cellpy package



cellpy.cli module

cellpy.exceptions module

Exceptions defined within cellpy

exception cellpy.exceptions.ConfigFileNotRead[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when the configuration file cannot be read

exception cellpy.exceptions.ConfigFileNotWritten[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when the configuration file cannot be written

exception cellpy.exceptions.DeprecatedFeature[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when the feature is recently deprecated

exception cellpy.exceptions.Error[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for other exceptions

exception cellpy.exceptions.ExportFailed[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when exporting data failed

exception cellpy.exceptions.FileNotFound[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when the given file is not found

exception cellpy.exceptions.IOError[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when exporting data failed

exception cellpy.exceptions.NoDataFound[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when there are no cells, but a data is needed.

exception cellpy.exceptions.NullData[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when required data is missing (e.g. voltage = None or summary_frames are missing)

exception cellpy.exceptions.UnderDefined[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when trying something that requires you to set a missing prm on environment variable first

exception cellpy.exceptions.WrongFileVersion[source]

Bases: Error

Raised when the file version is wrong

cellpy.log module

Set up logger instance

cellpy.log.setup_logging(default_level=None, default_json_path=None, env_key='LOG_CFG', custom_log_dir=None, reset_big_log=False, max_size=5000000, testing=False)[source]

Setup logging configuration.

  • default_level – default log-level to screen (std.out).

  • default_json_path – path to config file for setting up logging.

  • env_key (str) – use this environment prm to try to get default_json_path.

  • custom_log_dir – path for saving logs.

  • reset_big_log (bool) – reset log if too big (max_size).

  • max_size (int) – if reset_log, this is the max limit.

  • testing (bool) – set as True if testing, and you don’t want to create any .log files

Module contents


alias of Quantity

cellpy.get(filename=None, instrument=None, instrument_file=None, cellpy_file=None, cycle_mode=None, mass: Optional[Union[str, Number]] = None, nominal_capacity: Optional[Union[str, Number]] = None, nom_cap_specifics=None, loading=None, area: Optional[Union[str, Number]] = None, estimate_area=True, logging_mode=None, auto_pick_cellpy_format=True, auto_summary=True, units=None, step_kwargs=None, summary_kwargs=None, selector=None, testing=False, refuse_copying=False, initialize=False, debug=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create a CellpyCell object

  • filename (str, os.PathLike, OtherPath, or list of raw-file names) – path to file(s) to load

  • instrument (str) – instrument to use (defaults to the one in your cellpy config file)

  • instrument_file (str or path) – yaml file for custom file type

  • cellpy_file (str, os.PathLike, or OtherPath) – if both filename (a raw-file) and cellpy_file (a cellpy file) is provided, cellpy will try to check if the raw-file is has been updated since the creation of the cellpy-file and select this instead of the raw file if cellpy thinks they are similar (use with care!).

  • logging_mode (str) – “INFO” or “DEBUG”

  • cycle_mode (str) – the cycle mode (e.g. “anode” or “full_cell”)

  • mass (float) – mass of active material (mg) (defaults to mass given in cellpy-file or 1.0)

  • nominal_capacity (float) – nominal capacity for the cell (e.g. used for finding C-rates)

  • nom_cap_specifics (str) – either “gravimetric” (pr mass), “areal” (per area), or “volumetric” (per volume)

  • loading (float) – loading in units [mass] / [area]

  • area (float) – active electrode area (e.g. used for finding the areal capacity)

  • estimate_area (bool) – calculate area from loading if given (defaults to True)

  • auto_pick_cellpy_format (bool) – decide if it is a cellpy-file based on suffix.

  • auto_summary (bool) – (re-) create summary.

  • units (dict) – update cellpy units (used after the file is loaded, e.g. when creating summary).

  • step_kwargs (dict) – sent to make_steps

  • summary_kwargs (dict) – sent to make_summary

  • selector (dict) – passed to load (when loading cellpy-files).

  • testing (bool) – set to True if testing (will for example prevent making .log files)

  • refuse_copying (bool) – set to True if you do not want to copy the raw-file before loading.

  • initialize (bool) – set to True if you want to initialize the CellpyCell object (probably only useful if you want to return a cellpy-file with no data in it)

  • debug (bool) – set to True if you want to debug the loader.

  • **kwargs – sent to the loader

Keyword args (“arbin_res”):

bad_steps (list of tuples): (c, s) tuples of steps s (in cycle c) to skip loading [arbin_res]. dataset_number (int): the data set number (‘Test-ID’) to select if you are dealing

with arbin files with more than one data-set. Defaults to selecting all data-sets and merging them.

data_points (tuple of ints): load only data from data_point[0] to

data_point[1] (use None for infinite).

increment_cycle_index (bool): increment the cycle index if merging several datasets (default True).

Keyword args (“maccor_txt”, “neware_txt”, “local_instrument”, “custom”):

sep (str): separator used in the file. skip_rows (int): number of rows to skip in the beginning of the file. header (int): row number of the header. encoding (str): encoding of the file. decimal (str): decimal separator. thousand (str): thousand separator. pre_processor_hook (callable): pre-processors to use.

Keyword args (“pec_csv”):

bad_steps (list): separator used in the file (not implemented yet).


CellpyCell object (if successful, None if not)


>>> # read an arbin .res file and create a cellpy object with
>>> # populated summary and step-table:
>>> c = cellpy.get("my_data.res", instrument="arbin_res", mass=1.14, area=2.12, loading=1.2, nom_cap=155.2)
>>> # load a cellpy-file:
>>> c = cellpy.get("my_cellpy_file.clp")
>>> # load a txt-file exported from Maccor:
>>> c = cellpy.get("my_data.txt", instrument="maccor_txt", model="one")
>>> # load a raw-file if it is newer than the corresponding cellpy-file,
>>> # if not, load the cellpy-file:
>>> c = cellpy.get("my_data.res", cellpy_file="my_data.clp")
>>> # load a file with a custom file-description:
>>> c = cellpy.get("my_file.csv", instrument_file="my_instrument.yaml")
>>> # load three subsequent raw-files (of one cell) and merge them:
>>> c = cellpy.get(["my_data_01.res", "my_data_02.res", "my_data_03.res"])
>>> # load a data set and get the summary charge and discharge capacities
>>> # in Ah/g:
>>> c = cellpy.get("my_data.res", units=dict(capacity="Ah"))
>>> # get an empty CellpyCell instance:
>>> c = cellpy.get()  # or c = cellpy.get(initialize=True) if you want to initialize it.

initializes cellpy by reading the config file and the environment file