Source code for cellpy.readers.instruments.arbin_sql_7

"""arbin MS SQL Server data for MITS 7.0"""

import datetime
import logging
import os
import platform
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import warnings
import sqlalchemy
import urllib

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyodbc
from dateutil.parser import parse

from cellpy import prms
from cellpy.parameters.internal_settings import HeaderDict, get_headers_normal
from cellpy.readers.core import (
from cellpy.readers.instruments.base import BaseLoader

# TODO: @muhammad - get more meta data from the SQL db
# TODO: @jepe - update the batch functionality (including filefinder)
# TODO: @muhammad - make routine for "setting up the SQL Server" so that it is accessible and document it

[docs] DEBUG_MODE = prms.Reader.diagnostics # not used
[docs] ALLOW_MULTI_TEST_FILE = prms._allow_multi_test_file # not used
[docs] ODBC = prms._odbc
[docs] SEARCH_FOR_ODBC_DRIVERS = prms._search_for_odbc_driver # not used
[docs] SQL_SERVER = prms.Instruments.Arbin["SQL_server"]
[docs] SQL_UID = prms.Instruments.Arbin["SQL_UID"]
[docs] SQL_PWD = prms.Instruments.Arbin["SQL_PWD"]
[docs] SQL_DRIVER = prms.Instruments.Arbin["SQL_Driver"]
# Names of the tables in the SQL Server db that is used by cellpy # Not used anymore - maybe use a similar dict for the SQL table names (they are hard-coded at the moment)
[docs] TABLE_NAMES = { "normal": "Channel_Normal_Table", "global": "Global_Table", "statistic": "Channel_Statistic_Table", "aux_global": "Aux_Global_Data_Table", "aux": "Auxiliary_Table", }
# Contains several headers not encountered yet in the Arbin SQL Server tables
[docs] summary_headers_renaming_dict = { "test_id_txt": "Test_ID", "data_point_txt": "Data_Point", "vmax_on_cycle_txt": "Vmax_On_Cycle", "charge_time_txt": "Charge_Time", "discharge_time_txt": "Discharge_Time", }
# Contains several headers not encountered yet in the Arbin SQL Server tables
[docs] normal_headers_renaming_dict = { "aci_phase_angle_txt": "ACI_Phase_Angle", "ref_aci_phase_angle_txt": "Reference_ACI_Phase_Angle", "ac_impedance_txt": "AC_Impedance", "ref_ac_impedance_txt": "Reference_AC_Impedance", "charge_capacity_txt": "Charge_Capacity", "charge_energy_txt": "Charge_Energy", "current_txt": "Current", "cycle_index_txt": "Cycle_ID", "data_point_txt": "Data_Point", "datetime_txt": "Date_Time", "discharge_capacity_txt": "Discharge_Capacity", "discharge_energy_txt": "Discharge_Energy", "internal_resistance_txt": "Internal_Resistance", "is_fc_data_txt": "Is_FC_Data", "step_index_txt": "Step_ID", "sub_step_index_txt": "Sub_Step_Index", # new "step_time_txt": "Step_Time", "sub_step_time_txt": "Sub_Step_Time", # new "test_id_txt": "Test_ID", "test_time_txt": "Test_Time", "voltage_txt": "Voltage", "ref_voltage_txt": "Reference_Voltage", # new "dv_dt_txt": "dV/dt", "frequency_txt": "Frequency", # new "amplitude_txt": "Amplitude", # new "channel_id_txt": "Channel_ID", # new Arbin SQL Server "data_flag_txt": "Data_Flags", # new Arbin SQL Server "test_name_txt": "Test_Name", # new Arbin SQL Server }
# Arbin SQL Server table headers (for both data df and stats df) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Test_ID # Channel_ID # Date_Time # Data_Point # Test_Time # Step_Time # Cycle_ID # Step_ID # Current # Voltage # Charge_Capacity # Discharge_Capacity # Charge_Energy # Discharge_Energy # Data_Flags # Test_Name # (all these headers are now implemented in the internal_settings
[docs] def from_arbin_to_datetime(n): if isinstance(n, int): n = str(n) ms_component = n[-7:] date_time_component = n[:-7] temp = f"{date_time_component}.{ms_component}" datetime_object = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(temp)) time_in_str = datetime_object.strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f") return time_in_str
[docs] class DataLoader(BaseLoader): """Class for loading arbin-data from MS SQL server."""
[docs] name = "arbin_sql_7"
_is_db = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """initiates the ArbinSQLLoader class""" self.arbin_headers_normal = ( get_headers_normal() ) # the column headers defined by Arbin self.cellpy_headers_normal = ( get_headers_normal() ) # the column headers defined by cellpy self.arbin_headers_global = self.get_headers_global() self.arbin_headers_aux_global = self.get_headers_aux_global() self.arbin_headers_aux = self.get_headers_aux() self.current_chunk = 0 # use this to set chunks to load self.server = SQL_SERVER @staticmethod
[docs] def get_headers_normal(): """Defines the so-called normal column headings for Arbin SQL Server""" # covered by cellpy at the moment return get_headers_normal()
[docs] def get_headers_aux(): """Defines the so-called auxiliary table column headings for Arbin SQL Server""" # not in use (yet) headers = HeaderDict() # - aux column headings (specific for Arbin) headers["test_id_txt"] = "Test_ID" headers["data_point_txt"] = "Data_Point" headers["aux_index_txt"] = "Auxiliary_Index" headers["data_type_txt"] = "Data_Type" headers["x_value_txt"] = "X" headers["x_dt_value"] = "dX_dt" return headers
[docs] def get_headers_aux_global(): """Defines the so-called auxiliary global column headings for Arbin SQL Server""" # not in use yet headers = HeaderDict() # - aux global column headings (specific for Arbin) headers["channel_index_txt"] = "Channel_Index" headers["aux_index_txt"] = "Auxiliary_Index" headers["data_type_txt"] = "Data_Type" headers["aux_name_txt"] = "Nickname" headers["aux_unit_txt"] = "Unit" return headers
[docs] def get_headers_global(): """Defines the so-called global column headings for Arbin SQL Server""" # not in use yet headers = HeaderDict() # - global column headings (specific for Arbin) headers["applications_path_txt"] = "Applications_Path" headers["channel_index_txt"] = "Channel_Index" headers["channel_number_txt"] = "Channel_Number" headers["channel_type_txt"] = "Channel_Type" headers["comments_txt"] = "Comments" headers["creator_txt"] = "Creator" headers["daq_index_txt"] = "DAQ_Index" headers["item_id_txt"] = "Item_ID" headers["log_aux_data_flag_txt"] = "Log_Aux_Data_Flag" headers["log_chanstat_data_flag_txt"] = "Log_ChanStat_Data_Flag" headers["log_event_data_flag_txt"] = "Log_Event_Data_Flag" headers["log_smart_battery_data_flag_txt"] = "Log_Smart_Battery_Data_Flag" headers["mapped_aux_conc_cnumber_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Conc_CNumber" headers["mapped_aux_di_cnumber_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_DI_CNumber" headers["mapped_aux_do_cnumber_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_DO_CNumber" headers["mapped_aux_flow_rate_cnumber_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Flow_Rate_CNumber" headers["mapped_aux_ph_number_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_PH_Number" headers["mapped_aux_pressure_number_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Pressure_Number" headers["mapped_aux_temperature_number_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Temperature_Number" headers["mapped_aux_voltage_number_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Voltage_Number" headers[ "schedule_file_name_txt" ] = "Schedule_File_Name" # KEEP FOR CELLPY FILE FORMAT headers["start_datetime_txt"] = "Start_DateTime" headers["test_id_txt"] = "Test_ID" # KEEP FOR CELLPY FILE FORMAT headers["test_name_txt"] = "Test_Name" # KEEP FOR CELLPY FILE FORMAT return headers
[docs] def get_raw_units(): raw_units = dict() raw_units["current"] = "A" raw_units["charge"] = "Ah" raw_units["mass"] = "g" raw_units["voltage"] = "V" return raw_units
[docs] def get_raw_limits(): """returns a dictionary with resolution limits""" raw_limits = dict() raw_limits["current_hard"] = 0.000_000_000_000_1 raw_limits["current_soft"] = 0.000_01 raw_limits["stable_current_hard"] = 2.0 raw_limits["stable_current_soft"] = 4.0 raw_limits["stable_voltage_hard"] = 2.0 raw_limits["stable_voltage_soft"] = 4.0 raw_limits["stable_charge_hard"] = 0.001 raw_limits["stable_charge_soft"] = 5.0 raw_limits["ir_change"] = 0.00001 return raw_limits
[docs] def loader(self, name, **kwargs): """returns a Data object with loaded data. Loads data from arbin SQL server db. Args: name (str): name of the test Returns: new_tests (list of data objects) """ warnings.warn( "This loader is under development and might be missing some features." ) # new_tests = [] # chonmj: seems to be broken at the moment. cellreader assumes a # datatype "loader", not a list. removing the list for now. # jepegit: Correct, this is no longer supported. data_df, meta_data = self._query_sql() aux_data_df = None # Needs to be implemented # init data # selecting only one value (might implement id selection later) test_id = meta_data["Test_ID"].iloc[0] id_name = f"{SQL_SERVER}:{}:{test_id}" channel_id = meta_data["IV_Ch_ID"][0] data = Data() data.loaded_from = id_name data.channel_index = channel_id data.test_ID = test_id data.test_name = # The following metadata is not implemented yet for SQL loader: data.channel_number = None data.item_ID = None # Implemented metadata: data.schedule_file_name = meta_data["Schedule_File_Name"][0] # TODO: convert to datetime: data.start_datetime = meta_data["First_Start_DateTime"][0] data.creator = meta_data["Creator"][0] # Generating a FileID project: self.generate_fid() data.raw_data_files.append(self.fid) data.raw = data_df data.raw_data_files_length.append(len(data_df)) data = self._post_process(data) # TODO: implement this: # data = self.identify_last_data_point(data) return data
def _post_process(self, data, **kwargs): # TODO: move this to parent logging.debug(f"{kwargs=}") fix_datetime = kwargs.pop("fix_datetime", True) set_index = kwargs.pop("set_index", True) rename_headers = kwargs.pop("rename_headers", True) extract_start_datetime = kwargs.pop("extract_start_datetime", True) # TODO: insert post-processing and div tests here # - check dtypes # Remark that we also set index during saving the file to hdf5 if # it is not set. from pprint import pprint if rename_headers: logging.debug("rename headers: True") columns = {} for key in self.arbin_headers_normal: old_header = normal_headers_renaming_dict.get(key, None) new_header = self.cellpy_headers_normal[key] if old_header: columns[old_header] = new_header logging.debug( f"processing cellpy normal header key '{key}':" f" old_header='{old_header}' -> new_header='{new_header}'" ) logging.debug(f"renaming dict: {columns}") data.raw.rename(index=str, columns=columns, inplace=True) try: columns = {} for key, old_header in summary_headers_renaming_dict.items(): try: columns[old_header] = self.cellpy_headers_normal[key] except KeyError: columns[old_header] = old_header.lower() data.summary.rename(index=str, columns=columns, inplace=True) except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"Could not rename summary df ::\n{e}") if fix_datetime: logging.debug("fix date_time: true") h_datetime = self.cellpy_headers_normal.datetime_txt logging.debug("converting to datetime format") data.raw[h_datetime] = data.raw[h_datetime].apply(from_arbin_to_datetime) h_datetime = h_datetime if h_datetime in data.summary: data.summary[h_datetime] = data.summary[h_datetime].apply( from_arbin_to_datetime ) # if set_index: # hdr_data_point = self.cellpy_headers_normal.data_point_txt # if != hdr_data_point: # data.raw = data.raw.set_index(hdr_data_point, drop=False) if extract_start_datetime: hdr_date_time = self.arbin_headers_normal.datetime_txt data.start_datetime = parse("20" + data.raw[hdr_date_time].iat[0][:-7]) return data def _query_sql(self): # TODO: refactor and include optional SQL arguments name = name_str = f"('{name}', '')" # prepare engine params = urllib.parse.quote_plus( f"DRIVER={SQL_DRIVER};" f"SERVER={SQL_SERVER};" f"DATABASE=ArbinMasterData;" f"UID={SQL_UID};" f"PWD={SQL_PWD}" ) # Create engine to SQL server using SQLAlchemy (mssql+pyodbc) con_url = "mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={}".format(params) engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(con_url) # Initial query to obtain metadata info on cell with 'name' master_q = ( "SELECT ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestIVChList_Table.*, " "ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestList_Table.* FROM " "ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestIVChList_Table " "JOIN ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestList_Table " "ON ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestIVChList_Table.Test_ID = " "ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_ID " f"WHERE ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_Name IN {name_str}" ) with engine.connect() as connection: meta_data = pd.read_sql(master_q, connection) # drop duplicate columns meta_data = meta_data.loc[:, ~meta_data.columns.duplicated()].copy() # query data datas_df = [] for index, row in meta_data.iterrows(): # TODO: use variables - see above # TODO: consider to use f-strings # MITS 7 organizes raw channel data by Channel_ID and Date_Time, so the # data query requires that we filter by these tables from the events table. # Also, Date_Time is 7 orders higher than standard datetime, hence the additional # zeroes in the query. data_query = ( "SELECT " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + f".dbo.Channel_RawData_Table.* " "FROM " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.Channel_RawData_Table " " WHERE " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.Channel_RawData_Table.Channel_ID = " + str(row["IV_Ch_ID"]) + " AND " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.Channel_RawData_Table.Date_Time >= " + str(row["First_Start_DateTime"]) + str("0000000") + " AND " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.Channel_RawData_Table.Date_Time <= " + str(row["Last_End_DateTime"]) + str("0000000") ) with engine.connect() as connection: raw_df = pd.read_sql(data_query, connection) # sort dataframe via pivot table: datas_df.append( raw_df.pivot( index="Date_Time", columns="Data_Type", values="Data_Value" ).reset_index() ) # convert column headers to strings datas_df[index].columns = datas_df[index].columns.astype(str) # TODO: rename columns # 21: PV_Voltage # 22: PV_Current # 23: PV_Charge_Capacity # 24: PV_Discharge_Capacity # 25: PV_Charge_Energy # 26: PV_Discharge_Energy # 27: PV_dVdt # 30: PV_InternalResistance # Full column key found in 'SQL Table IDs.txt' file. data_df = pd.concat(datas_df, axis=0) return data_df, meta_data
def _check_sql_loader(server: str = None, tests: list = None): test_name = tuple(tests) + ("",) # neat trick :-) print(f"** test str: {test_name}") con_str = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" + server + ";Trusted_Connection=yes;" master_q = ( "SELECT Database_Name, Test_Name FROM " "ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestList_Table WHERE " f"ArbinMasterData.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_Name IN {test_name}" ) conn = pyodbc.connect(con_str) print("** connected to server") sql_query = pd.read_sql_query(master_q, conn) print("** SQL query:") print(sql_query) for index, row in sql_query.iterrows(): # Muhammad, why is it a loop here? print(f"** index: {index}") print(f"** row: {row}") data_query = ( "SELECT " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.IV_Basic_Table.*, ArbinPro8MasterInfo.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_Name " "FROM " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.IV_Basic_Table " "JOIN ArbinPro8MasterInfo.dbo.TestList_Table " "ON " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.IV_Basic_Table.Test_ID = ArbinPro8MasterInfo.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_ID " "WHERE ArbinPro8MasterInfo.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_Name IN " + str(test_name) ) stat_query = ( "SELECT " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.StatisticData_Table.*, ArbinPro8MasterInfo.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_Name " "FROM " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.StatisticData_Table " "JOIN ArbinPro8MasterInfo.dbo.TestList_Table " "ON " + str(row["Database_Name"]) + ".dbo.StatisticData_Table.Test_ID = ArbinPro8MasterInfo.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_ID " "WHERE ArbinPro8MasterInfo.dbo.TestList_Table.Test_Name IN " + str(test_name) ) print(f"** data query: {data_query}") print(f"** stat query: {stat_query}") # if looping, maybe these should be concatenated? data_df = pd.read_sql_query(data_query, conn) stat_df = pd.read_sql_query(stat_query, conn) return data_df, stat_df def _check_query(): import pathlib name = ["20201106_HC03B1W_1_cc_01"] dd, ds = check_sql_loader(SQL_SERVER, name) out = pathlib.Path(r"C:\scripts\notebooks\Div") dd.to_clipboard() input("x") ds.to_clipboard() def _check_loader(): print(" Testing connection to arbin sql server ".center(80, "-")) sql_loader = DataLoader() name = "20201106_HC03B1W_1_cc_01" cell = sql_loader.loader(name) return cell def _check_loader_from_outside(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from cellpy import cellreader name = "20200820_CoFBAT_slurry07B_01_cc_01" c = cellreader.CellpyData() c.set_instrument("arbin_sql") # print(c) c.from_raw(name) # print(c) c.make_step_table() c.make_summary() # print(c) raw = c.cell.raw steps = c.cell.steps summary = c.cell.summary raw.to_csv(r"C:\scripting\trash\raw.csv", sep=";") steps.to_csv(r"C:\scripting\trash\steps.csv", sep=";") summary.to_csv(r"C:\scripting\trash\summary.csv", sep=";") n = c.get_number_of_cycles() print(f"number of cycles: {n}") cycle = c.get_cap(1, method="forth") print(cycle.head()) cycle.plot(x="capacity", y="voltage") def _check_get(): import cellpy name = "20200820_CoFBAT_slurry07B_01_cc_01" c = cellpy.get(name, instrument="arbin_sql") print(c) if __name__ == "__main__": # test_query() # cell = test_loader() _check_get()