Source code for cellpy.utils.batch_tools.batch_plotters

import functools
import importlib
import itertools
import logging
import sys
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from cellpy import prms
from cellpy.exceptions import UnderDefined
from cellpy.parameters.internal_settings import get_headers_journal, get_headers_summary
from cellpy.utils.batch_tools.batch_core import BasePlotter
from cellpy.utils.batch_tools.batch_experiments import CyclingExperiment

[docs] plotly_available = importlib.util.find_spec("plotly") is not None
[docs] bokeh_available = importlib.util.find_spec("bokeh") is not None
[docs] seaborn_available = importlib.util.find_spec("seaborn") is not None
[docs] available_plotting_backends = ["matplotlib"]
if bokeh_available: available_plotting_backends.append("bokeh") import bokeh if plotly_available: import as px import plotly import as pio import plotly.graph_objects as go available_plotting_backends.append("plotly") if seaborn_available: import seaborn as sns available_plotting_backends.append("seaborn")
[docs] hdr_journal = get_headers_journal()
[docs] hdr_summary = get_headers_summary()
[docs] def create_legend(info, c, option="clean", use_index=False): """creating more informative legends""" logging.debug(" - creating legends") mass, loading, label = info.loc[ c, [hdr_journal["mass"], hdr_journal["loading"], hdr_journal["label"]] ] if use_index or not label: label = c.split("_") label = "_".join(label[1:]) if option == "clean": logging.debug(f"label: {label}") return label if option == "mass": label = f"{label} ({mass:.2f} mg)" elif option == "loading": label = f"{label} ({loading:.2f} mg/cm2)" elif option == "all": label = f"{label} ({mass:.2f} mg) ({loading:.2f} mg/cm2)" logging.debug(f"advanced label: {label}") return label
[docs] def look_up_group(info, c): logging.debug(" - looking up groups") g, sg = info.loc[c, [hdr_journal["group"], hdr_journal["sub_group"]]] return int(g), int(sg)
[docs] def create_plot_option_dicts( info, marker_types=None, colors=None, line_dash=None, size=None, palette=None ): """Create two dictionaries with plot-options. The first iterates colors (based on group-number), the second iterates through marker types. Returns: group_styles (dict), sub_group_styles (dict) """ logging.debug(" - creating plot-options-dict (for bokeh)") if palette is None: try: # palette = bokeh.palettes.brewer['YlGnBu'] palette = bokeh.palettes.d3["Category20"] # palette = bokeh.palettes.brewer[prms.Batch.bokeh_palette'] except (NameError, AttributeError) as e:"could not create the palette {e}") palette = { 1: ["k"], 3: ["k", "r"], 4: ["k", "r", "b"], 5: ["k", "r", "b", "g"], 6: ["k", "r", "b", "g", "c"], 7: ["k", "r", "b", "g", "c", "m"], 8: ["k", "r", "b", "g", "c", "m", "y"], } max_palette_row = max(palette.keys()) if marker_types is None: marker_types = [ "circle", "square", "triangle", "inverted_triangle", "diamond", "asterisk", "cross", ] if line_dash is None: line_dash = [0, 0] if size is None: size = 10 groups = info[].unique() number_of_groups = len(groups) if colors is None: if number_of_groups < 4: colors = palette[3] else: colors = palette[min(max_palette_row, number_of_groups)] sub_groups = info[hdr_journal.sub_group].unique() marker_it = itertools.cycle(marker_types) colors_it = itertools.cycle(colors) group_styles = dict() sub_group_styles = dict() for j in groups: color = next(colors_it) marker_options = {"line_color": color, "fill_color": color} line_options = {"line_color": color} group_styles[j] = {"marker": marker_options, "line": line_options} for j in sub_groups: marker_type = next(marker_it) marker_options = {"marker": marker_type, "size": size} line_options = {"line_dash": line_dash} sub_group_styles[j] = {"marker": marker_options, "line": line_options} return group_styles, sub_group_styles
[docs] def create_summary_plot_bokeh( data, info, group_styles, sub_group_styles, label=None, title="Capacity", x_axis_label="Cycle number", y_axis_label="Capacity (mAh/g)", width=900, height=400, legend_option="clean", legend_location="bottom_right", x_range=None, y_range=None, tools=None, ): # TODO: include max cycle (bokeh struggles when there is to much to plot) # could also consider interpolating # or defaulting to datashader for large files. warnings.warn( "This utility function is not maintained anymore.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) if "bokeh" not in available_plotting_backends: raise ImportError("bokeh not available") if tools is None: tools = "pan,box_zoom,reset,save" logging.debug(f" - creating summary (bokeh) plot for {label}") discharge_capacity = None if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): charge_capacity = data[0] if len(data) == 2: discharge_capacity = data[1] else: charge_capacity = data figure_kwargs = dict( title=title, width=width, height=height, tools=tools, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, ) if x_range is not None: figure_kwargs["x_range"] = x_range if y_range is not None: figure_kwargs["y_range"] = y_range p = bokeh.plotting.figure(**figure_kwargs) sub_cols_charge = None sub_cols_discharge = None legend_collection = [] if isinstance(charge_capacity.columns, pd.MultiIndex): cols = charge_capacity.columns.get_level_values(1) sub_cols_charge = charge_capacity.columns.get_level_values(0).unique() charge_capacity.columns = [ f"{col[0]}_{col[1]}" for col in charge_capacity.columns.values ] if discharge_capacity is not None: sub_cols_discharge = discharge_capacity.columns.get_level_values(0).unique() discharge_capacity.columns = [ f"{col[0]}_{col[1]}" for col in discharge_capacity.columns.values ] else: cols = charge_capacity.columns logging.debug("iterate cols") for cc in cols: g, sg = look_up_group(info, cc) legend_items = [] l = create_legend(info, cc, option=legend_option) group_props = group_styles[g] sub_group_props = sub_group_styles[sg] logging.debug(f"subgroups {sub_group_props}") if sub_cols_charge is not None: c = f"{sub_cols_charge[0]}_{cc}" r = f"{sub_cols_charge[1]}_{cc}" if c not in charge_capacity.columns: charge_capacity[c] = np.nan if r not in charge_capacity.columns: charge_capacity[r] = np.nan selector = [c, r] charge_capacity_sub = charge_capacity.loc[:, selector] charge_capacity_sub.columns = [c, "rate"] charge_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(charge_capacity_sub) else: c = cc if c not in charge_capacity.columns: charge_capacity[c] = np.nan charge_capacity_sub = charge_capacity.loc[:, [c]] charge_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(charge_capacity_sub) logging.debug(f"starting creating scatter") ch_m = p.scatter( source=charge_source, x=hdr_summary.cycle_index, y=c, # **legend_option_dict, # Remark! cannot use the same legend name as # column name (defaults to a lookup) **group_props["marker"], # color **sub_group_props["marker"], # marker ) logging.debug(f"starting creating line") ch_l = p.line( source=charge_source, x=hdr_summary.cycle_index, y=c, **group_props["line"], **sub_group_props["line"], ) legend_items.extend([ch_m, ch_l]) logging.debug(f"fixing discharge cap") if discharge_capacity is not None: # creating a local copy so that I can do local changes group_props_marker_charge = group_props["marker"].copy() group_props_marker_charge["fill_color"] = None if sub_cols_discharge is not None: c = f"{sub_cols_discharge[0]}_{cc}" r = f"{sub_cols_discharge[1]}_{cc}" if c not in charge_capacity.columns: charge_capacity[c] = np.nan if r not in charge_capacity.columns: charge_capacity[r] = np.nan discharge_capacity_sub = discharge_capacity.loc[:, [c, r]] discharge_capacity_sub.columns = [c, "rate"] discharge_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(discharge_capacity_sub) else: c = cc if c not in charge_capacity.columns: charge_capacity[c] = np.nan discharge_capacity_sub = discharge_capacity.loc[:, [c]] discharge_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(discharge_capacity_sub) dch_m = p.scatter( source=discharge_source, x=hdr_summary.cycle_index, y=c, **group_props_marker_charge, **sub_group_props["marker"], ) dch_l = p.line( source=discharge_source, x=hdr_summary.cycle_index, y=c, **group_props["line"], **sub_group_props["line"], ) legend_items.extend([dch_m, dch_l]) legend_collection.append((l, legend_items)) logging.debug("exiting summary plotter") return p, legend_collection
[docs] def plot_cycle_life_summary_bokeh( info, summaries, width=900, height=800, height_fractions=None, legend_option="all", add_rate=True, **kwargs, ): if "bokeh" not in available_plotting_backends: raise ImportError("bokeh not available") if height_fractions is None: height_fractions = [0.3, 0.4, 0.3] logging.debug(f" * stacking and plotting") logging.debug(f" backend: {prms.Batch.backend}") logging.debug(f" received kwargs: {kwargs}") idx = pd.IndexSlice all_legend_items = [] warnings.warn( "This utility function might be removed shortly", category=DeprecationWarning ) if add_rate: try: discharge_capacity = summaries.loc[ :, idx[ [ hdr_summary["discharge_capacity_gravimetric"], hdr_summary["discharge_c_rate"], ], :, ], ] except AttributeError: warnings.warn( "No discharge rate columns available - consider re-creating summary!" ) discharge_capacity = summaries[ hdr_summary["discharge_capacity_gravimetric"] ] try: charge_capacity = summaries.loc[ :, idx[ [ hdr_summary["charge_capacity_gravimetric"], hdr_summary["charge_c_rate"], ], :, ], ] except AttributeError: warnings.warn( "No charge rate columns available - consider re-creating summary!" ) charge_capacity = summaries[hdr_summary["charge_capacity_gravimetric"]] try: coulombic_efficiency = summaries.loc[ :, idx[[hdr_summary.coulombic_efficiency, hdr_summary.charge_c_rate], :] ] except AttributeError: warnings.warn( "No charge rate columns available - consider re-creating summary!" ) coulombic_efficiency = summaries.coulombic_efficiency if hdr_summary.ir_charge in summaries.columns: try: ir_charge = summaries.loc[ :, idx[[hdr_summary.ir_charge, hdr_summary.charge_c_rate], :] ] except AttributeError: warnings.warn( "No charge rate columns available - consider re-creating summary!" ) ir_charge = summaries.ir_charge else: ir_charge = pd.DataFrame() else: discharge_capacity = summaries[hdr_summary["discharge_capacity_gravimetric"]] charge_capacity = summaries[hdr_summary["charge_capacity_gravimetric"]] coulombic_efficiency = summaries[hdr_summary["coulombic_efficiency"]] ir_charge = summaries[hdr_summary["ir_charge"]] h_eff = int(height_fractions[0] * height) h_cap = int(height_fractions[1] * height) h_ir = int(height_fractions[2] * height) group_styles, sub_group_styles = create_plot_option_dicts(info) p_eff, legends_eff = create_summary_plot_bokeh( coulombic_efficiency, info, group_styles, sub_group_styles, label="c.e.", legend_option=legend_option, title="", x_axis_label="", y_axis_label="Coulombic efficiency (%)", width=width, height=h_eff, ) all_legend_items.extend(legends_eff) if not ir_charge.empty: cap_x_axis = None else: cap_x_axis = "Cycle number" p_cap, legends_cap = create_summary_plot_bokeh( (charge_capacity, discharge_capacity), info, group_styles, sub_group_styles, legend_option=legend_option, label="charge and discharge cap.", title="", x_axis_label=cap_x_axis, height=h_cap, width=width, x_range=p_eff.x_range, ) all_legend_items.extend(legends_cap) if not ir_charge.empty: p_ir, legends_ir = create_summary_plot_bokeh( ir_charge, info, group_styles, sub_group_styles, label="ir charge", legend_option=legend_option, title="", x_axis_label="Cycle number", y_axis_label="IR Charge (Ohm)", width=width, height=h_ir, x_range=p_eff.x_range, ) all_legend_items.extend(legends_ir) p_eff.y_range.start, p_eff.y_range.end = 20, 120 p_eff.xaxis.visible = False if not ir_charge.empty: p_cap.xaxis.visible = False tooltips = [("cycle", f"@{hdr_summary.cycle_index}"), ("value", "$y{0.}")] if add_rate: tooltips.append(("rate", "@rate{0.000}")) hover = bokeh.models.HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) p_eff.add_tools(hover) p_cap.add_tools(hover) if not ir_charge.empty: p_ir.add_tools(hover) renderer_list = p_eff.renderers + p_cap.renderers if not ir_charge.empty: renderer_list += p_ir.renderers legend_items_dict = defaultdict(list) for label, r in all_legend_items: legend_items_dict[label].extend(r) legend_items = [] renderer_list = [] for legend in legend_items_dict: legend_items.append( bokeh.models.LegendItem(label=legend, renderers=legend_items_dict[legend]) ) renderer_list.extend(legend_items_dict[legend]) legend_title = "Legends" legend_figure_kwargs = dict( outline_line_alpha=0, toolbar_location=None, width_policy="min", min_width=300, title=legend_title, ) frame_width = 350 if bokeh.__version__.split(".") >= ["3", "0", "0"]: legend_figure_kwargs["frame_width"] = frame_width legend_figure_kwargs["frame_height"] = height # legend_figure_kwargs["sizing_mode"] = "stretch_width" else: legend_figure_kwargs["plot_width"] = frame_width legend_figure_kwargs["plot_height"] = height # legend_figure_kwargs["sizing_mode"] = "scale_width" dummy_figure_for_legend = bokeh.plotting.figure(**legend_figure_kwargs) # set the components of the figure invisible for fig_component in [ dummy_figure_for_legend.grid[0], dummy_figure_for_legend.ygrid[0], dummy_figure_for_legend.xaxis[0], dummy_figure_for_legend.yaxis[0], ]: fig_component.visible = False dummy_figure_for_legend.renderers += renderer_list # set the figure range outside the range of all # glyphs (assuming that negative cycle numbers never happen) dummy_figure_for_legend.x_range.start, dummy_figure_for_legend.x_range.end = ( -10, -9, ) dummy_figure_for_legend.add_layout( bokeh.models.Legend( click_policy="hide", location="top_left", border_line_alpha=0, items=legend_items, ) ) dummy_figure_for_legend.title.align = "center" grid_layout = [p_eff, p_cap] if not ir_charge.empty: grid_layout.append(p_ir) fig_grid = bokeh.layouts.gridplot(grid_layout, ncols=1, sizing_mode="stretch_width") info_text = "(filled:charge) (open:discharge)" if not ir_charge.empty: p_ir.add_layout(bokeh.models.Title(text=info_text, align="right"), "below") else: p_cap.add_layout(bokeh.models.Title(text=info_text, align="right"), "below") final_figure = bokeh.layouts.row( children=[fig_grid, dummy_figure_for_legend], sizing_mode="stretch_width" ) return
[docs] def plot_cycle_life_summary_matplotlib( info, summaries, width=900, height=800, height_fractions=None, legend_option="all", **kwargs, ): warnings.warn( "This utility function is not maintained anymore", category=DeprecationWarning, ) logging.debug(f" * stacking and plotting") logging.debug(f" backend: {prms.Batch.backend}") logging.debug(f" received kwargs: {kwargs}") # Not used (yet?) - requires a more advanced generation of sub-plots if height_fractions is None: height_fractions = [0.3, 0.4, 0.3] # print(" running matplotlib plotter ".center(80,"=")) # convert from bokeh to matplotlib - figsize - inch-ish width /= 80 height /= 120 discharge_capacity = summaries[hdr_summary["discharge_capacity_gravimetric"]] charge_capacity = summaries[hdr_summary["charge_capacity_gravimetric"]] coulombic_efficiency = summaries.coulombic_efficiency try: ir_charge = summaries.ir_charge except AttributeError: logging.debug("the data is missing ir charge") ir_charge = None plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, 10) marker_types = [ "o", "s", "v", "^", "<", ">", "8", "p", "P", "*", "h", "H", "+", "x", "X", "D", "d", ".", ",", ] marker_size = kwargs.pop("marker_size", None) group_styles, sub_group_styles = create_plot_option_dicts( info, marker_types=marker_types, size=marker_size ) if ir_charge is None: canvas, (ax_ce, ax_cap) = plt.subplots( 2, 1, figsize=(width, height), sharex=True, gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": height_fractions[:-1]}, ) else: canvas, (ax_ce, ax_cap, ax_ir) = plt.subplots( 3, 1, figsize=(width, height), sharex=True, gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": height_fractions}, ) for label in charge_capacity.columns.get_level_values(0): name = create_legend(info, label, option=legend_option) g, sg = look_up_group(info, label) group_style = group_styles[g] sub_group_style = sub_group_styles[sg] marker = sub_group_style["marker"] line = group_style["line"] c = line["line_color"] m = marker["marker"] f = "white" try: ax_cap.plot( charge_capacity[label], label=name, color=c, marker=m, markerfacecolor=c ) except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"Could not plot charge capacity for {label} ({e})") try: ax_cap.plot( discharge_capacity[label], label=name, color=c, marker=m, markerfacecolor=f, ) except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"Could not plot discharge capacity for {label} ({e})") ax_ce.plot( coulombic_efficiency[label], label=name, color=c, marker=m, markerfacecolor=c, ) if ir_charge is not None: try: ax_ir.plot( ir_charge[label], color=c, label=name, marker=m, markerfacecolor=c ) except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"Could not plot IR for {label} ({e})") ax_all = [ax_cap, ax_ce] ax_ce.set_ylabel("Coulombic\nEfficiency (%)") ax_ce.set_ylim((0, 110)) ax_cap.set_ylabel("Capacity\n(mAh/g)") if ir_charge is not None: ax_ir.set_ylabel("IR\n(charge)") ax_ir.set_xlabel("Cycle") ax_all.append(ax_ir) else: ax_cap.set_xlabel("Cycle") for ax in ax_all: box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.6, box.height]) # Put a legend to the right of the current axis legend = ax_cap.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) legend.get_frame().set_facecolor("none") legend.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) return canvas
[docs] def summary_plotting_engine(**kwargs): """creates plots of summary data.""" experiments = kwargs.pop("experiments") farms = kwargs.pop("farms") barn = None backend = prms.Batch.backend logging.debug(f"Using {prms.Batch.backend} for plotting summaries") if backend not in available_plotting_backends: warnings.warn(f"The back-end {backend} is not available.") warnings.warn(f"Available back-ends are: {available_plotting_backends}") warnings.warn("Consider installing the missing back-end.") return farms, barn if backend in ["bokeh", "matplotlib"]: farms = _preparing_data_and_plotting_legacy( experiments=experiments, farms=farms, **kwargs ) elif backend in ["plotly", "seaborn"]: for experiment in experiments: if not isinstance(experiment, CyclingExperiment): logging.debug(f"skipping {experiment} - not a CyclingExperiment") logging.debug(f"({type(experiment)})") continue canvas = generate_summary_plots( experiment=experiment, farms=farms, **kwargs ) farms.append(canvas) if backend == "plotly": return farms, barn
[docs] def generate_summary_plots(experiment, **kwargs): pages = experiment.journal.pages backend = prms.Batch.backend plotters = { "plotly": plot_cycle_life_summary_plotly, "seaborn": plot_cycle_life_summary_seaborn, } try: summaries = generate_summary_frame_for_plotting(pages, experiment) except KeyError as e:"could not process the summaries ({e})") return try: canvas = plotters[backend](summaries, **kwargs) except Exception as e:"could not generate summary plots ({e})") return return canvas
[docs] def generate_summary_frame_for_plotting(pages, experiment, **kwargs): trim_pages = kwargs.pop("trim_pages", False) keys = [ for df in experiment.memory_dumped["summary_engine"]] summaries = pd.concat(experiment.memory_dumped["summary_engine"], keys=keys, axis=1) summaries = summaries.reset_index() summaries.columns.names = ["variable", "cell"] hdr_cycle = hdr_summary["cycle_index"] hdr_charge = hdr_summary["charge_capacity_gravimetric"] hdr_discharge = hdr_summary["discharge_capacity_gravimetric"] hdr_ce = hdr_summary["coulombic_efficiency"] hdr_ir_charge = hdr_summary["ir_charge"] hdr_ir_discharge = hdr_summary["ir_discharge"] hdr_charge_rate = hdr_summary["charge_c_rate"] hdr_discharge_rate = hdr_summary["discharge_c_rate"] _required_summaries = [hdr_cycle, hdr_ce, hdr_charge, hdr_discharge] _optional_summaries = [ hdr_ir_charge, hdr_ir_discharge, hdr_charge_rate, hdr_discharge_rate, ] for _optional_summary in _optional_summaries: if _optional_summary in summaries.columns: _required_summaries.append(_optional_summary) summaries = summaries.loc[:, _required_summaries] id_var = summaries.columns[0] summaries = summaries.melt( id_vars=[id_var], # prior to pandas 2.2.0, the following line was used # id_vars=[hdr_cycle], ) # due to pandas 2.2.0 change, the following line is needed: summaries = summaries.rename(columns={id_var: hdr_cycle}) pages = pages.copy() = "cell" pages = pages.reset_index() if trim_pages: try: pages = pages.loc[ :, [ "cell", "mass", "total_mass", "loading", "nom_cap", "area", "label", "cell_type", "instrument", "group", "sub_group", ], ] except KeyError as e: logging.debug(f"could not trim pages ({e})") try: summaries = summaries.merge(pages, on="cell") except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"could not merge summaries and pages ({e})") return summaries
# plotly helpers def _plotly_remove_markers(trace): trace.update(marker=None, mode="lines") return trace def _plotly_legend_replacer(trace, df, group_legends=True): name = parts = name.split(",") if len(parts) == 2: group = int(parts[0]) subgroup = int(parts[1]) else: print( "Have not implemented replacing legend labels that are not on the form a,b yet." ) print(f"legend label: {name}") return trace cell_label = df.loc[ (df["group"] == group) & (df["sub_group"] == subgroup), "cell" ].values[0] if group_legends: trace.update( name=cell_label, legendgroup=group, hovertemplate=f"{cell_label}<br>{trace.hovertemplate}", ) else: trace.update( name=cell_label, legendgroup=cell_label, hovertemplate=f"{cell_label}<br>{trace.hovertemplate}", ) def _make_plotly_template(name="axis"): tick_label_width = 6 title_font_size = 22 title_font_family = "Arial" axis_font_size = 16 axis_standoff = 15 linecolor = "rgb(36,36,36)" t = go.layout.Template( layout=dict( font_family=title_font_family, title=dict( font_size=title_font_size, x=0, xref="paper", ), xaxis=dict( linecolor=linecolor, mirror=True, showline=True, zeroline=False, title=dict( standoff=axis_standoff, font_size=axis_font_size, ), ), yaxis=dict( linecolor=linecolor, mirror=True, showline=True, zeroline=False, tickformat=f"{tick_label_width}", title=dict( standoff=axis_standoff, font_size=axis_font_size, ), ), ) ) pio.templates[name] = t def _make_labels(): labels = { "cycle_index": "Cycle number", "charge_capacity_gravimetric": "Gravimetric Charge Capacity", "discharge_capacity_gravimetric": "Gravimetric Discharge Capacity", "charge_c_rate": "C-rate (charge)", "discharge_c_rate": "C-rate (discharge)", "coulombic_efficiency": "Coulombic Efficiency", "group": "Group", "sub_group": "Sub-group", "variable": "Variable", "value": "Value", } return labels
[docs] def plot_cycle_life_summary_plotly(summaries: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs): group_legends = kwargs.pop("group_legends", True) base_template = kwargs.pop("base_template", "plotly") color_map = kwargs.pop("color_map", px.colors.qualitative.Set1) ce_range = kwargs.pop("ce_range", None) min_cycle = kwargs.pop("min_cycle", None) max_cycle = kwargs.pop("max_cycle", None) title = kwargs.pop("title", "Cycle Summary") x_label = kwargs.pop("x_label", "Cycle Number") direction = kwargs.pop("direction", "charge") rate = kwargs.pop("rate", False) ir = kwargs.pop("ir", True) individual_plot_height = 250 header_height = 200 individual_legend_height = 20 legend_header_height = 20 hdr_cycle = hdr_summary["cycle_index"] hdr_charge = hdr_summary["charge_capacity_gravimetric"] hdr_discharge = hdr_summary["discharge_capacity_gravimetric"] hdr_ce = hdr_summary["coulombic_efficiency"] hdr_ir_charge = hdr_summary["ir_charge"] hdr_ir_discharge = hdr_summary["ir_discharge"] hdr_charge_rate = hdr_summary["charge_c_rate"] hdr_discharge_rate = hdr_summary["discharge_c_rate"] hdr_group = "group" hdr_sub_group = "sub_group" legend_dict = {"title": "<b>Cell</b>", "orientation": "v"} additional_template = "axes_with_borders" _make_plotly_template(additional_template) available_summaries = summaries.variable.unique() if direction == "discharge": hdr_ir = hdr_ir_discharge hdr_rate = hdr_discharge_rate selected_summaries = [hdr_cycle, hdr_ce, hdr_discharge] else: selected_summaries = [hdr_cycle, hdr_ce, hdr_charge] hdr_ir = hdr_ir_charge hdr_rate = hdr_charge_rate if ir: if hdr_ir in available_summaries: selected_summaries.append(hdr_ir) else: logging.debug("no ir data available") if rate: if hdr_rate in available_summaries: selected_summaries.append(hdr_rate) else: logging.debug("no rate data available") plotted_summaries = selected_summaries[1:] summaries = summaries.loc[summaries.variable.isin(selected_summaries), :] if max_cycle: summaries = summaries.loc[summaries[hdr_cycle] <= max_cycle, :] if min_cycle: summaries = summaries.loc[summaries[hdr_cycle] >= min_cycle, :] labels = _make_labels() sub_titles = [labels.get(n, n.replace("_", " ").title()) for n in plotted_summaries] if max_cycle or min_cycle: sub_titles.append(f"[{min_cycle}, {max_cycle}]") sub_titles = ", ".join(sub_titles) number_of_cells = len(summaries.cell.unique()) number_of_rows = len(plotted_summaries) legend_height = legend_header_height + individual_legend_height * number_of_cells plot_height = max(legend_height, individual_plot_height * number_of_rows) total_height = header_height + plot_height canvas = px.line( summaries, x=hdr_cycle, y="value", facet_row="variable", color=hdr_group, symbol=hdr_sub_group, labels=labels, height=total_height, category_orders={"variable": plotted_summaries}, template=f"{base_template}+{additional_template}", color_discrete_sequence=color_map, title=f"<b>{title}</b><br>{sub_titles}", ) adjust_row_heights = True if number_of_rows == 1: domains = [[0.0, 1.00]] elif number_of_rows == 2: domains = [[0.0, 0.79], [0.8, 1.00]] elif number_of_rows == 3: domains = [[0.0, 0.39], [0.4, 0.79], [0.8, 1.00]] elif number_of_rows == 4: domains = [[0.0, 0.24], [0.25, 0.49], [0.5, 0.74], [0.75, 1.00]] else: adjust_row_heights = False domains = None canvas.for_each_trace( functools.partial( _plotly_legend_replacer, df=summaries, group_legends=group_legends, ) ) canvas.for_each_annotation(lambda a: a.update(text="")) canvas.update_traces(marker=dict(size=8)) canvas.update_xaxes(row=1, title_text=f"<b>{x_label}</b>") for i, n in enumerate(reversed(plotted_summaries)): n = labels.get(n, n.replace("_", " ").title()) update_kwargs = dict( row=i + 1, autorange=True, matches=None, title_text=f"<b>{n}</b>", ) if adjust_row_heights: domain = domains[i] update_kwargs["domain"] = domain canvas.update_yaxes(**update_kwargs) if hdr_ce in plotted_summaries and ce_range is not None: canvas.update_yaxes(row=number_of_rows, autorange=False, range=ce_range) canvas.update_layout( legend=legend_dict, showlegend=True, ) return canvas
[docs] def plot_cycle_life_summary_seaborn(summaries: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs): color_map = kwargs.pop("color_map", "Set1") ce_range = kwargs.pop("ce_range", None) min_cycle = kwargs.pop("min_cycle", None) max_cycle = kwargs.pop("max_cycle", None) title = kwargs.pop("title", "Cycle Summary") x_label = kwargs.pop("x_label", "Cycle Number") direction = kwargs.pop("direction", "charge") rate = kwargs.pop("rate", False) ir = kwargs.pop("ir", True) hdr_cycle = hdr_summary["cycle_index"] hdr_charge = hdr_summary["charge_capacity_gravimetric"] hdr_discharge = hdr_summary["discharge_capacity_gravimetric"] hdr_ce = hdr_summary["coulombic_efficiency"] hdr_ir_charge = hdr_summary["ir_charge"] hdr_ir_discharge = hdr_summary["ir_discharge"] hdr_charge_rate = hdr_summary["charge_c_rate"] hdr_discharge_rate = hdr_summary["discharge_c_rate"] hdr_group = "group" hdr_sub_group = "sub_group" legend_dict = {"title": "<b>Cell</b>", "orientation": "v"} available_summaries = summaries.variable.unique() if direction == "discharge": hdr_ir = hdr_ir_discharge hdr_rate = hdr_discharge_rate selected_summaries = [hdr_cycle, hdr_ce, hdr_discharge] else: selected_summaries = [hdr_cycle, hdr_ce, hdr_charge] hdr_ir = hdr_ir_charge hdr_rate = hdr_charge_rate if ir: if hdr_ir in available_summaries: selected_summaries.append(hdr_ir) else: logging.debug("no ir data available") if rate: if hdr_rate in available_summaries: selected_summaries.append(hdr_rate) else: logging.debug("no rate data available") plotted_summaries = selected_summaries[1:] summaries = summaries.loc[summaries.variable.isin(selected_summaries), :] if max_cycle: summaries = summaries.loc[_summaries[hdr_cycle] <= max_cycle, :] if min_cycle: summaries = summaries.loc[_summaries[hdr_cycle] >= min_cycle, :] labels = _make_labels() default_ranges = dict() if ce_range is not None: default_ranges[hdr_ce] = ce_range ranges = _get_ranges(summaries, plotted_summaries, default_ranges) sub_titles = [labels.get(n, n.replace("_", " ").title()) for n in plotted_summaries] if max_cycle or min_cycle: sub_titles.append(f"[{min_cycle}, {max_cycle}]") sub_titles = ", ".join(sub_titles) number_of_cells = len(summaries.cell.unique()) number_of_rows = len(plotted_summaries) sns.set_theme(style="darkgrid") canvas_grid = sns.relplot( data=summaries, kind="line", x=hdr_cycle, y="value", hue=hdr_group, style=hdr_sub_group, row="variable", markers=True, dashes=False, height=3, aspect=3, linewidth=2.0, legend="auto", palette=color_map, facet_kws={"sharex": True, "sharey": False, "legend_out": True}, ) canvas_grid.figure.suptitle(f"{title}\n{sub_titles}", y=1.05, fontsize=16) axes = canvas_grid.figure.get_axes() for ax in axes: hdr = ax.get_title().split(" = ")[-1] y_label = labels.get(hdr, hdr) _x_label = ax.get_xlabel() _x_label = labels.get(_x_label, _x_label) if _x_label: if x_label: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) else: ax.set_xlabel(_x_label) r = ranges.get(hdr, (None, None)) legend_handles, legend_labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # TODO: update legend if legend_handles: logging.debug("got legend handles") # ax.legend(legend_handles, legend_labels) ax.set_title("") ax.set_ylabel(y_label) ax.set_ylim(r) return canvas_grid.figure
def _get_ranges(summaries, plotted_summaries, defaults=None): ranges = dict() if defaults is None: defaults = dict() for hdr in plotted_summaries: if hdr in defaults: ranges[hdr] = defaults[hdr] continue start = summaries.loc[summaries.variable == hdr, "value"].min() if start in [np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]: start = None end = summaries.loc[summaries.variable == hdr, "value"].max() if end in [np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]: end = None if start is not None and end is not None: start -= 0.1 * abs(abs(end) - abs(start)) end += 0.1 * abs(abs(end) - abs(start)) elif end is not None: end += 0.1 * abs(end) elif start is not None: start -= 0.1 * abs(start) ranges[hdr] = (start, end) return ranges def _plotting_data_legacy(pages, summaries, width, height, height_fractions, **kwargs): # sub-sub-engine canvas = None if prms.Batch.backend == "bokeh": canvas = plot_cycle_life_summary_bokeh( pages, summaries, width, height, height_fractions, **kwargs ) elif prms.Batch.backend == "plotly": print("plotly not implemented yet") elif prms.Batch.backend == "matplotlib":"[obs! experimental]") canvas = plot_cycle_life_summary_matplotlib( pages, summaries, width, height, height_fractions, **kwargs ) else:"the {prms.Batch.backend} " f"back-end is not implemented yet.") return canvas def _preparing_data_and_plotting_legacy(**kwargs): # sub-engine logging.debug(" - _preparing_data_and_plotting_legacy") experiments = kwargs.pop("experiments") farms = kwargs.pop("farms") width = kwargs.pop("width", prms.Batch.summary_plot_width) height = kwargs.pop("height", prms.Batch.summary_plot_height) height_fractions = kwargs.pop( "height_fractions", prms.Batch.summary_plot_height_fractions ) for experiment in experiments: if not isinstance(experiment, CyclingExperiment): "No! This engine is only really good at processing CyclingExperiments" ) else: pages = experiment.journal.pages try: keys = [ for df in experiment.memory_dumped["summary_engine"]] summaries = pd.concat( experiment.memory_dumped["summary_engine"], keys=keys, axis=1 ) canvas = _plotting_data_legacy( pages, summaries, width, height, height_fractions, **kwargs ) farms.append(canvas) except KeyError:"could not parse the summaries")" - might be new a bug?") " - might be a known bug related to dropping cells (b.drop)" )" - maybe try reloading the data helps?") return farms
[docs] def exporting_plots(**kwargs): # dumper experiments = kwargs["experiments"] farms = kwargs["farms"] barn = kwargs["barn"] engine = kwargs["engine"] return None
[docs] class CyclingSummaryPlotter(BasePlotter): def __init__(self, *args, reset_farms=True): """ Attributes (inherited): experiments: list of experiments. farms: list of farms (containing pandas DataFrames or figs). barn (str): identifier for where to place the output-files. reset_farms (bool): empty the farms before running the engine. """ super().__init__(*args) self.engines = list() self.dumpers = list() self.reset_farms = reset_farms self._use_dir = None self.current_engine = None self._assign_engine(summary_plotting_engine) self._assign_dumper(exporting_plots) @property
[docs] def columns(self): if len(self.experiments > 0): return self.experiments[0].summaries.columns.get_level_values(0)
def _assign_engine(self, engine): self.engines.append(engine) def _assign_dumper(self, dumper): self.dumpers.append(dumper)
[docs] def run_engine(self, engine, **kwargs): """run engine (once pr. experiment). Args: engine: engine to run (function or method). The method issues the engine command (with experiments and farms as input) that returns an updated farms as well as the barn and assigns them both to self. The farms attribute is a list of farms, i.e. [farm1, farm2, ...], where each farm contains pandas DataFrames. The barns attribute is a pre-defined string used for picking what folder(s) the file(s) should be exported to. For example, if barn equals "batch_dir", the file(s) will be saved to the experiments batch directory. The engine(s) is given `self.experiments` and `self.farms` as input and returns farms to `self.farms` and barn to `self.barn`. Thus, one could in principle modify `self.experiments` within the engine without explicitly 'notifying' the poor soul who is writing a batch routine using that engine. However, it is strongly advised not to do such things. And if you, as engine designer, really need to, then at least notify it through a debug (logger) statement. """ logging.debug("start engine::") self.current_engine = engine if self.reset_farms: self.farms = [] self.farms, self.barn = engine( experiments=self.experiments, farms=self.farms, **kwargs ) logging.debug("::engine ended")
[docs] def run_dumper(self, dumper): """run dumber (once pr. engine) Args: dumper: dumper to run (function or method). The dumper takes the attributes experiments, farms, and barn as input. It does not return anything. But can, if the dumper designer feels in a bad and nasty mood, modify the input objects (for example experiments). """ logging.debug("start dumper::") dumper( experiments=self.experiments, farms=self.farms, barn=self.barn, engine=self.current_engine, ) logging.debug("::dumper ended")
[docs] class EISPlotter(BasePlotter): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def do(self): warnings.warn("not implemented yet")
if __name__ == "__main__": print("batch_plotters".center(80, "="))
[docs] csp = CyclingSummaryPlotter()
eisp = EISPlotter() print("\n --> OK")