Welcome to cellpy’s documentation!


- a library for assisting in analysing batteries and cells

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This Python Package was developed to help the researchers at IFE, Norway, in their cumbersome task of interpreting and handling data from cycling tests of batteries and cells.

Version: 1.0.0post4

Installation and dependencies

The easiest way to install cellpy is to install with conda or pip.

With conda:

conda install -c conda-forge cellpy

Or if you prefer installing using pip:

python -m pip install cellpy

Have a look at the documentation for more detailed installation procedures, especially with respect to “difficult” dependencies when installing with pip.


cellpy is free software made available under the MIT License.


  • Load test-data and store in a common format.

  • Summarize and compare data.

  • Filter out the steps of interest.

  • Process and plot the data.

  • And more…


Indices and tables