Defining your own custom loaders#

from rich import print

import cellpy
from cellpy.utils import example_data, plotutils

Defining a simple utility-function to get a peek of the file in question:

def head(f, n=5):
    print(f" {} ".center(80, "="))
    with open(f) as datafile:
        if n > 1:
            for j in range(n):
                line = datafile.readline()
                print(f"[{j+1:02}] {line.rstrip()}")
            for j, line in enumerate(datafile.readlines()):
                print(f"[{j+1:02}] {line.rstrip()}")
    print(f" {} ".center(80, "="))

Using the “custom” instrument#

This loader can be used if you have simple but unusual files. It needs an instrument file containing a description of the structure of the data file. You can load files in csv, xlsx, and xls format using this loader.

Here is an example of a custom data file and a corresponding instrument file (yaml format).

p_csv = example_data.custom_file_path()
instrument_file = example_data.custom_instrument_path()
head(p_csv, 30)
=============================== custom_data.csv ================================
[01] # PRIME INSTRUMENT FILE --- M12X---!! HEAD !!---M13B---;;;;;;;;;
[02] number of headers ;19;;;;;;;;
[03] operator;Jan Petter Maehlen;;;;;;;;
[04] date;01.01.2016;;;;;;;;
[05] instrument;bobby;;;;;;;;
[06] schedule;galvanic;;;;;;;;
[07] cell;ee002;;;;;;;;
[08] geometry;half-cell;;;;;;;;
[09] counter;Li-metal;;;;;;;;
[10] material;si-based;;;;;;;;
[11] mass;0.0012;;;;;;;;
[12] # PRIME INSTRUMENT FILE ---L01---''LOG'' ---0000000-;;;;;;;;;
[13] 15;Started collecting auxilary data (saved to output.log);;;;;;;;
[14] 773;Problem encountered - reloading config;;;;;;;;
[15] 1111;R12;;;;;;;;
[16] 6588;R12;;;;;;;;
[17] 7712;Problem encountered - reloading config;;;;;;;;
[18] 78999;R0;;;;;;;;
[19] # PRIME INSTRUMENT FILE ---268876-;;;;;;;;;
[20] index;test_time;step_time;date_stamp;step;cycle;current;voltage;charge_capacity;discharge_Capacity
[21] 0;120.00;120.00;43374.42;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[22] 1;240.00;240.00;43374.42;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[23] 2;360.00;360.00;43374.42;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[24] 3;480.00;480.00;43374.42;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[25] 4;600.01;600.01;43374.42;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[26] 5;720.01;720.01;43374.42;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[27] 6;840.01;840.01;43374.42;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[28] 7;960.01;960.01;43374.43;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[29] 8;1080.01;1080.01;43374.43;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
[30] 9;1200.01;1200.01;43374.43;1;1;0.00;1.14;0.00;0.00
=============================== custom_data.csv ================================
head(instrument_file, -1)
============================ custom_instrument.yml =============================
[01] ---
[02] formatters:
[03]     skiprows: 19
[04]     sep: ";"
[05]     header: 0
[06]     encoding: ISO-8859-1  # options: ISO-8859-1 utf-8 cp1252
[07]     decimal: .
[08]     thousands:
[09]     comment_chars:
[10]         - '#'
[11]         - '!'
[12] post_processors:
[13]     split_capacity: false
[14]     split_current: false
[15]     set_index: false
[16]     rename_headers: true
[17]     set_cycle_number_not_zero: false
[18]     convert_date_time_to_datetime: true
[19]     convert_step_time_to_timedelta: false
[20]     convert_test_time_to_timedelta: false
[21] normal_headers_renaming_dict:
[22]     data_point_txt: "index"
[23]     datetime_txt: "date_stamp"
[24]     test_time_txt: "test_time"
[25]     step_time_txt: "step_time"
[26]     cycle_index_txt: "cycle"
[27]     step_index_txt: "step"
[28]     current_txt: "current"
[29]     voltage_txt: "voltage"
[30]     charge_capacity_txt: "charge_capacity"
[31]     discharge_capacity_txt: "discharge_Capacity"
[32] unit_labels:
[33]     resistance: Ohms
[34]     time: s
[35]     current: mA
[36]     voltage: V
[37]     power: W
[38]     capacity: mAh
[39]     energy: Wh
[40]     temperature: C
[41] raw_units:
[42]     current: A
[43]     charge: Ah
[44]     mass: mg
[45]     time: s
[46] raw_limits:
[47]     current_hard: 1.0e-13
[48]     current_soft: 1.0e-05
[49]     ir_change: 1.0e-05
[50]     stable_charge_hard: 0.9
[51]     stable_charge_soft: 5.0
[52]     stable_current_hard: 2.0
[53]     stable_current_soft: 4.0
[54]     stable_voltage_hard: 2.0
[55]     stable_voltage_soft: 4.0
============================ custom_instrument.yml =============================
c = cellpy.get(p_csv, instrument="custom", instrument_file=instrument_file)
(cellpy) - self.sep=';', self.skiprows=19, self.header=0, self.encoding='ISO-8859-1', self.decimal='.'
(cellpy) - running post-processor: rename_headers
Index(['index', 'test_time', 'step_time', 'date_stamp', 'step', 'cycle',
       'current', 'voltage', 'charge_capacity', 'discharge_Capacity'],
(cellpy) - running post-processor: convert_date_time_to_datetime
plotutils.raw_plot(c, width=1200, height=400)

Data type cannot be displayed: application/vnd.plotly.v1+json

Using the “local_instrument” loader#

This loader is used for loading data using the corresponding local yaml file with definitions on how the data should be loaded. This loader is based on the TxtLoader and can only be used to load csv-type files. As a “short-cut”, this loader will be used if you set the instrument to the name of the instrument file (with the .yml extension) e.g. c = cellpy.get(rawfile, instrument="instrumentfile.yml"). The default instrument file is defined in your cellpy configuration file:

  custom_instrument_definitions_file: my_local_instrument.yml

As an example, let us see how we could load one of the example Maccor files using a local instrument definition file instead of the implemented “maccor_txt” loader.

p = example_data.maccor_file_path()
local_instrument = example_data.local_instrument_path()
head(local_instrument, -1)
============================= local_instrument.yml =============================
[01] ---
[02] formatters:
[03]     skiprows: 2
[04]     sep: "\t"
[05]     header: 0
[06]     encoding: ISO-8859-1
[07]     decimal: .
[08]     thousands:
[09]     comment_chars:
[10]         - '#'
[11]         - '!'
[12] pre_processors:
[13]     remove_empty_lines: true
[14] post_processors:
[15]     split_capacity: true
[16]     split_current: true
[17]     set_index: true
[18]     rename_headers: true
[19]     set_cycle_number_not_zero: true
[20]     remove_last_if_bad: true
[21]     convert_date_time_to_datetime: true
[22]     convert_step_time_to_timedelta: true
[23]     convert_test_time_to_timedelta: true
[24] normal_headers_renaming_dict:
[25]     data_point_txt: "Rec#"
[26]     datetime_txt: "DPt Time"
[27]     test_time_txt: "TestTime"
[28]     step_time_txt: "StepTime"
[29]     cycle_index_txt: "Cyc#"
[30]     step_index_txt: "Step"
[31]     current_txt: "mAmps"
[32]     voltage_txt: "Volts"
[33] #    power_txt: "Watt-hr"
[34]     charge_capacity_txt: "mAmp-hr"
[35]     charge_energy_txt: "mWatt-hr"
[36] #    ac_impedance_txt: "ACImp/Ohms"
[37] #    internal_resistance_txt: "DCIR/Ohms"
[38] unit_labels:
[39]     resistance: Ohms
[40]     time: s
[41]     current: mA
[42]     voltage: mV
[43]     power: mW
[44]     capacity: mAh
[45]     energy: mWh
[46]     temperature: C
[47] states:
[48]     column_name: State
[49]     charge_keys:
[50]         - C
[51]     discharge_keys:
[52]         - D
[53]     rest_keys:
[54]         - R
[55] raw_units:
[56]     current: "mA"
[57]     charge: "mAh"
[58]     mass: "g"
[59]     voltage: "mV"
[60] raw_limits:
[61]     current_hard: 1.0e-13
[62]     current_soft: 1.0e-05
[63]     ir_change: 1.0e-05
[64]     stable_charge_hard: 0.9
[65]     stable_charge_soft: 5.0
[66]     stable_current_hard: 2.0
[67]     stable_current_soft: 4.0
[68]     stable_voltage_hard: 2.0
[69]     stable_voltage_soft: 4.0
============================= local_instrument.yml =============================
head(p, 20)
=============================== maccor_three.txt ===============================
[01] Today''s Date      03/28/2022 12:50:27 PM
[03] Date of Test:      08/23/2021 6:04:18 PM
[05] Rec#       Cyc#    Step    TestTime        StepTime        mAmp-hr mWatt-hr        mAmps   Volts   State   ES
DPt Time        Unnamed: 12
[06] 1  0       1         0d 00:00:00.00          0d 00:00:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.8186       R
0       08/23/2021 6:04:18 PM
[07] 2  0       1         0d 00:01:00.00          0d 00:01:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.0556       R
1       08/23/2021 6:05:18 PM
[08] 3  0       1         0d 00:02:00.00          0d 00:02:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.0556       R
1       08/23/2021 6:06:18 PM
[09] 4  0       1         0d 00:03:00.00          0d 00:03:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.2082       R
1       08/23/2021 6:07:18 PM
[10] 5  0       1         0d 00:04:00.00          0d 00:04:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.0556       R
1       08/23/2021 6:08:18 PM
[11] 6  0       1         0d 00:05:00.00          0d 00:05:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.0556       R
1       08/23/2021 6:09:18 PM
[12] 7  0       1         0d 00:06:00.00          0d 00:06:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.2082       R
1       08/23/2021 6:10:18 PM
[13] 8  0       1         0d 00:07:00.00          0d 00:07:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.2082       R
1       08/23/2021 6:11:18 PM
[14] 9  0       1         0d 00:08:00.00          0d 00:08:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1852.903        R
1       08/23/2021 6:12:18 PM
[15] 10 0       1         0d 00:09:00.00          0d 00:09:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.2082       R
1       08/23/2021 6:13:18 PM
[16] 11 0       1         0d 00:10:00.00          0d 00:10:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.0556       R
1       08/23/2021 6:14:18 PM
[17] 12 0       1         0d 00:11:00.00          0d 00:11:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.2082       R
1       08/23/2021 6:15:18 PM
[18] 13 0       1         0d 00:12:00.00          0d 00:12:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.0556       R
1       08/23/2021 6:16:18 PM
[19] 14 0       1         0d 00:13:00.00          0d 00:13:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.2082       R
1       08/23/2021 6:17:18 PM
[20] 15 0       1         0d 00:14:00.00          0d 00:14:00.00        0.0     0.0     0.0     1853.3608       R
1       08/23/2021 6:18:18 PM
=============================== maccor_three.txt ===============================
from cellpy import log

c = cellpy.get(p, instrument=local_instrument)
(cellpy) - running pre-processor: remove_empty_lines
(cellpy) - self.sep='\t', self.skiprows=2, self.header=0, self.encoding='ISO-8859-1', self.decimal='.'
(cellpy) - running post-processor: rename_headers
Index(['Rec#', 'Cyc#', 'Step', 'TestTime', 'StepTime', 'mAmp-hr', 'mWatt-hr',
       'mAmps', 'Volts', 'State', 'ES', 'DPt Time', 'Unnamed: 12'],
(cellpy) - running post-processor: remove_last_if_bad
(cellpy) - running post-processor: split_capacity
(cellpy) - running post-processor: split_current
(cellpy) - running post-processor: set_index
(cellpy) - running post-processor: set_cycle_number_not_zero
(cellpy) - running post-processor: convert_date_time_to_datetime
(cellpy) - running post-processor: convert_step_time_to_timedelta
(cellpy) - running post-processor: convert_test_time_to_timedelta
plotutils.raw_plot(c, width=1200, height=400)

Data type cannot be displayed: application/vnd.plotly.v1+json

plotutils.summary_plot(c, width=1200, height=400)

Data type cannot be displayed: application/vnd.plotly.v1+json