nom_cap, loading=loading, area=area, step_kwargs=step_kwargs, summary_kwargs=summary_kwargs, selector=selector, logging_mode=logging_mode, testing=testing, **cell_spec, )"loaded cell") except Exception as e:"Failed to load: " + str(e)) errors.append("update:" + str(index)) h_txt += " [-]" pbar.set_postfix_str(s=h_txt, refresh=True) if not accept_errors: raise e continue if cell_data.empty:"...not loaded...") logging.debug("Data is empty. Could not load cell!") errors.append("check:" + str(index)) h_txt += " [-]" pbar.set_postfix_str(s=h_txt, refresh=True) continue"...loaded successfully...") h_txt += " [OK]" pbar.set_postfix_str(s=h_txt, refresh=True) summary_tmp ="Trying to get summary_data") if is None or self.force_recalc:"Running make_step_table") n_txt = f"steps {counter}" pbar.set_description(n_txt, refresh=True) cell_data.make_step_table() if summary_tmp is None or self.force_recalc:"Running make_summary") n_txt = f"summary {counter}" pbar.set_description(n_txt, refresh=True) cell_data.make_summary( find_end_voltage=find_end_voltage, find_ir=find_ir ) # some clean-ups (might not be needed anymore): if not == hdr_summary.cycle_index: logging.debug("Setting index to Cycle_Index") # check if it is a byte-string if b"Cycle_Index" in summary_tmp.columns: logging.debug("Seems to be a byte-string in the column-headers") summary_tmp.rename( columns={b"Cycle_Index": "Cycle_Index"}, inplace=True ) try: summary_tmp.set_index("cycle_index", inplace=True) except KeyError: logging.debug("cycle_index already an index") summary_frames[index] = summary_tmp if self.all_in_memory: cell_data_frames[index] = cell_data else: cell_data_frames[index] = cellreader.CellpyCell(initialize=True) cell_data_frames[index].data.steps = if self.save_cellpy:"saving to cellpy-format") n_txt = f"saving {counter}" pbar.set_description(n_txt, refresh=True) if self.custom_data_folder is not None: print("Save to custom data-folder not implemented yet") print(f"Saving to {row.cellpy_file_name} instead") if not row.fixed:"saving cell to %s" % row.cellpy_file_name) cell_data.ensure_step_table = True try: except Exception as e: logging.error("saving file failed") logging.error(e) else: logging.debug("saving cell skipped (set to 'fixed' in info_df)") else:"You opted to not save to cellpy-format")"It is usually recommended to save to cellpy-format:")" >>> b.experiment.save_cellpy = True") "Without the cellpy-files, you cannot select specific cells" )"if you did not opt to store all in memory") if self.export_raw or self.export_cycles: export_text = "exporting" if self.export_raw: export_text += " [raw]" if self.export_cycles: export_text += " [cycles]" n_txt = f"{export_text} {counter}" pbar.set_description(n_txt, refresh=True) cell_data.to_csv( self.journal.raw_dir, sep=prms.Reader.sep, cycles=self.export_cycles, shifted=self.shifted_cycles, raw=self.export_raw, last_cycle=self.last_cycle, ) if self.export_ica:"exporting [ica]") try: helper.export_dqdv( cell_data, savedir=self.journal.raw_dir, sep=prms.Reader.sep, last_cycle=self.last_cycle, ) except Exception as e: logging.error("Could not make/export dq/dv data") logging.debug( "Failed to make/export " "dq/dv data (%s): %s" % (index, str(e)) ) errors.append("ica:" + str(index)) self.errors["update"] = errors self.summary_frames = summary_frames self.cell_data_frames = cell_data_frames
[docs] def parallel_update( self, all_in_memory=None, cell_specs=None, logging_mode=None, **kwargs ): """Updates the selected datasets in parallel. Args: all_in_memory (bool): store the `cellpydata` in memory (default False) cell_specs (dict of dicts): individual arguments pr. cell. The `cellspecs` key-word argument dictionary will override the **kwargs and the parameters from the journal pages for the indicated cell. logging_mode (str): sets the logging mode for the loader(s). kwargs: transferred all the way to the instrument loader, if not picked up earlier. Remark that you can obtain the same pr. cell by providing a `cellspecs` dictionary. The kwargs have precedence over the parameters given in the journal pages, but will be overridden by parameters given by `cellspecs`. Merging: recalc (Bool): set to False if you don't want automatic "recalc" of cycle numbers etc. when merging several data-sets. Loading: selector (dict): selector-based parameters sent to the cellpy-file loader (hdf5) if loading from raw is not necessary (or turned off). Debugging: debug (Bool): set to True if you want to run in debug mode (should never be used by non-developers). Debug-mode: - runs only for the first item in your journal Examples: >>> # Don't perform recalculation of cycle numbers etc. when merging >>> # All cells: >>> b.update(recalc=False) >>> # For specific cell(s): >>> cell_specs_cell_01 = {"name_of_cell_01": {"recalc": False}} >>> b.update(cell_specs=cell_specs_cell_01) """ status = "PROD" # set this to DEV when developing this async_mode = "threading" logging.debug("PARALLEL UPDATE") # TODO: implement experiment.last_cycle if status != "DEV": print("SORRY - MULTIPROCESSING IS NOT IMPLEMENTED PROPERLY YET") return self.update( all_in_memory=all_in_memory, cell_specs=cell_specs, logging_mode=logging_mode, **kwargs, ) import concurrent.futures import multiprocessing max_number_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if async_mode == "threading": pool_executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor else: pool_executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor debugging = kwargs.pop("debug", False) # --- cleaning up attributes / arguments etc --- force_cellpy = kwargs.pop("force_cellpy", self.force_cellpy) force_raw = kwargs.pop("force_raw", self.force_raw) find_ir = kwargs.pop("find_ir", True) find_end_voltage = kwargs.pop("find_end_voltage", True)"[update experiment]") if all_in_memory is not None: self.all_in_memory = all_in_memory"Additional keyword arguments: {kwargs}") selector = kwargs.get("selector", None) pages = self.journal.pages if self.nom_cap: warnings.warn( "Setting nominal capacity through attributes will be deprecated soon since it modifies " "the journal pages." ) pages[hdr_journal.nom_cap] = self.nom_cap if self.instrument: warnings.warn( "Setting instrument through attributes will be deprecated soon since it modifies the journal pages." ) pages[hdr_journal.instrument] = self.instrument if x := kwargs.pop("instrument", None): warnings.warn( "Setting instrument through params will be deprecated soon since it modifies the journal pages." "Future version will require instrument in the journal pages." ) pages[hdr_journal.instrument] = x if pages.empty: raise Exception("your journal is empty") # --- init --- summary_frames = dict() cell_data_frames = dict() number_of_runs = len(pages) logging.debug(f"You have {number_of_runs} cells in your journal") counter = 0 errors = [] pbar = tqdm(list(pages.iterrows()), file=sys.stdout, leave=False) if debugging: pbar = tqdm(list(pages.iterrows())[0:1], file=sys.stdout, leave=False) # --- iterating --- # TODO: create a multiprocessing pool and get one statusbar pr cell params = [] with pool_executor(max_number_processes) as executor: for index, row in pages.iterrows(): counter += 1 cell_spec_page = self._get_cell_spec_from_page(index, row) if cell_specs is not None: cell_spec = cell_specs.get(index, dict()) else: cell_spec = dict() cell_spec = {**cell_spec_page, **kwargs, **cell_spec} # --- UPDATING ARGUMENTS --- filename = None instrument = None cellpy_file = OtherPath(row[hdr_journal.cellpy_file_name]) _cellpy_file = None if not force_raw and cellpy_file.is_file(): _cellpy_file = cellpy_file logging.debug(f"Got cellpy file: {_cellpy_file}") if not force_cellpy: filename = row[hdr_journal.raw_file_names] instrument = row[hdr_journal.instrument] cycle_mode = row[hdr_journal.cell_type] mass = row[hdr_journal.mass] nom_cap = row[hdr_journal.nom_cap] loading = None area = None if hdr_journal.loading in row: loading = row[hdr_journal.loading] if hdr_journal.area in row: area = row[hdr_journal.area] summary_kwargs = { "use_cellpy_stat_file": prms.Reader.use_cellpy_stat_file, "find_ir": find_ir, "find_end_voltage": find_end_voltage, } step_kwargs = {} if not filename and not force_cellpy: f"Raw file(s) not given in the journal.pages for index={index}" ) errors.append(index) continue elif not cellpy_file and force_cellpy: f"Cellpy file not given in the journal.pages for index={index}" ) errors.append(index) continue else:"Processing {index}")"loading cell") params.append( dict( filename=filename, instrument=instrument, cellpy_file=_cellpy_file, cycle_mode=cycle_mode, mass=mass, nom_cap=nom_cap, loading=loading, area=area, step_kwargs=step_kwargs, summary_kwargs=summary_kwargs, selector=selector, logging_mode=logging_mode, testing=False, **cell_spec, ) ) pool = [executor.submit(cellpy.get, **param) for param in params] for i in concurrent.futures.as_completed(pool): cell_data = i.result() if cell_data.empty:"...not loaded...") logging.debug("Data is empty. Could not load cell!") errors.append("check:" + str(index))"...loaded successfully...") summary_tmp ="Trying to get summary_data") if is None or self.force_recalc:"Running make_step_table") cell_data.make_step_table() if summary_tmp is None or self.force_recalc:"Running make_summary") cell_data.make_summary( find_end_voltage=find_end_voltage, find_ir=find_ir ) # some clean-ups (might not be needed anymore): if not == hdr_summary.cycle_index: logging.debug("Setting index to Cycle_Index") # check if it is a byte-string if b"Cycle_Index" in summary_tmp.columns: logging.debug("Seems to be a byte-string in the column-headers") summary_tmp.rename( columns={b"Cycle_Index": "Cycle_Index"}, inplace=True ) try: summary_tmp.set_index("cycle_index", inplace=True) except KeyError: logging.debug("cycle_index already an index") summary_frames[index] = summary_tmp if self.all_in_memory: cell_data_frames[index] = cell_data else: cell_data_frames[index] = cellreader.CellpyCell(initialize=True) cell_data_frames[index].data.steps = if self.save_cellpy:"saving to cellpy-format") n_txt = f"saving {counter}" pbar.set_description(n_txt, refresh=True) if self.custom_data_folder is not None: print("Save to custom data-folder not implemented yet") print(f"Saving to {row.cellpy_file_name} instead") if not row.fixed:"saving cell to %s" % row.cellpy_file_name) cell_data.ensure_step_table = True try: except Exception as e: logging.error("saving file failed") logging.error(e) else: logging.debug("saving cell skipped (set to 'fixed' in info_df)") else:"You opted to not save to cellpy-format")"It is usually recommended to save to cellpy-format:")" >>> b.experiment.save_cellpy = True") "Without the cellpy-files, you cannot select specific cells" )"if you did not opt to store all in memory") if self.export_raw or self.export_cycles: export_text = "exporting" if self.export_raw: export_text += " [raw]" if self.export_cycles: export_text += " [cycles]" n_txt = f"{export_text} {counter}" pbar.set_description(n_txt, refresh=True) cell_data.to_csv( self.journal.raw_dir, sep=prms.Reader.sep, cycles=self.export_cycles, shifted=self.shifted_cycles, raw=self.export_raw, last_cycle=self.last_cycle, ) if self.export_ica:"exporting [ica]") try: helper.export_dqdv( cell_data, savedir=self.journal.raw_dir, sep=prms.Reader.sep, last_cycle=self.last_cycle, ) except Exception as e: logging.error("Could not make/export dq/dv data") logging.debug( "Failed to make/export " "dq/dv data (%s): %s" % (index, str(e)) ) errors.append("ica:" + str(index)) self.errors["update"] = errors self.summary_frames = summary_frames self.cell_data_frames = cell_data_frames
[docs] def export_cellpy_files(self, path=None, **kwargs): """Export all cellpy-files to a given path. Remarks: This method can only export to local folders (OtherPath objects are not formally supported, but might still work if the path is local). Args: path (str, pathlib.Path): path to export to (default: current working directory) """ if path is None: path = "." errors = [] path = pathlib.Path(path) cell_names = self.cell_names for cell_name in cell_names: cellpy_file_name = self.journal.pages.loc[ cell_name, hdr_journal.cellpy_file_name ] cellpy_file_name = path / pathlib.Path(cellpy_file_name).name print(f"Exporting {cell_name} to {cellpy_file_name}") try: c =[cell_name] except TypeError as e: errors.append(f"could not extract data for {cell_name} - linking") self._link_cellpy_file(cell_name), **kwargs) self.errors["export_cellpy_files"] = errors
[docs] def cell_names(self): """Returns a list of cell-names (strings)""" try: return [key for key in self.cell_data_frames] except TypeError: return None
[docs] def status(self): print("\n") print(" STATUS ".center(80, "=")) print(self) print(" summary frames ".center(80, "-")) if self.summary_frames is not None: for key in self.summary_frames: print(f" {{{key}}}") print(" memory dumped ".center(80, "-")) if self.memory_dumped is not None: for key in self.memory_dumped: print(f"{key}: {type(self.memory_dumped[key])}") print(80 * "=")
[docs] def recalc( self, save=True, step_opts=None, summary_opts=None, indexes=None, calc_steps=True, testing=False, ): """Run make_step_table and make_summary on all cells. Args: save (bool): Save updated cellpy-files if True. step_opts (dict): parameters to inject to make_steps. summary_opts (dict): parameters to inject to make_summary. indexes (list): Only recalculate for given indexes (i.e. list of cell-names). calc_steps (bool): Run make_steps before making the summary. testing (bool): Only for testing purposes. Returns: None """ # TODO: option (default) to only recalc if the values (mass, nom_cap,...) have changed errors = [] log = [] if testing: pbar = tqdm( list(self.journal.pages.iloc[0:2, :].iterrows()), file=sys.stdout, leave=False, ) elif indexes is not None: pbar = tqdm( list(self.journal.pages.loc[indexes, :].iterrows()), file=sys.stdout, leave=False, ) else: pbar = tqdm( list(self.journal.pages.iterrows()), file=sys.stdout, leave=False ) for indx, row in pbar: nom_cap = row[hdr_journal.nom_cap] mass = row[hdr_journal.mass] pbar.set_description(indx) try: c =[indx] except TypeError as e: e_txt = ( f"could not extract data for {indx} - have you forgotten to link?" ) errors.append(e_txt) warnings.warn(e_txt) else: if nom_cap: c.set_nom_cap(nom_cap) if mass: c.set_mass(mass) try: if calc_steps: pbar.set_postfix_str(s="steps", refresh=True) if step_opts is not None: c.make_step_table(**step_opts) else: c.make_step_table() pbar.set_postfix_str(s="summary", refresh=True) if summary_opts is not None: c.make_summary(**summary_opts) else: c.make_summary(find_end_voltage=True, find_ir=True) except Exception as e: e_txt = f"recalculating for {indx} failed!" errors.append(e_txt) warnings.warn(e_txt) else: if save: # remark! got a win error when trying to save (hdf5-file in use) (must fix this) pbar.set_postfix_str(s="save", refresh=True) try: log.append(f"saved {indx} to {row.cellpy_file_name}") except Exception as e: e_txt = f"saving {indx} to {row.cellpy_file_name} failed!" errors.append(e_txt) warnings.warn(e_txt) self.errors["recalc"] = errors self.log["recalc"] = log
[docs] class ImpedanceExperiment(BaseExperiment): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] class LifeTimeExperiment(BaseExperiment): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
if __name__ == "__main__": from pathlib import Path import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import as px import cellpy from cellpy.utils import batch, helpers, plotutils
[docs] project_dir = Path("../../../testdata/batch_project")
print(f"{project_dir.resolve()=}") journal = project_dir / "test_project.json" journal = journal.resolve() print(f"{journal=}") assert project_dir.is_dir() assert journal.is_file() os.chdir(project_dir) print(f"cellpy version: {cellpy.__version__}") cellpy.log.setup_logging("INFO") b = batch.from_journal(journal) b.update() print("Ended OK")