Source code for cellpy.readers.instruments.local_instrument

"""This module is used for loading data using the corresponding local
yaml file with definitions on how the data should be loaded. This loader
is based on the ``TxtLoader`` and can only be used to load csv-type files.
As a "short-cut", this loader will be used if you set the ``instrument``
to the name of the instrument file (with the ``.yml`` extension) e.g.
``c = cellpy.get(rawfile, instrument="instrumentfile.yml")``.
The default instrument file is defined in the cellpy configuration file
(available through ``prms.Instruments.custom_instrument_definitions_file``)."""

from cellpy.readers.instruments.base import TxtLoader
from cellpy.readers.instruments.configurations import (

[docs] class DataLoader(TxtLoader): """Class for loading data from txt files."""
[docs] instrument_name = "local_instrument"
[docs] raw_ext = "*"
def __init__(self, instrument_file=None, **kwargs): """ Args: instrument_file: name of the local instrument file. **kwargs: not used. """ self.local_instrument_file = instrument_file super().__init__()
[docs] default_model = None
[docs] supported_models = None
[docs] def pre_init(self): self.auto_register_config = False self.config_params = register_local_configuration_from_yaml_file( self.local_instrument_file )