cellpy.parameters package


cellpy.parameters.internal_settings module

Internal settings and definitions and functions for getting them.

class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.BaseSettings[source]

Bases: DictLikeClass

Base class for internal cellpy settings.


@dataclass class MyCoolCellpySetting(BaseSetting):

var1: str = “first var” var2: int = 12

class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.CellpyLimits(current_hard: float = 1e-13, current_soft: float = 1e-05, stable_current_hard: float = 2.0, stable_current_soft: float = 4.0, stable_voltage_hard: float = 2.0, stable_voltage_soft: float = 4.0, stable_charge_hard: float = 0.9, stable_charge_soft: float = 5.0, ir_change: float = 1e-05)[source]

Bases: BaseSettings

current_hard: float = 1e-13
current_soft: float = 1e-05
ir_change: float = 1e-05
stable_charge_hard: float = 0.9
stable_charge_soft: float = 5.0
stable_current_hard: float = 2.0
stable_current_soft: float = 4.0
stable_voltage_hard: float = 2.0
stable_voltage_soft: float = 4.0
class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.CellpyUnits(current: float = 1.0, charge: float = 0.001, mass: float = 0.001, specific: float = 1.0, voltage: float = 1.0, time: float = 1.0, resistance: float = 1.0, power: float = 1.0, energy: float = 1.0, length: float = 1.0, area: float = 1.0, temperature: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: BaseSettings

area: float = 1.0
charge: float = 0.001
current: float = 1.0
energy: float = 1.0
length: float = 1.0
mass: float = 0.001
power: float = 1.0
resistance: float = 1.0
specific: float = 1.0
temperature: float = 1.0
time: float = 1.0
voltage: float = 1.0
class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.DictLikeClass[source]

Bases: object

Add some dunder-methods so that it does not break old code that used dictionaries for storing settings

Remark! it is not a complete dictionary experience - for example,

setting new attributes (new keys) is not supported (raises KeyError if using the typical dict setting method) since it uses the dataclasses.fields method to find its members.

class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.HeaderDict(dict=None, /, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: UserDict

Sub-classing dict to allow for tab-completion.

class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.HeadersJournal(filename: str = 'filename', mass: str = 'mass', total_mass: str = 'total_mass', loading: str = 'loading', nom_cap: str = 'nom_cap', experiment: str = 'experiment', fixed: str = 'fixed', label: str = 'label', cell_type: str = 'cell_type', instrument: str = 'instrument', raw_file_names: str = 'raw_file_names', cellpy_file_name: str = 'cellpy_file_name', group: str = 'group', sub_group: str = 'sub_group', comment: str = 'comment', argument: str = 'argument')[source]

Bases: BaseSettings

argument: str = 'argument'
cell_type: str = 'cell_type'
cellpy_file_name: str = 'cellpy_file_name'
comment: str = 'comment'
experiment: str = 'experiment'
filename: str = 'filename'
fixed: str = 'fixed'
group: str = 'group'
instrument: str = 'instrument'
label: str = 'label'
loading: str = 'loading'
mass: str = 'mass'
nom_cap: str = 'nom_cap'
raw_file_names: str = 'raw_file_names'
sub_group: str = 'sub_group'
total_mass: str = 'total_mass'
class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.HeadersNormal(aci_phase_angle_txt: str = 'aci_phase_angle', ref_aci_phase_angle_txt: str = 'ref_aci_phase_angle', ac_impedance_txt: str = 'ac_impedance', ref_ac_impedance_txt: str = 'ref_ac_impedance', charge_capacity_txt: str = 'charge_capacity', charge_energy_txt: str = 'charge_energy', current_txt: str = 'current', cycle_index_txt: str = 'cycle_index', data_point_txt: str = 'data_point', datetime_txt: str = 'date_time', discharge_capacity_txt: str = 'discharge_capacity', discharge_energy_txt: str = 'discharge_energy', internal_resistance_txt: str = 'internal_resistance', power_txt: str = 'power', is_fc_data_txt: str = 'is_fc_data', step_index_txt: str = 'step_index', sub_step_index_txt: str = 'sub_step_index', step_time_txt: str = 'step_time', sub_step_time_txt: str = 'sub_step_time', test_id_txt: str = 'test_id', test_time_txt: str = 'test_time', voltage_txt: str = 'voltage', ref_voltage_txt: str = 'reference_voltage', dv_dt_txt: str = 'dv_dt', frequency_txt: str = 'frequency', amplitude_txt: str = 'amplitude', channel_id_txt: str = 'channel_id', data_flag_txt: str = 'data_flag', test_name_txt: str = 'test_name')[source]

Bases: BaseSettings

ac_impedance_txt: str = 'ac_impedance'
aci_phase_angle_txt: str = 'aci_phase_angle'
amplitude_txt: str = 'amplitude'
channel_id_txt: str = 'channel_id'
charge_capacity_txt: str = 'charge_capacity'
charge_energy_txt: str = 'charge_energy'
current_txt: str = 'current'
cycle_index_txt: str = 'cycle_index'
data_flag_txt: str = 'data_flag'
data_point_txt: str = 'data_point'
datetime_txt: str = 'date_time'
discharge_capacity_txt: str = 'discharge_capacity'
discharge_energy_txt: str = 'discharge_energy'
dv_dt_txt: str = 'dv_dt'
frequency_txt: str = 'frequency'
internal_resistance_txt: str = 'internal_resistance'
is_fc_data_txt: str = 'is_fc_data'
power_txt: str = 'power'
ref_ac_impedance_txt: str = 'ref_ac_impedance'
ref_aci_phase_angle_txt: str = 'ref_aci_phase_angle'
ref_voltage_txt: str = 'reference_voltage'
step_index_txt: str = 'step_index'
step_time_txt: str = 'step_time'
sub_step_index_txt: str = 'sub_step_index'
sub_step_time_txt: str = 'sub_step_time'
test_id_txt: str = 'test_id'
test_name_txt: str = 'test_name'
test_time_txt: str = 'test_time'
voltage_txt: str = 'voltage'
class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.HeadersStepTable(test: str = 'test', ustep: str = 'ustep', cycle: str = 'cycle', step: str = 'step', test_time: str = 'test_time', step_time: str = 'step_time', sub_step: str = 'sub_step', type: str = 'type', sub_type: str = 'sub_type', info: str = 'info', voltage: str = 'voltage', current: str = 'current', charge: str = 'charge', discharge: str = 'discharge', point: str = 'point', internal_resistance: str = 'ir', internal_resistance_change: str = 'ir_pct_change', rate_avr: str = 'rate_avr')[source]

Bases: BaseSettings

charge: str = 'charge'
current: str = 'current'
cycle: str = 'cycle'
discharge: str = 'discharge'
info: str = 'info'
internal_resistance: str = 'ir'
internal_resistance_change: str = 'ir_pct_change'
point: str = 'point'
rate_avr: str = 'rate_avr'
step: str = 'step'
step_time: str = 'step_time'
sub_step: str = 'sub_step'
sub_type: str = 'sub_type'
test: str = 'test'
test_time: str = 'test_time'
type: str = 'type'
ustep: str = 'ustep'
voltage: str = 'voltage'
class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.HeadersSummary(cycle_index: str = 'cycle_index', data_point: str = 'data_point', test_time: str = 'test_time', datetime: str = 'date_time', discharge_capacity_raw: str = 'discharge_capacity', charge_capacity_raw: str = 'charge_capacity', test_name: str = 'test_name', data_flag: str = 'data_flag', channel_id: str = 'channel_id', discharge_capacity: str = 'discharge_capacity_u_mAh_g', charge_capacity: str = 'charge_capacity_u_mAh_g', cumulated_charge_capacity: str = 'cumulated_charge_capacity_u_mAh_g', cumulated_discharge_capacity: str = 'cumulated_discharge_capacity_u_mAh_g', coulombic_efficiency: str = 'coulombic_efficiency_u_percentage', cumulated_coulombic_efficiency: str = 'cumulated_coulombic_efficiency_u_percentage', coulombic_difference: str = 'coulombic_difference_u_mAh_g', cumulated_coulombic_difference: str = 'cumulated_coulombic_difference_u_mAh_g', discharge_capacity_loss: str = 'discharge_capacity_loss_u_mAh_g', charge_capacity_loss: str = 'charge_capacity_loss_u_mAh_g', cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss: str = 'cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss_u_mAh_g', cumulated_charge_capacity_loss: str = 'cumulated_charge_capacity_loss_u_mAh_g', ir_discharge: str = 'ir_discharge_u_Ohms', ir_charge: str = 'ir_charge_u_Ohms', ocv_first_min: str = 'ocv_first_min_u_V', ocv_second_min: str = 'ocv_second_min_u_V', ocv_first_max: str = 'ocv_first_max_u_V', ocv_second_max: str = 'ocv_second_max_u_V', end_voltage_discharge: str = 'end_voltage_discharge_u_V', end_voltage_charge: str = 'end_voltage_charge_u_V', cumulated_ric_disconnect: str = 'cumulated_ric_disconnect_u_none', cumulated_ric_sei: str = 'cumulated_ric_sei_u_none', cumulated_ric: str = 'cumulated_ric_u_none', normalized_cycle_index: str = 'normalized_cycle_index', normalized_charge_capacity: str = 'normalized_charge_capacity', normalized_discharge_capacity: str = 'normalized_discharge_capacity', low_level: str = 'low_level_u_percentage', high_level: str = 'high_level_u_percentage', shifted_charge_capacity: str = 'shifted_charge_capacity_u_mAh_g', shifted_discharge_capacity: str = 'shifted_discharge_capacity_u_mAh_g', temperature_last: str = 'temperature_last_u_C', temperature_mean: str = 'temperature_mean_u_C', areal_charge_capacity: str = 'areal_charge_capacity_u_mAh_cm2', areal_discharge_capacity: str = 'areal_discharge_capacity_u_mAh_cm2', charge_c_rate: str = 'charge_c_rate', discharge_c_rate: str = 'discharge_c_rate', pre_aux: str = 'aux_')[source]

Bases: BaseSettings

areal_charge_capacity: str = 'areal_charge_capacity_u_mAh_cm2'
areal_discharge_capacity: str = 'areal_discharge_capacity_u_mAh_cm2'
channel_id: str = 'channel_id'
charge_c_rate: str = 'charge_c_rate'
charge_capacity: str = 'charge_capacity_u_mAh_g'
charge_capacity_loss: str = 'charge_capacity_loss_u_mAh_g'
charge_capacity_raw: str = 'charge_capacity'
coulombic_difference: str = 'coulombic_difference_u_mAh_g'
coulombic_efficiency: str = 'coulombic_efficiency_u_percentage'
cumulated_charge_capacity: str = 'cumulated_charge_capacity_u_mAh_g'
cumulated_charge_capacity_loss: str = 'cumulated_charge_capacity_loss_u_mAh_g'
cumulated_coulombic_difference: str = 'cumulated_coulombic_difference_u_mAh_g'
cumulated_coulombic_efficiency: str = 'cumulated_coulombic_efficiency_u_percentage'
cumulated_discharge_capacity: str = 'cumulated_discharge_capacity_u_mAh_g'
cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss: str = 'cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss_u_mAh_g'
cumulated_ric: str = 'cumulated_ric_u_none'
cumulated_ric_disconnect: str = 'cumulated_ric_disconnect_u_none'
cumulated_ric_sei: str = 'cumulated_ric_sei_u_none'
cycle_index: str = 'cycle_index'
data_flag: str = 'data_flag'
data_point: str = 'data_point'
datetime: str = 'date_time'
discharge_c_rate: str = 'discharge_c_rate'
discharge_capacity: str = 'discharge_capacity_u_mAh_g'
discharge_capacity_loss: str = 'discharge_capacity_loss_u_mAh_g'
discharge_capacity_raw: str = 'discharge_capacity'
end_voltage_charge: str = 'end_voltage_charge_u_V'
end_voltage_discharge: str = 'end_voltage_discharge_u_V'
high_level: str = 'high_level_u_percentage'
ir_charge: str = 'ir_charge_u_Ohms'
ir_discharge: str = 'ir_discharge_u_Ohms'
low_level: str = 'low_level_u_percentage'
normalized_charge_capacity: str = 'normalized_charge_capacity'
normalized_cycle_index: str = 'normalized_cycle_index'
normalized_discharge_capacity: str = 'normalized_discharge_capacity'
ocv_first_max: str = 'ocv_first_max_u_V'
ocv_first_min: str = 'ocv_first_min_u_V'
ocv_second_max: str = 'ocv_second_max_u_V'
ocv_second_min: str = 'ocv_second_min_u_V'
pre_aux: str = 'aux_'
shifted_charge_capacity: str = 'shifted_charge_capacity_u_mAh_g'
shifted_discharge_capacity: str = 'shifted_discharge_capacity_u_mAh_g'
temperature_last: str = 'temperature_last_u_C'
temperature_mean: str = 'temperature_mean_u_C'
test_name: str = 'test_name'
test_time: str = 'test_time'
class cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.InstrumentSettings[source]

Bases: DictLikeClass

Base class for instrument settings.


@dataclass class MyCoolInstrumentSetting(InstrumentSettings):

var1: str = “first var” var2: int = 12


Try to use it as you would use a normal dataclass.

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_cellpy_units() CellpyUnits[source]

Returns an augmented global dictionary with units

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_default_cellpy_file_raw_units() CellpyUnits[source]

Returns a dictionary with units to use as default for old versions of cellpy files

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_default_custom_headers_summary() HeadersSummary[source]

Returns an augmented dictionary that can be used to create custom header-strings for the summary (used as column headers for the summary pandas DataFrames)

This function is mainly implemented to provide an example.

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_default_output_units() CellpyUnits[source]

Returns an augmented dictionary with units to use as default.

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_default_raw_limits() CellpyUnits[source]

Returns an augmented dictionary with units as default for raw data

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_default_raw_units() CellpyUnits[source]

Returns a dictionary with units as default for raw data

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_headers_journal() HeadersJournal[source]

Returns an augmented global dictionary containing the header-strings for the journal (batch) (used as column headers for the journal pandas DataFrames)

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_headers_normal() HeadersNormal[source]

Returns an augmented global dictionary containing the header-strings for the normal data (used as column headers for the main data pandas DataFrames)

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_headers_step_table() HeadersStepTable[source]

Returns an augmented global dictionary containing the header-strings for the steps table (used as column headers for the steps pandas DataFrames)

cellpy.parameters.internal_settings.get_headers_summary() HeadersSummary[source]

Returns an augmented global dictionary containing the header-strings for the summary (used as column headers for the summary pandas DataFrames)

cellpy.parameters.prmreader module


creates a custom prms filename


gets the name of the user directory


gets the name of the user directory and full prm filepath


get the user name of the current user (cross platform)


this function will show only the ‘box’-type attributes and their content in the cellpy.prms module


cellpy.parameters.prms module

cellpy parameters

class cellpy.parameters.prms.BatchClass(template: str = 'standard', fig_extension: str = 'png', backend: str = 'bokeh', notebook: bool = True, dpi: int = 300, markersize: int = 4, symbol_label: str = 'simple', color_style_label: str = 'seaborn-deep', figure_type: str = 'unlimited', summary_plot_width: int = 900, summary_plot_height: int = 800, summary_plot_height_fractions: List[float] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: CellPyConfig

backend: str = 'bokeh'
color_style_label: str = 'seaborn-deep'
dpi: int = 300
fig_extension: str = 'png'
figure_type: str = 'unlimited'
markersize: int = 4
notebook: bool = True
summary_plot_height: int = 800
summary_plot_height_fractions: List[float]
summary_plot_width: int = 900
symbol_label: str = 'simple'
template: str = 'standard'
class cellpy.parameters.prms.CellPyConfig[source]

Bases: object

Session settings (global).

class cellpy.parameters.prms.CellPyDataConfig[source]

Bases: object

Settings that can be unique for each CellpyData instance.

class cellpy.parameters.prms.DataSetClass(nom_cap: float = 3579)[source]

Bases: CellPyDataConfig

Values used when processing the data (will be deprecated)

nom_cap: float = 3579
class cellpy.parameters.prms.DbClass(db_type: str = 'simple_excel_reader', db_table_name: str = 'db_table', db_header_row: int = 0, db_unit_row: int = 1, db_data_start_row: int = 2, db_search_start_row: int = 2, db_search_end_row: int = -1)[source]

Bases: CellPyConfig

db_data_start_row: int = 2
db_header_row: int = 0
db_search_end_row: int = -1
db_search_start_row: int = 2
db_table_name: str = 'db_table'
db_type: str = 'simple_excel_reader'
db_unit_row: int = 1
class cellpy.parameters.prms.DbColsClass(id: Tuple[str, str] = ('id', 'int'), exists: Tuple[str, str] = ('exists', 'bol'), batch: Tuple[str, str] = ('batch', 'str'), sub_batch_01: Tuple[str, str] = ('b01', 'str'), sub_batch_02: Tuple[str, str] = ('b02', 'str'), sub_batch_03: Tuple[str, str] = ('b03', 'str'), sub_batch_04: Tuple[str, str] = ('b04', 'str'), sub_batch_05: Tuple[str, str] = ('b05', 'str'), sub_batch_06: Tuple[str, str] = ('b06', 'str'), sub_batch_07: Tuple[str, str] = ('b07', 'str'), project: Tuple[str, str] = ('project', 'str'), label: Tuple[str, str] = ('label', 'str'), group: Tuple[str, str] = ('group', 'int'), selected: Tuple[str, str] = ('selected', 'bol'), cell_name: Tuple[str, str] = ('cell', 'str'), cell_type: Tuple[str, str] = ('cell_type', 'cat'), experiment_type: Tuple[str, str] = ('experiment_type', 'cat'), active_material: Tuple[str, str] = ('mass_active_material', 'float'), total_material: Tuple[str, str] = ('mass_total', 'float'), loading: Tuple[str, str] = ('loading_active_material', 'float'), nom_cap: Tuple[str, str] = ('nominal_capacity', 'float'), file_name_indicator: Tuple[str, str] = ('file_name_indicator', 'str'), instrument: Tuple[str, str] = ('instrument', 'str'), raw_file_names: Tuple[str, str] = ('raw_file_names', 'Tuple[str, str]'), cellpy_file_name: Tuple[str, str] = ('cellpy_file_name', 'str'), comment_slurry: Tuple[str, str] = ('comment_slurry', 'str'), comment_cell: Tuple[str, str] = ('comment_cell', 'str'), comment_general: Tuple[str, str] = ('comment_general', 'str'), freeze: Tuple[str, str] = ('freeze', 'bol'), argument: Tuple[str, str] = ('argument', 'str'))[source]

Bases: CellPyConfig

active_material: Tuple[str, str] = ('mass_active_material', 'float')
argument: Tuple[str, str] = ('argument', 'str')
batch: Tuple[str, str] = ('batch', 'str')
cell_name: Tuple[str, str] = ('cell', 'str')
cell_type: Tuple[str, str] = ('cell_type', 'cat')
cellpy_file_name: Tuple[str, str] = ('cellpy_file_name', 'str')
comment_cell: Tuple[str, str] = ('comment_cell', 'str')
comment_general: Tuple[str, str] = ('comment_general', 'str')
comment_slurry: Tuple[str, str] = ('comment_slurry', 'str')
exists: Tuple[str, str] = ('exists', 'bol')
experiment_type: Tuple[str, str] = ('experiment_type', 'cat')
file_name_indicator: Tuple[str, str] = ('file_name_indicator', 'str')
freeze: Tuple[str, str] = ('freeze', 'bol')
group: Tuple[str, str] = ('group', 'int')
id: Tuple[str, str] = ('id', 'int')
instrument: Tuple[str, str] = ('instrument', 'str')
label: Tuple[str, str] = ('label', 'str')
loading: Tuple[str, str] = ('loading_active_material', 'float')
nom_cap: Tuple[str, str] = ('nominal_capacity', 'float')
project: Tuple[str, str] = ('project', 'str')
raw_file_names: Tuple[str, str] = ('raw_file_names', 'Tuple[str, str]')
selected: Tuple[str, str] = ('selected', 'bol')
sub_batch_01: Tuple[str, str] = ('b01', 'str')
sub_batch_02: Tuple[str, str] = ('b02', 'str')
sub_batch_03: Tuple[str, str] = ('b03', 'str')
sub_batch_04: Tuple[str, str] = ('b04', 'str')
sub_batch_05: Tuple[str, str] = ('b05', 'str')
sub_batch_06: Tuple[str, str] = ('b06', 'str')
sub_batch_07: Tuple[str, str] = ('b07', 'str')
total_material: Tuple[str, str] = ('mass_total', 'float')
class cellpy.parameters.prms.FileNamesClass(file_name_format: str = 'YYYYMMDD_[NAME]EEE_CC_TT_RR', raw_extension: str = 'res', reg_exp: str = None, file_list_location: str = None, file_list_type: str = None, file_list_name: str = None, cellpy_file_extension: str = 'h5')[source]

Bases: CellPyConfig

cellpy_file_extension: str = 'h5'
file_list_location: str = None
file_list_name: str = None
file_list_type: str = None
file_name_format: str = 'YYYYMMDD_[NAME]EEE_CC_TT_RR'
raw_extension: str = 'res'
reg_exp: str = None
class cellpy.parameters.prms.InstrumentsClass(tester: str, custom_instrument_definitions_file: Optional[str], Arbin: box.box.Box, Maccor: box.box.Box, Neware: box.box.Box)[source]

Bases: CellPyConfig

Arbin: Box
Maccor: Box
Neware: Box
custom_instrument_definitions_file: Optional[str]
tester: str
class cellpy.parameters.prms.MaterialsClass(cell_class: str = 'Li-Ion', default_material: str = 'silicon', default_mass: float = 1.0, default_nom_cap: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: CellPyDataConfig

Default material-specific values used in processing the data.

cell_class: str = 'Li-Ion'
default_mass: float = 1.0
default_material: str = 'silicon'
default_nom_cap: float = 1.0
class cellpy.parameters.prms.PathsClass(outdatadir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), rawdatadir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), cellpydatadir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), db_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), filelogdir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), examplesdir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), notebookdir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), templatedir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), batchfiledir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), instrumentdir: Union[pathlib.Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx'), db_filename: str = 'cellpy_db.xlsx')[source]

Bases: CellPyConfig

batchfiledir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
cellpydatadir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
db_filename: str = 'cellpy_db.xlsx'
db_path: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
examplesdir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
filelogdir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
instrumentdir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
notebookdir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
outdatadir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
rawdatadir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
templatedir: Union[Path, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cellpy/conda/v0.4.3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sphinx')
class cellpy.parameters.prms.ReaderClass(diagnostics: bool = False, filestatuschecker: str = 'size', force_step_table_creation: bool = True, force_all: bool = False, sep: str = ';', cycle_mode: str = 'anode', sorted_data: bool = True, load_only_summary: bool = False, select_minimal: bool = False, limit_loaded_cycles: Optional[int] = None, ensure_step_table: bool = False, daniel_number: int = 5, voltage_interpolation_step: float = 0.01, time_interpolation_step: float = 10.0, capacity_interpolation_step: float = 2.0, use_cellpy_stat_file: bool = False, auto_dirs: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CellPyConfig

auto_dirs: bool = True
capacity_interpolation_step: float = 2.0
cycle_mode: str = 'anode'
daniel_number: int = 5
diagnostics: bool = False
ensure_step_table: bool = False
filestatuschecker: str = 'size'
force_all: bool = False
force_step_table_creation: bool = True
limit_loaded_cycles: Optional[int] = None
load_only_summary: bool = False
select_minimal: bool = False
sep: str = ';'
sorted_data: bool = True
time_interpolation_step: float = 10.0
use_cellpy_stat_file: bool = False
voltage_interpolation_step: float = 0.01

Module contents