Source code for cellpy.readers.instruments.arbin_res

"""arbin res-type data files"""

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa

from cellpy import prms
from cellpy.exceptions import NullData
from cellpy.parameters.internal_settings import HeaderDict, get_headers_normal
from cellpy.readers.core import (
from cellpy.readers.instruments.base import MINIMUM_SELECTION, BaseLoader

# TODO: use InstrumentSettings (dataclass) from internal_settings instead of HeaderDict.

[docs] DEBUG_MODE = prms.Reader.diagnostics
# Select odbc module
[docs] ODBC = prms._odbc
[docs] SEARCH_FOR_ODBC_DRIVERS = prms._search_for_odbc_driver
_use_subprocess = prms.Instruments.Arbin.use_subprocess _detect_subprocess_need = prms.Instruments.Arbin.detect_subprocess_need _is_posix = False _is_macos = False if == "posix": _is_posix = True
[docs] current_platform = platform.system()
if current_platform == "Darwin": _is_macos = True if DEBUG_MODE: logging.debug("DEBUG_MODE") logging.debug(f"ODBC: {ODBC}") logging.debug(f"SEARCH_FOR_ODBC_DRIVERS: {SEARCH_FOR_ODBC_DRIVERS}") logging.debug(f"use_subprocess: {_use_subprocess}") logging.debug(f"detect_subprocess_need: {_detect_subprocess_need}") logging.debug(f"current_platform: {current_platform}") if _detect_subprocess_need: logging.debug("detect_subprocess_need is True: checking versions") python_version, os_version = platform.architecture() if python_version == "64bit" and prms.Instruments.Arbin.office_version == "32bit": logging.debug( "python 64bit and office 32bit -> " "setting use_subprocess to True" ) _use_subprocess = True if _use_subprocess and not _is_posix: # The Windows users most likely have a strange custom path to mdbtools etc. logging.debug( "using subprocess (most likely mdbtools) on non-posix (most likely windows)" ) if not prms.Instruments.Arbin.sub_process_path: _sub_process_path = str(prms.sub_process_path) else: _sub_process_path = str(prms.Instruments.Arbin.sub_process_path) if _is_posix: _sub_process_path = "mdb-export" try:
[docs] driver_dll = prms.Instruments.Arbin.odbc_driver
except AttributeError: driver_dll = None if ODBC == "pyodbc": try: import pyodbc as dbloader except ImportError: warnings.warn("COULD NOT LOAD DBLOADER!", ImportWarning)
[docs] dbloader = None
elif ODBC == "pypyodbc": try: import pypyodbc as dbloader except ImportError: warnings.warn("COULD NOT LOAD DBLOADER!", ImportWarning) dbloader = None if DEBUG_MODE: logging.debug(f"dbloader: {dbloader}") # Names of the tables in the .res db that is used by cellpy
[docs] TABLE_NAMES = { "normal": "Channel_Normal_Table", "global": "Global_Table", "statistic": "Channel_Statistic_Table", "aux_global": "Aux_Global_Data_Table", "aux": "Auxiliary_Table", }
[docs] SUMMARY_HEADERS_RENAMING_DICT = { "test_id_txt": "Test_ID", "data_point_txt": "Data_Point", "vmax_on_cycle_txt": "Vmax_On_Cycle", "charge_time_txt": "Charge_Time", "discharge_time_txt": "Discharge_Time", }
[docs] NORMAL_HEADERS_RENAMING_DICT = { "aci_phase_angle_txt": "ACI_Phase_Angle", "ref_aci_phase_angle_txt": "Reference_ACI_Phase_Angle", "ac_impedance_txt": "AC_Impedance", "ref_ac_impedance_txt": "Reference_AC_Impedance", "charge_capacity_txt": "Charge_Capacity", "charge_energy_txt": "Charge_Energy", "current_txt": "Current", "cycle_index_txt": "Cycle_Index", "data_point_txt": "Data_Point", "datetime_txt": "DateTime", "discharge_capacity_txt": "Discharge_Capacity", "discharge_energy_txt": "Discharge_Energy", "internal_resistance_txt": "Internal_Resistance", "is_fc_data_txt": "Is_FC_Data", "step_index_txt": "Step_Index", "sub_step_index_txt": "Sub_Step_Index", # new "step_time_txt": "Step_Time", "sub_step_time_txt": "Sub_Step_Time", # new "test_id_txt": "Test_ID", "test_time_txt": "Test_Time", "voltage_txt": "Voltage", "ref_voltage_txt": "Reference_Voltage", # new "dv_dt_txt": "dV/dt", "frequency_txt": "Frequency", # new "amplitude_txt": "Amplitude", # new }
[docs] class DataLoader(BaseLoader): """Class for loading arbin-data from res-files. Parameters from configuration (`prms.Instruments.Arbin`):: - max_res_filesize: break if file size exceeds this limit. - chunk_size: size of chunks to load. - max_chunks: max number of chunks to load. - use_subprocess: use mdbtools or not. - detect_subprocess_need: detect if mdbtools is needed. - sub_process_path: path to mdbtools (or similar). - office_version: version of office (32 or 64 bit). """
[docs] instrument_name = "arbin_res"
[docs] raw_ext = "res"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # could use __init__(self, cellpydata_object) and # set self.logger = cellpydata_object.logger etc. # then remember to include that as prm in "out of class" functions # self.prms = prms self.raw_ext = "res" self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # use the following prm to limit to loading only # one cycle or from cycle>x to cycle<x+n # prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles = [cycle from, cycle to] self.arbin_headers_normal = ( self.get_headers_normal() ) # the column headers defined by Arbin self.cellpy_headers_normal = ( get_headers_normal() ) # the column headers defined by cellpy self.arbin_headers_global = self.get_headers_global() self.arbin_headers_aux_global = self.get_headers_aux_global() self.arbin_headers_aux = self.get_headers_aux() self.current_chunk = 0 # use this to set chunks to load @staticmethod
[docs] def get_raw_units(): raw_units = dict() raw_units["current"] = "A" raw_units["charge"] = "Ah" raw_units["mass"] = "g" raw_units["voltage"] = "V" return raw_units
[docs] def get_headers_normal(): """Defines the so-called normal column headings for Arbin .res-files""" headers = HeaderDict() # - normal (raw-data) column headings (specific for Arbin) headers["aci_phase_angle_txt"] = "ACI_Phase_Angle" headers["ref_aci_phase_angle_txt"] = "Reference_ACI_Phase_Angle" headers["ac_impedance_txt"] = "AC_Impedance" headers["ref_ac_impedance_txt"] = "Reference_AC_Impedance" # new headers["charge_capacity_txt"] = "Charge_Capacity" headers["charge_energy_txt"] = "Charge_Energy" headers["current_txt"] = "Current" headers["cycle_index_txt"] = "Cycle_Index" headers["data_point_txt"] = "Data_Point" headers["datetime_txt"] = "DateTime" headers["discharge_capacity_txt"] = "Discharge_Capacity" headers["discharge_energy_txt"] = "Discharge_Energy" headers["internal_resistance_txt"] = "Internal_Resistance" headers["is_fc_data_txt"] = "Is_FC_Data" headers["step_index_txt"] = "Step_Index" headers["sub_step_index_txt"] = "Sub_Step_Index" # new headers["step_time_txt"] = "Step_Time" headers["sub_step_time_txt"] = "Sub_Step_Time" # new headers["test_id_txt"] = "Test_ID" headers["test_time_txt"] = "Test_Time" headers["voltage_txt"] = "Voltage" headers["ref_voltage_txt"] = "Reference_Voltage" # new headers["dv_dt_txt"] = "dV/dt" headers["frequency_txt"] = "Frequency" # new headers["amplitude_txt"] = "Amplitude" # new return headers
[docs] def get_headers_aux(): """Defines the so-called auxiliary table column headings for Arbin .res-files""" headers = HeaderDict() # - aux column headings (specific for Arbin) headers["test_id_txt"] = "Test_ID" headers["data_point_txt"] = "Data_Point" headers["aux_index_txt"] = "Auxiliary_Index" headers["data_type_txt"] = "Data_Type" headers["x_value_txt"] = "X" headers["x_dt_value"] = "dX_dt" return headers
[docs] def get_headers_aux_global(): """Defines the so-called auxiliary global column headings for Arbin .res-files""" headers = HeaderDict() # - aux global column headings (specific for Arbin) headers["channel_index_txt"] = "Channel_Index" headers["aux_index_txt"] = "Auxiliary_Index" headers["data_type_txt"] = "Data_Type" headers["aux_name_txt"] = "Nickname" headers["aux_unit_txt"] = "Unit" return headers
[docs] def get_headers_global(): """Defines the so-called global column headings for Arbin .res-files""" headers = HeaderDict() # - global column headings (specific for Arbin) headers["applications_path_txt"] = "Applications_Path" headers["channel_index_txt"] = "Channel_Index" headers["channel_number_txt"] = "Channel_Number" headers["channel_type_txt"] = "Channel_Type" headers["comments_txt"] = "Comments" headers["creator_txt"] = "Creator" headers["daq_index_txt"] = "DAQ_Index" headers["item_id_txt"] = "Item_ID" headers["log_aux_data_flag_txt"] = "Log_Aux_Data_Flag" headers["log_chanstat_data_flag_txt"] = "Log_ChanStat_Data_Flag" headers["log_event_data_flag_txt"] = "Log_Event_Data_Flag" headers["log_smart_battery_data_flag_txt"] = "Log_Smart_Battery_Data_Flag" headers["mapped_aux_conc_cnumber_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Conc_CNumber" headers["mapped_aux_di_cnumber_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_DI_CNumber" headers["mapped_aux_do_cnumber_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_DO_CNumber" headers["mapped_aux_flow_rate_cnumber_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Flow_Rate_CNumber" headers["mapped_aux_ph_number_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_PH_Number" headers["mapped_aux_pressure_number_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Pressure_Number" headers["mapped_aux_temperature_number_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Temperature_Number" headers["mapped_aux_voltage_number_txt"] = "Mapped_Aux_Voltage_Number" headers["schedule_file_name_txt"] = ( "Schedule_File_Name" # KEEP FOR CELLPY FILE FORMAT ) headers["start_datetime_txt"] = "Start_DateTime" headers["test_id_txt"] = "Test_ID" # KEEP FOR CELLPY FILE FORMAT headers["test_name_txt"] = "Test_Name" # KEEP FOR CELLPY FILE FORMAT return headers
[docs] def get_raw_limits(): raw_limits = dict() raw_limits["current_hard"] = 0.000_000_000_000_1 raw_limits["current_soft"] = 0.000_01 raw_limits["stable_current_hard"] = 2.0 raw_limits["stable_current_soft"] = 4.0 raw_limits["stable_voltage_hard"] = 2.0 raw_limits["stable_voltage_soft"] = 4.0 raw_limits["stable_charge_hard"] = 0.001 raw_limits["stable_charge_soft"] = 5.0 raw_limits["ir_change"] = 0.00001 return raw_limits
def _get_res_connector(self, temp_filename): """Returns a connection to the .res-file""" if dbloader is None: txt = f"{ODBC=}\n" txt += f"{SEARCH_FOR_ODBC_DRIVERS=}\n" txt += f"use_subprocess: {_use_subprocess}" txt += f"{_detect_subprocess_need=}\n" txt += f"{current_platform=}\n" raise ValueError( f"Something went seriously wrong." f"dbloader is None.\n{txt}" ) if SEARCH_FOR_ODBC_DRIVERS: logging.debug("Searching for odbc drivers") try: drivers = [ driver for driver in dbloader.drivers() if "Microsoft Access Driver" in driver ] logging.debug(f"Found these: {drivers}") driver = drivers[0] except AttributeError as e: print("ODBC drivers not found.") except IndexError as e: logging.debug("Unfortunately, it seems the list of drivers is emtpy.") logging.debug("Use driver-name from config (if existing).") driver = driver_dll if _is_macos: driver = "/usr/local/lib/libmdbodbc.dylib" else: if not driver: print( "\nCould not find any odbc-drivers suitable " "for .res-type files. " "Check out the homepage of pydobc for info on " "installing drivers" ) print( "One solution that might work is downloading " "the Microsoft Access database engine (in correct" " bytes (32 or 64)) " "from:\n" "" "details.aspx?id=13255" ) print( "Or install mdbtools and set it up " "(check the cellpy docs for help)" ) print("\n") else: logging.debug("Using driver dll from config file") logging.debug(f"driver dll: {driver}") self.logger.debug(f"odbc constr: {driver}") else: is64bit_python = check64bit(current_system="python") if is64bit_python: driver = "{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}" else: driver = "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" self.logger.debug(f"odbc constr: {driver}") constr = f"Driver={driver};Dbq={temp_filename};ExtendedAnsiSQL=1;" logging.debug(f"constr: {constr}") return constr def _get_connection_or_engine(self, temp_filename): # updated to use sqlalchemy - needs sqlalchemy-access constr = self._get_res_connector(temp_filename) self.logger.debug(f"constr str: {constr}") connection_url = sa.engine.URL.create( "access+pyodbc", query={"odbc_connect": constr} ) engine = sa.create_engine(connection_url) return engine def _clean_up_loadres(self, cur, conn, filename): if cur is not None: cur.close() # adodbapi if conn is not None: conn.close() # adodbapi if os.path.isfile(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except WindowsError as e: self.logger.warning("could not remove tmp-file\n%s %s" % (filename, e)) def _post_process(self, data): fix_datetime = True set_index = True rename_headers = True # TODO: insert post-processing and div tests here # - check dtypes # Remark that we also set index during saving the file to hdf5 if # it is not set. if rename_headers: columns = {} for key in self.arbin_headers_normal: old_header = NORMAL_HEADERS_RENAMING_DICT[key] new_header = self.cellpy_headers_normal[key] columns[old_header] = new_header data.raw.rename(index=str, columns=columns, inplace=True) try: # TODO: check if summary df is existing (to only check if it is # empty will give an error later!) columns = {} for key, old_header in SUMMARY_HEADERS_RENAMING_DICT.items(): try: columns[old_header] = self.cellpy_headers_normal[key] except KeyError: columns[old_header] = old_header.lower() data.summary.rename(index=str, columns=columns, inplace=True) except Exception as e: txt = ( f"Exception raised ({e})\n" f"key: {key} old_header: {old_header}" f"cellpy headers normal type {type(self.cellpy_headers_normal)}" ) raise Exception(txt) if fix_datetime: h_datetime = self.cellpy_headers_normal.datetime_txt logging.debug("converting to datetime format") # print(data.raw.columns) data.raw[h_datetime] = data.raw[h_datetime].apply( xldate_as_datetime, option="to_datetime" ) h_datetime = h_datetime if h_datetime in data.summary: data.summary[h_datetime] = data.summary[h_datetime].apply( xldate_as_datetime, option="to_datetime" ) if set_index: hdr_data_point = self.cellpy_headers_normal.data_point_txt if != hdr_data_point: data.raw = data.raw.set_index(hdr_data_point, drop=False) return data def _inspect(self, run_data): """Inspect the file -> reports to log (debug)""" if not any([DEBUG_MODE]): return run_data if DEBUG_MODE: new_cols = run_data.raw.columns for col in self.arbin_headers_normal: if col not in new_cols: logging.debug(f"Missing col: {col}") # data.raw[col] = np.nan return run_data
[docs] def repair(self, file_name): """try to repair a broken/corrupted file""" raise NotImplemented
def _query_table(self, table_name, conn, sql=None): from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text self.logger.debug(f"reading {table_name}") if sql is None: sql = f"select * from {table_name}" self.logger.debug(f"sql statement: {sql}") df = pd.read_sql_query(sql=sa.text(sql), con=conn.connect()) return df def _make_name_from_frame(self, df, aux_index, data_type, dx_dt=False): df_names = df.loc[ (df[self.arbin_headers_aux_global.aux_index_txt] == aux_index) & (df[self.arbin_headers_aux_global.data_type_txt] == data_type), :, ] unit = df_names[self.arbin_headers_aux_global.aux_unit_txt].values[0] nick = ( df_names[self.arbin_headers_aux_global.aux_name_txt].values[0] or aux_index ) if dx_dt: name = f"aux_d_{nick}_dt_u_d{unit}_dt" else: name = f"aux_{nick}_u_{unit}" return name def _loader_win( self, file_name, temp_filename, *args, bad_steps=None, dataset_number=None, data_points=None, **kwargs, ): conn = None table_name_global = TABLE_NAMES["global"] table_name_aux_global = TABLE_NAMES["aux_global"] table_name_aux = TABLE_NAMES["aux"] table_name_normal = TABLE_NAMES["normal"] if DEBUG_MODE: time_0 = time.time() conn = self._get_connection_or_engine(temp_filename) self.logger.debug("reading global data table") global_data_df = self._query_table(table_name=table_name_global, conn=conn) tests = global_data_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.test_id_txt] number_of_sets = len(tests) self.logger.debug(f"number of datasets: {number_of_sets}") if dataset_number is not None:"Dataset number given: {dataset_number}")"Available dataset numbers: {tests}") # check if dataset_number is valid # else: dataset_number = None data = self._init_data(file_name, global_data_df, dataset_number) self.logger.debug("reading raw-data") test_id = data._internal_test_number # --------- read stats-data (summary-data) --------------------- # --------- read raw-data (normal-data) ------------------------ length_of_test, normal_df = self._load_res_normal_table( conn, test_id, bad_steps, data_points ) # --------- read auxiliary data (aux-data) --------------------- normal_df = self._load_win_res_auxiliary_table( conn, normal_df, table_name_aux, table_name_aux_global, test_id ) # FIX: error in order by since datetime is not accurate enough (also need sorting on test-time) # sorting dataframe: normal_df = normal_df.sort_values( by=[ self.arbin_headers_normal.datetime_txt, self.arbin_headers_normal.test_time_txt, ], ascending=True, ) # TODO 216: add order by on test_time as well in sql query summary_df = self._load_res_summary_table(conn, test_id) if summary_df.empty and prms.Reader.use_cellpy_stat_file: txt = "\nCould not find any summary (stats-file)!" txt += "\n -> issue make_summary(use_cellpy_stat_file=False)" logging.debug(txt) # TODO: Enforce creating a summary df or modify renaming summary df (post process part) # normal_df = normal_df.set_index("Data_Point") data.summary = summary_df if DEBUG_MODE: mem_usage = normal_df.memory_usage() logging.debug( f"memory usage for " f"loaded data: \n{mem_usage}" f"\ntotal: {humanize_bytes(mem_usage.sum())}" ) logging.debug(f"time used: {(time.time() - time_0):2.4f} s") data.raw = normal_df data.raw_data_files_length.append(length_of_test) return data def _load_win_res_auxiliary_table( self, conn, normal_df, table_name_aux, table_name_aux_global, test_id ): aux_global_data_df = self._query_table(table_name_aux_global, conn) if not aux_global_data_df.empty: aux_df = self._get_aux_df(conn, test_id, table_name_aux) aux_df, aux_global_data_df = self._aux_to_wide(aux_df, aux_global_data_df) aux_df = self._rename_aux_cols(aux_df, aux_global_data_df) if not aux_df.empty: normal_df = self._join_aux_to_normal(aux_df, normal_df) return normal_df def _load_posix_res_auxiliary_table(self, aux_global_data_df, aux_df, normal_df): if not aux_global_data_df.empty: aux_df, aux_global_data_df = self._aux_to_wide(aux_df, aux_global_data_df) aux_df = self._rename_aux_cols(aux_df, aux_global_data_df) if not aux_df.empty: normal_df = self._join_aux_to_normal(aux_df, normal_df) return normal_df def _join_aux_to_normal(self, aux_df, normal_df): # TODO: clean up setting index (Data_Point). This is currently done in _post_process after # the column names are changed to cellpy-column names ("data_point"). # It also keeps a copy of the "data_point" # column. And is that really necessary. normal_df.set_index(self.arbin_headers_normal.data_point_txt, inplace=True) normal_df = normal_df.join(aux_df, how="left") normal_df.reset_index(inplace=True) return normal_df def _rename_aux_cols(self, aux_df, aux_global_data_df): aux_dfs = [] if self.arbin_headers_aux.x_value_txt in aux_df.columns: aux_df_x = aux_df[self.arbin_headers_aux.x_value_txt].copy() aux_df_x.columns = [ self._make_name_from_frame(aux_global_data_df, z[1], z[0]) for z in aux_df_x.columns ] aux_dfs.append(aux_df_x) if self.arbin_headers_aux.x_dt_value in aux_df.columns: aux_df_dx_dt = aux_df[self.arbin_headers_aux.x_dt_value].copy() aux_df_dx_dt.columns = [ self._make_name_from_frame(aux_global_data_df, z[1], z[0], True) for z in aux_df_dx_dt.columns ] aux_dfs.append(aux_df_dx_dt) aux_df = pd.concat(aux_dfs, axis=1) return aux_df def _aux_to_wide(self, aux_df, aux_global_data_df): aux_df = aux_df.drop(self.arbin_headers_aux.test_id_txt, axis=1) keys = [ self.arbin_headers_aux.data_point_txt, self.arbin_headers_aux.aux_index_txt, self.arbin_headers_aux.data_type_txt, ] aux_df = aux_df.set_index(keys=keys) aux_df = aux_df.unstack(2).unstack(1).dropna(axis=1) aux_global_data_df = aux_global_data_df.fillna(0) return aux_df, aux_global_data_df def _get_aux_df(self, conn, test_id, table_name_aux): columns_txt = "*" test_numbers = "(" + ",".join([str(tn) for tn in test_id]) + ")" sql_1 = "select %s " % columns_txt sql_2 = "from %s " % table_name_aux sql_3 = f"where {self.arbin_headers_normal.test_id_txt} in {test_numbers}" sql_4 = "" sql_aux = sql_1 + sql_2 + sql_3 + sql_4 aux_df = self._query_table(table_name_aux, conn, sql=sql_aux) return aux_df def _loader_posix( self, file_name, temp_filename, temp_dir, *args, bad_steps=None, dataset_number=None, data_points=None, **kwargs, ): # TODO: auxiliary channels (table) table_name_global = TABLE_NAMES["global"] table_name_stats = TABLE_NAMES["statistic"] table_name_normal = TABLE_NAMES["normal"] table_name_aux_global = TABLE_NAMES["aux_global"] table_name_aux = TABLE_NAMES["aux"] if _is_posix: if _is_macos: self.logger.debug("\nMAC OSX USING MDBTOOLS") else: self.logger.debug("\nPOSIX USING MDBTOOLS") else: self.logger.debug("\nWINDOWS USING MDBTOOLS-WIN") if DEBUG_MODE: time_0 = time.time() ( tmp_name_global, tmp_name_raw, tmp_name_stats, tmp_name_aux_global, tmp_name_aux, ) = self._create_tmp_files( table_name_global, table_name_normal, table_name_stats, table_name_aux_global, table_name_aux, temp_dir, temp_filename, ) # use pandas to load in the data global_data_df = pd.read_csv(tmp_name_global) tests = global_data_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.test_id_txt] number_of_sets = len(tests) self.logger.debug("number of datasets: %i" % number_of_sets) if dataset_number is not None:"Dataset number given: {dataset_number}")"Available dataset numbers: {tests}") else: dataset_number = None data = self._init_data(file_name, global_data_df, dataset_number) self.logger.debug("reading raw-data") ( length_of_test, normal_df, summary_df, aux_global_data_df, aux_df, ) = self._load_from_tmp_files( data, tmp_name_global, tmp_name_raw, tmp_name_stats, tmp_name_aux_global, tmp_name_aux, temp_filename, bad_steps, data_points, ) # --------- read auxiliary data (aux-data) --------------------- normal_df = self._load_posix_res_auxiliary_table( aux_global_data_df, aux_df, normal_df ) if summary_df.empty and prms.Reader.use_cellpy_stat_file: txt = "\nCould not find any summary (stats-file)!" txt += "\n -> issue make_summary(use_cellpy_stat_file=False)" logging.debug(txt) # normal_df = normal_df.set_index("Data_Point") data.summary = summary_df if DEBUG_MODE: mem_usage = normal_df.memory_usage() logging.debug( f"memory usage for " f"loaded data: \n{mem_usage}" f"\ntotal: {humanize_bytes(mem_usage.sum())}" ) logging.debug(f"time used: {(time.time() - time_0):2.4f} s") data.raw = normal_df data.raw_data_files_length.append(length_of_test) return data def _check_size(self): file_size = os.path.getsize(self.temp_file_path) hfilesize = humanize_bytes(file_size) txt = f"File size: {file_size} ({hfilesize})" self.logger.debug(txt) if file_size > prms.Instruments.Arbin.max_res_filesize: error_message = "\nERROR (loader):\n" error_message += ( f"{hfilesize} > {humanize_bytes(prms.Instruments.Arbin.max_res_filesize)} " f"- File is too big!\n" ) error_message += "(edit prms.Instruments.Arbin ['max_res_filesize'])\n" logging.critical(error_message) return False return True
[docs] def loader( self, name, *args, bad_steps=None, dataset_number=None, data_points=None, increment_cycle_index=True, **kwargs, ): """Loads data from arbin .res files. Args: name (str): path to .res file. bad_steps (list of tuples): (c, s) tuples of steps s (in cycle c) to skip loading. dataset_number (int): the data set number ('Test-ID') to select if you are dealing with arbin files with more than one data-set. Defaults to selecting all data-sets and merging them. data_points (tuple of ints): load only data from data_point[0] to data_point[1] (use None for infinite). increment_cycle_index (bool): increment the cycle index if merging several datasets (default True). Returns: new data (Data) """ # TODO: @jepe - insert kwargs - current chunk, only normal data, etc if dataset_number is not None:"Dataset number given: {dataset_number}") merge = False else: merge = True try: not_too_big = self._check_size() if not not_too_big: return None except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(f"could not get file size: {e}") use_mdbtools = False if _use_subprocess: use_mdbtools = True if _is_posix: use_mdbtools = True if use_mdbtools: new_data = self._loader_posix(, self.temp_file_path, self.temp_file_path.parent, *args, bad_steps=bad_steps, dataset_number=dataset_number, data_points=data_points, **kwargs, ) else: new_data = self._loader_win(, self.temp_file_path, *args, bad_steps=bad_steps, dataset_number=dataset_number, data_points=data_points, **kwargs, ) new_data = self._post_process(new_data) if merge: new_data = self._merge( new_data, increment_cycle_index=increment_cycle_index ) new_data = self.identify_last_data_point(new_data) new_data = self._inspect(new_data) return new_data
def _merge(self, data, increment_cycle_index=True): """Merge data from different data-sets (Test-ID) into one data-set.""" test_ids = data._internal_test_number if len(test_ids) == 1: logging.debug("Only one data-set - no need to merge") return data if data.raw.empty: raise ValueError("No data to merge") logging.debug("Merging data (only the normal/raw data)") grouped = data.raw.groupby(self.cellpy_headers_normal.test_id_txt) groups = [] last_data_point = 0 last_test_time = 0.0 last_cycle_index = 0 for test_id, df in grouped: last = df.iloc[-1] df[self.cellpy_headers_normal.data_point_txt] += last_data_point df[self.cellpy_headers_normal.test_time_txt] += last_test_time if increment_cycle_index: df[self.cellpy_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt] += last_cycle_index last_data_point = last[self.cellpy_headers_normal.data_point_txt] last_test_time = last[self.cellpy_headers_normal.test_time_txt] last_cycle_index = last[self.cellpy_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt] groups.append(df) data.raw = pd.concat(groups, ignore_index=True) return data @staticmethod def _create_tmp_files( table_name_global, table_name_normal, table_name_stats, table_name_aux_global, table_name_aux, temp_dir, temp_filename, ): import subprocess # creating tmp-filenames temp_csv_filename_global = os.path.join(temp_dir, "global_tmp.csv") temp_csv_filename_normal = os.path.join(temp_dir, "normal_tmp.csv") temp_csv_filename_stats = os.path.join(temp_dir, "stats_tmp.csv") temp_csv_filename_aux_global = os.path.join(temp_dir, "aux_global_tmp.csv") temp_csv_filename_aux = os.path.join(temp_dir, "aux_tmp.csv") # making the cmds mdb_prms = [ (table_name_global, temp_csv_filename_global), (table_name_normal, temp_csv_filename_normal), (table_name_stats, temp_csv_filename_stats), (table_name_aux_global, temp_csv_filename_aux_global), (table_name_aux, temp_csv_filename_aux), ] # executing cmds for table_name, tmp_file in mdb_prms: with open(tmp_file, "w") as f: try: [_sub_process_path, temp_filename, table_name], stdout=f ) logging.debug(f"ran mdb-export {str(f)} {table_name}") except FileNotFoundError as e: logging.critical( f"Could not run {_sub_process_path} on {temp_filename}" ) logging.critical(f"Possible work-around: install mdbtools") raise e return ( temp_csv_filename_global, temp_csv_filename_normal, temp_csv_filename_stats, temp_csv_filename_aux_global, temp_csv_filename_aux, ) def _load_from_tmp_files( self, data, temp_csv_filename_global, temp_csv_filename_normal, temp_csv_filename_stats, temp_csv_filename_aux_global, temp_csv_filename_aux, temp_filename, bad_steps, data_points, ): """ if bad_steps is not None: if not isinstance(bad_steps, (list, tuple)): bad_steps = [bad_steps] for bad_cycle, bad_step in bad_steps: self.logger.debug(f"bad_step def: [c={bad_cycle}, s={bad_step}]") sql_4 += "AND NOT (%s=%i " % ( self.headers_normal.cycle_index_txt, bad_cycle, ) sql_4 += "AND %s=%i) " % (self.headers_normal.step_index_txt, bad_step) """ # should include a more efficient to load the csv (maybe a loop where # we load only chunks and only keep the parts that fulfill the # filters (e.g. bad_steps, data_points,...) normal_df = pd.read_csv(temp_csv_filename_normal) # filter on test ID if data._internal_test_number is not None: normal_df = normal_df[ normal_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.test_id_txt].isin( data._internal_test_number ) ] # sort on data point if prms._sort_if_subprocess: normal_df = normal_df.sort_values(self.arbin_headers_normal.data_point_txt) if bad_steps is not None: logging.debug("removing bad steps") if not isinstance(bad_steps, (list, tuple)): bad_steps = [bad_steps] if not isinstance(bad_steps[0], (list, tuple)): bad_steps = [bad_steps] for bad_cycle, bad_step in bad_steps: self.logger.debug(f"bad_step def: [c={bad_cycle}, s={bad_step}]") selector = ( normal_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt] == bad_cycle ) & (normal_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.step_index_txt] == bad_step) normal_df = normal_df.loc[~selector, :] if prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles: logging.debug("Not yet tested for aux data") if len(prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles) > 1: c1, c2 = prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles selector = ( normal_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt] > c1 ) & (normal_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt] < c2) else: c1 = prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles[0] selector = normal_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt] == c1 normal_df = normal_df.loc[selector, :] if data_points is not None: logging.debug("selecting data-point range") logging.debug("Not yet tested for aux data") d1, d2 = data_points if d1 is not None: selector = normal_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.data_point_txt] >= d1 normal_df = normal_df.loc[selector, :] if d2 is not None: selector = normal_df[self.arbin_headers_normal.data_point_txt] <= d2 normal_df = normal_df.loc[selector, :] length_of_test = normal_df.shape[0] summary_df = pd.read_csv(temp_csv_filename_stats) aux_global_df = pd.read_csv(temp_csv_filename_aux_global) aux_df = pd.read_csv(temp_csv_filename_aux) # clean up for f in [ temp_filename, temp_csv_filename_stats, temp_csv_filename_normal, temp_csv_filename_global, temp_csv_filename_aux_global, temp_csv_filename_aux, ]: if os.path.isfile(f): try: os.remove(f) except WindowsError as e: logging.warning(f"could not remove tmp-file\n{f} {e}") return length_of_test, normal_df, summary_df, aux_global_df, aux_df def _init_data(self, file_name, global_data_df, test_no=None): data = Data() data.loaded_from = file_name self.generate_fid() # name of the .res file it is loaded from: # data.parent_filename = os.path.basename(file_name) if test_no is None: selected_global_data_df = global_data_df data._internal_test_number = selected_global_data_df[ self.arbin_headers_global.test_id_txt ].values else: if not isinstance(test_no, (tuple, list)): test_no = [test_no] selector = global_data_df[self.arbin_headers_global.test_id_txt].isin( test_no ) selected_global_data_df = global_data_df.loc[selector, :] if selected_global_data_df.empty: raise NoDataFound(f"Could not find any test with test-ID(s) {test_no}") data._internal_test_number = test_no # only picking the first entry (assuming only one cell pr file and channel) data.channel_index = int( selected_global_data_df[self.arbin_headers_global.channel_index_txt].values[ 0 ] ) data.creator = selected_global_data_df[ self.arbin_headers_global.creator_txt ].values[0] data.test_ID = global_data_df[self.arbin_headers_global.item_id_txt].values[0] data.schedule_file_name = selected_global_data_df[ self.arbin_headers_global.schedule_file_name_txt ].values[0] # TODO: convert to datetime: data.start_datetime = selected_global_data_df[ self.arbin_headers_global.start_datetime_txt ].values[0] data.test_name = selected_global_data_df[ self.arbin_headers_global.test_name_txt ].values[0] data.raw_data_files.append(self.fid) return data def _normal_table_generator(self, **kwargs): pass def _load_res_summary_table(self, conn, test_ids): table_name_stats = TABLE_NAMES["statistic"] test_numbers = "(" + ",".join([str(tn) for tn in test_ids]) + ")" sql = ( f"select * from {table_name_stats} " f"where {self.arbin_headers_normal.test_id_txt} in {test_numbers} " f"order by {self.arbin_headers_normal.test_id_txt}, {self.arbin_headers_normal.data_point_txt}" ) summary_df = self._query_table(table_name_stats, conn, sql=sql) return summary_df def _load_res_normal_table(self, conn, test_ids, bad_steps, data_points): self.logger.debug("starting loading raw-data") self.logger.debug(f"connection: {conn} internal test-ID: {test_ids}") self.logger.debug(f"bad steps: {bad_steps}") table_name_normal = TABLE_NAMES["normal"] if prms.Reader.select_minimal: # SETTING columns = MINIMUM_SELECTION columns_txt = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(columns)) % tuple(columns) else: columns_txt = "*" sql_1 = f"select {columns_txt} " sql_2 = f"from {table_name_normal} " test_numbers = "(" + ",".join([str(tn) for tn in test_ids]) + ")" sql_3 = f"where {self.arbin_headers_normal.test_id_txt} in {test_numbers}" sql_4 = " " if bad_steps is not None: if not isinstance(bad_steps, (list, tuple)): bad_steps = [bad_steps] if not isinstance(bad_steps[0], (list, tuple)): bad_steps = [bad_steps] for bad_cycle, bad_step in bad_steps: self.logger.debug(f"bad_step def: [c={bad_cycle}, s={bad_step}]") sql_4 += ( f"AND NOT ({self.arbin_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt}={bad_cycle} " ) sql_4 += f"AND {self.arbin_headers_normal.step_index_txt}={bad_step}) " if prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles: if len(prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles) > 1: sql_4 += "AND %s>%i " % ( self.arbin_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt, prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles[0], ) sql_4 += "AND %s<%i " % ( self.arbin_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt, prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles[-1], ) else: sql_4 = "AND %s=%i " % ( self.arbin_headers_normal.cycle_index_txt, prms.Reader.limit_loaded_cycles[0], ) if data_points is not None: d1, d2 = data_points if d1 is not None: sql_4 += "AND %s>=%i " % (self.arbin_headers_normal.data_point_txt, d1) if d2 is not None: sql_4 += "AND %s<=%i " % (self.arbin_headers_normal.data_point_txt, d2) sql_5 = f"order by {self.arbin_headers_normal.datetime_txt}" sql = sql_1 + sql_2 + sql_3 + sql_4 + sql_5 self.logger.debug("INFO ABOUT LOAD RES NORMAL") self.logger.debug("sql statement: %s" % sql) if DEBUG_MODE: current_memory_usage = sys.getsizeof(self) self.logger.debug(f"current memory usage: {current_memory_usage}") if not prms.Instruments.Arbin.chunk_size: self.logger.debug("no chunk-size given") # memory here normal_df = pd.read_sql_query(sql=sa.text(sql), con=conn.connect()) # memory here length_of_test = normal_df.shape[0] else: self.logger.debug(f"chunk-size: {prms.Instruments.Arbin.chunk_size}") self.logger.debug("creating a pd.read_sql_query generator") normal_df_reader = pd.read_sql_query( sql=sa.text(sql), con=conn.connect(), chunksize=prms.Instruments.Arbin.chunk_size, ) normal_df = None chunk_number = 0 self.logger.debug("created pandas sql reader") self.logger.debug("iterating chunk-wise") for i, chunk in enumerate(normal_df_reader): self.logger.debug(f"iteration number {i}") if prms.Instruments.Arbin.max_chunks: self.logger.debug( f"max number of chunks mode " f"({prms.Instruments.Arbin.max_chunks})" ) if chunk_number < prms.Instruments.Arbin.max_chunks: normal_df = pd.concat([normal_df, chunk], ignore_index=True) self.logger.debug( f"chunk {i} of {prms.Instruments.Arbin.max_chunks}" ) else: break else: try: normal_df = pd.concat([normal_df, chunk], ignore_index=True) self.logger.debug("concatenated new chunk") except MemoryError: self.logger.error( " - Could not read complete file (MemoryError)." ) self.logger.error( f"Last successfully loaded chunk " f"number: {chunk_number}" ) self.logger.error( f"Chunk size: {prms.Instruments.Arbin.chunk_size}" ) break chunk_number += 1 length_of_test = normal_df.shape[0] self.logger.debug(f"finished iterating (#rows: {length_of_test})") self.logger.debug(f"loaded to normal_df (length = {length_of_test})") self.logger.debug(f"Headers:\n{normal_df.columns}") if normal_df is None: default_headers = [v for v in self.arbin_headers_normal.values()] normal_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=default_headers) return length_of_test, normal_df
def _check_loader_aux(): from pathlib import Path from cellpy import log log.setup_logging(default_level="CRITICAL") p = Path(r"C:\scripts\cellpy_dev_resources\2020_jinpeng_aux_temperature") f1 = p / "BIT_LFP5p12s_Pack02_CAP_Cyc200_T25_Nov23.res" f2 = p / "BIT_LFP50_12S1P_SOP_0_97_T5_cyc200_3500W_20191231.res" f3 = p / "TJP_LR1865SZ_OCV_19_Cyc150_T25_201105.res" n = DataLoader().loader(f1) print(n[0].raw.tail()) def _check_loader_empty_normal(): from cellpy import log log.setup_logging(default_level="CRITICAL") a = DataLoader() cols = a.arbin_headers_normal df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols.values()) print(df) print(df.empty) def _check_multi(): import pathlib import cellpy f = r"C:\scripting\cellpy_dev_resources\dev_data\arbin_multi\20230531_NG27_02_cc_01.res" out = r"C:\scripting\cellpy_dev_resources\dev_data\arbin_multi\20230531_NG27_02_cc_01.xlsx" p = pathlib.Path(f) c = cellpy.get(p) c.to_excel(out, raw=True) def _noodle(): import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame( { "a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "b": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "c": [1, 1, 1, 1, 2], } ) print(df) df2 = df[df["c"].isin([1])] print(" new ".center(80, "-")) print(df2) if __name__ == "__main__": print(" arbin-res-py ".center(80, "=")) _noodle() print(" finished ".center(80, "="))