Initial data inspection and plotting

Initial data inspection and plotting#

import pathlib

from rich import print

import cellpy
from cellpy.utils import plotutils


If you have plotly installed, some of the functions will produce interactive plots. If not, the output will be simpler matplotlib figures. If you have not installed plotly, you can do so by running pip install plotly.

Either load raw data or your saved cellpy files:

filedir = pathlib.Path("data")  # foldername within the same directory
c = cellpy.get(filedir / "out" / "20210210_FC.h5")

Looking at the data#

Your CellpyCell object (here called c) contains all your raw data as well as some additional elements, in the format of pandas DataFrames:

  • Raw data:, raw data from the run (with units

  • Summary: with cycle-based summaries

  • Steps: with Stats from each step (and step type), created using the c.make_step_table method

test_id data_point test_time step_time date_time step_index cycle_index is_fc_data current voltage charge_capacity discharge_capacity charge_energy discharge_energy dv_dt internal_resistance ac_impedance aci_phase_angle
1 1 1 5.008961 5.008961 2021-05-10 10:14:45 1 1 0 0.0 3.051165 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.000061 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 1 2 10.019319 10.019319 2021-05-10 10:14:50 1 1 0 0.0 3.051165 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0
data_point test_time date_time end_voltage_charge end_voltage_discharge charge_capacity discharge_capacity coulombic_efficiency cumulated_coulombic_efficiency cumulated_charge_capacity ... cumulated_charge_capacity_areal cumulated_discharge_capacity_areal coulombic_difference_areal cumulated_coulombic_difference_areal discharge_capacity_loss_areal charge_capacity_loss_areal cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss_areal cumulated_charge_capacity_loss_areal shifted_charge_capacity_areal shifted_discharge_capacity_areal
1 5797 174328.601353 2021-05-12 10:40:11 4.200052 3.129170 0.003819 0.003324 87.049469 87.049469 0.003819 ... 3.818560 3.324036 0.494524 0.494524 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.494524 4.313083
2 7188 317161.773416 2021-05-14 02:20:47 4.200052 3.188442 0.003422 0.003234 94.510786 181.560255 0.007241 ... 7.240795 6.558417 0.187854 0.682378 0.089654 0.396324 0.089654 0.396324 0.682378 4.104613

2 rows × 49 columns

index cycle step sub_step point_avr point_std point_min point_max point_first point_last ... ir_std ir_min ir_max ir_first ir_last ir_delta rate_avr type sub_type info
0 0 1 1 1 2157.5 1245.48886 1 4314 1 4314 ... 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.00000 rest NaN
1 1 1 2 1 4315.0 NaN 4315 4315 4315 4315 ... NaN 6.650723 6.650723 6.650723 6.650723 0.0 1.75791 ir NaN

2 rows × 64 columns

Simple plotting#

The plotutils module contains several convenient plot functions:

Raw plots#

The raw_plot gives an overview of your datacollection, plotting voltage vs time:

plotutils.raw_plot(c, title="Voltage vs time")

Cycle info plots#

The cycle_info_plot function plots the raw data together with step and cycle info:

plotutils.cycle_info_plot(c, title="Cycle info plot:")

These plot functions offer some flexibility. You can, e.g. select specific cycles to look at, or adjust the units of the plot variables:

plotutils.cycle_info_plot(c, cycle=[7, 8, 9], title="Cycle info plot:", t_unit="days")

Summary plots#

summary_plots allows you to plot different summary variables. You can inspect the columns of to check what variables are available.

Index(['data_point', 'test_time', 'date_time', 'end_voltage_charge',
       'end_voltage_discharge', 'charge_capacity', 'discharge_capacity',
       'coulombic_efficiency', 'cumulated_coulombic_efficiency',
       'cumulated_charge_capacity', 'cumulated_discharge_capacity',
       'discharge_capacity_loss', 'charge_capacity_loss',
       'coulombic_difference', 'cumulated_coulombic_difference',
       'cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss', 'cumulated_charge_capacity_loss',
       'shifted_charge_capacity', 'shifted_discharge_capacity',
       'cumulated_ric', 'cumulated_ric_sei', 'cumulated_ric_disconnect',
       'normalized_cycle_index', 'charge_c_rate', 'discharge_c_rate',
       'discharge_capacity_gravimetric', 'charge_capacity_gravimetric',
       'shifted_discharge_capacity_gravimetric', 'discharge_capacity_areal',
       'charge_capacity_areal', 'cumulated_charge_capacity_areal',
       'cumulated_discharge_capacity_areal', 'coulombic_difference_areal',
       'cumulated_coulombic_difference_areal', 'discharge_capacity_loss_areal',
       'charge_capacity_loss_areal', 'cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss_areal',
       'cumulated_charge_capacity_loss_areal', 'shifted_charge_capacity_areal',

Here is one example:

    title="<b>Shifted Charge Capacity</b>",

The summary_plot function also have some pre-defined sets of variables for plotting the most common variables.

    c, y="capacities_gravimetric", title="<b>Gravimetric Capacities</b>"
plotutils.summary_plot(c, y="voltages", title="<b>End Voltages</b>")

The pre-defined variable sets for the summary plots are: - “voltages” - “capacities_gravimetric” - “capacities_areal” - “capacities_gravimetric_split_constant_voltage” - “capacities_areal_split_constant_voltage”