Source code for cellpy.readers.instruments.configurations.maccor_txt_two

"""Configuration for tab-delimited Maccor txt files with 12 comment rows (used by KIT in the SIMBA project)."""

# currently skips the comment rows instead of parsing them (change this by modifying the formatters
# and add preprocessing step for parsing them)

[docs] unit_labels = { "resistance": "Ohms", "time": "s", "current": "A", "voltage": "V", "power": "W", "capacity": "Ah", "energy": "Wh", "temperature": "C", }
[docs] file_info = {"raw_extension": "txt"}
[docs] normal_headers_renaming_dict = { "data_point_txt": "Rec", "cycle_index_txt": "Cycle C", "step_index_txt": "Step", "test_time_txt": "TestTime", "step_time_txt": "StepTime", "charge_capacity_txt": "Cap. [Ah]", "charge_energy_txt": "Ener. [Wh]", "current_txt": "Current [A]", "voltage_txt": "Voltage [V]", "datetime_txt": "DPT Time", }
[docs] states = { "column_name": "Md", "charge_keys": ["C"], "discharge_keys": ["D"], "rest_keys": ["R"], }
[docs] raw_units = {"current": "A", "charge": "Ah", "mass": "g", "voltage": "V"}
[docs] raw_limits = { "current_hard": 0.000_000_000_000_1, "current_soft": 0.000_01, "stable_current_hard": 2.0, "stable_current_soft": 4.0, "stable_voltage_hard": 2.0, "stable_voltage_soft": 4.0, "stable_charge_hard": 0.001, "stable_charge_soft": 5.0, "ir_change": 0.00001, }
[docs] formatters = { "skiprows": 12, # 12 for other file "sep": "\t", "header": 0, # 0 for other file "encoding": "ISO-8859-1", # options: "ISO-8859-1", "utf-8", "cp1252" "decimal": ",", "thousands": None, }
[docs] pre_processors = { "remove_empty_lines": True, }
[docs] post_processors = { "split_capacity": True, "split_current": True, "set_index": True, "rename_headers": True, "remove_last_if_bad": True, "set_cycle_number_not_zero": True, "convert_date_time_to_datetime": True, }