Source code for cellpy.utils.ica

"""ica contains routines for creating and working with
incremental capacity analysis data"""

import os
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
import pandas as pd

from cellpy.exceptions import NullData
from cellpy.readers.core import collect_capacity_curves

# TODO: @jepe - documentation and tests
# TODO: @jepe - fitting of o-c curves and differentiation
# TODO: @jepe - modeling and fitting
# TODO: @jepe - full-cell
# TODO: @jepe - binning method (assigned to Asbjoern)

[docs]class Converter: """Class for dq-dv handling. Typical usage is to (1) set the data, (2) inspect the data, (3) pre-process the data, (4) perform the dq-dv transform, and finally (5) post-process the data. A short note about normalization: - If ``normalization`` is set to ``False``, then no normalization will be done. - If ``normalization`` is ``True``, and ``normalization_factor`` is ``None``, the total capacity of the half cycle will be used for normalization, else the ``normalization_factor`` will be used. - If ``normalization`` is ``True``, and ``normalization_roof`` is not ``None``, the capacity divided by ``normalization_roof`` will be used for normalization. """ def __init__( self, capacity=None, voltage=None, points_pr_split=10, max_points=None, voltage_resolution=None, capacity_resolution=None, minimum_splits=3, interpolation_method="linear", increment_method="diff", pre_smoothing=False, smoothing=False, post_smoothing=True, normalize=True, normalizing_factor=None, normalizing_roof=None, savgol_filter_window_divisor_default=50, savgol_filter_window_order=3, voltage_fwhm=0.01, gaussian_order=0, gaussian_mode="reflect", gaussian_cval=0.0, gaussian_truncate=4.0, ): self.capacity = capacity self.voltage = voltage self.capacity_preprocessed = None self.voltage_preprocessed = None self.capacity_inverted = None self.voltage_inverted = None self.incremental_capacity = None self._incremental_capacity = None # before smoothing self.voltage_processed = None self._voltage_processed = None # before shifting / centering self.voltage_inverted_step = None self.points_pr_split = points_pr_split self.max_points = max_points self.voltage_resolution = voltage_resolution self.capacity_resolution = capacity_resolution self.minimum_splits = minimum_splits self.interpolation_method = interpolation_method self.increment_method = increment_method self.pre_smoothing = pre_smoothing self.smoothing = smoothing self.post_smoothing = post_smoothing self.savgol_filter_window_divisor_default = savgol_filter_window_divisor_default self.savgol_filter_window_order = savgol_filter_window_order self.voltage_fwhm = voltage_fwhm self.gaussian_order = gaussian_order self.gaussian_mode = gaussian_mode self.gaussian_cval = gaussian_cval self.gaussian_truncate = gaussian_truncate self.normalize = normalize self.normalizing_factor = normalizing_factor self.normalizing_roof = normalizing_roof self.d_capacity_mean = None self.d_voltage_mean = None self.len_capacity = None self.len_voltage = None self.min_capacity = None self.max_capacity = None self.start_capacity = None self.end_capacity = None self.number_of_points = None self.std_err_median = None self.std_err_mean = None self.fixed_voltage_range = False self.errors = [] def __str__(self): txt = f"[ica.converter] {str(type(self))}\n" attrs = vars(self) for name, att in attrs.items(): if isinstance(att, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray)): str_att = f"<vector> ({str(type(att))})" else: str_att = str(att) txt += f"{name}: {str_att}\n" return txt
[docs] def set_data(self, capacity, voltage=None, capacity_label="q", voltage_label="v"): """Set the data.""" logging.debug("setting data (capacity and voltage)") if isinstance(capacity, pd.DataFrame): logging.debug("received a pandas.DataFrame") self.capacity = capacity[capacity_label] self.voltage = capacity[voltage_label] else: assert len(capacity) == len(voltage) self.capacity = capacity self.voltage = voltage
[docs] def inspect_data(self, capacity=None, voltage=None, err_est=False, diff_est=False): """Check and inspect the data.""" logging.debug("inspecting the data") if capacity is None: capacity = self.capacity if voltage is None: voltage = self.voltage if capacity is None or voltage is None: raise NullData self.len_capacity = len(capacity) self.len_voltage = len(voltage) if self.len_capacity <= 1: raise NullData if self.len_voltage <= 1: raise NullData self.min_capacity, self.max_capacity = value_bounds(capacity) self.start_capacity, self.end_capacity = index_bounds(capacity) self.number_of_points = len(capacity) if diff_est: d_capacity = np.diff(capacity) d_voltage = np.diff(voltage) self.d_capacity_mean = np.mean(d_capacity) self.d_voltage_mean = np.mean(d_voltage) if err_est: splits = int(self.number_of_points / self.points_pr_split) rest = self.number_of_points % self.points_pr_split if splits < self.minimum_splits: txt = "no point in splitting, too little data" logging.debug(txt) self.errors.append("splitting: to few points") else: if rest > 0: _cap = capacity[:-rest] _vol = voltage[:-rest] else: _cap = capacity _vol = voltage c_pieces = np.split(_cap, splits) v_pieces = np.split(_vol, splits) # c_middle = int(np.amax(c_pieces) / 2) std_err = [] c_pieces_avg = [] for c, v in zip(c_pieces, v_pieces): _slope, _intercept, _r_value, _p_value, _std_err = stats.linregress( c, v ) std_err.append(_std_err) c_pieces_avg.append(np.mean(c)) self.std_err_median = np.median(std_err) self.std_err_mean = np.mean(std_err) if not self.start_capacity == self.min_capacity: self.errors.append("capacity: start<>min") if not self.end_capacity == self.max_capacity: self.errors.append("capacity: end<>max") if self.normalizing_factor is None: self.normalizing_factor = self.end_capacity if self.normalizing_roof is not None: self.normalizing_factor = ( self.normalizing_factor * self.end_capacity / self.normalizing_roof )
[docs] def pre_process_data(self): """Perform some pre-processing of the data (i.e. interpolation).""" logging.debug("pre-processing the data") capacity = self.capacity voltage = self.voltage # performing an interpolation in v(q) space logging.debug(" - interpolating voltage(capacity)") c1, c2 = index_bounds(capacity) if self.max_points is not None: len_capacity = min(self.max_points, self.len_capacity) elif self.capacity_resolution is not None: len_capacity = int(round(abs(c2 - c1) / self.capacity_resolution, 0)) else: len_capacity = self.len_capacity f = interp1d(capacity, voltage, kind=self.interpolation_method) self.capacity_preprocessed = np.linspace(c1, c2, len_capacity) self.voltage_preprocessed = f(self.capacity_preprocessed) if self.pre_smoothing: logging.debug(" - pre-smoothing (savgol filter window)") savgol_filter_window_divisor = np.amin( (self.savgol_filter_window_divisor_default, len_capacity / 5) ) savgol_filter_window_length = int( len_capacity / savgol_filter_window_divisor ) if savgol_filter_window_length % 2 == 0: savgol_filter_window_length -= 1 savgol_filter_window_length = np.amax([3, savgol_filter_window_length]) self.voltage_preprocessed = savgol_filter( self.voltage_preprocessed, savgol_filter_window_length, self.savgol_filter_window_order, )
[docs] def increment_data(self): """Perform the dq-dv transform.""" # NOTE TO ASBJOERN: Probably insert method for "binning" instead of # TODO: Asbjørn will insert "binning" here # differentiating here # (use self.increment_method as the variable for selecting method for) logging.debug("incrementing data") # ---- shifting to y-x ---------------------------------------- v1, v2 = value_bounds(self.voltage_preprocessed) if self.voltage_resolution is not None: len_voltage = int(round(abs(v2 - v1) / self.voltage_resolution, 0)) else: len_voltage = int(len(self.voltage_preprocessed)) # ---- interpolating ------------------------------------------ logging.debug(" - interpolating capacity(voltage)") f = interp1d( self.voltage_preprocessed, self.capacity_preprocessed, kind=self.interpolation_method, ) self.voltage_inverted = np.linspace(v1, v2, len_voltage) self.voltage_inverted_step = (v2 - v1) / (len_voltage - 1) self.capacity_inverted = f(self.voltage_inverted) if self.smoothing: logging.debug(" - smoothing (savgol filter window)") savgol_filter_window_divisor = np.amin( (self.savgol_filter_window_divisor_default, len_voltage / 5) ) savgol_filter_window_length = int( len(self.voltage_inverted) / savgol_filter_window_divisor ) if savgol_filter_window_length % 2 == 0: savgol_filter_window_length -= 1 self.capacity_inverted = savgol_filter( self.capacity_inverted, np.amax([3, savgol_filter_window_length]), self.savgol_filter_window_order, ) # --- diff -------------------- if self.increment_method == "diff": logging.debug(" - diff using DIFF") self.incremental_capacity = ( np.ediff1d(self.capacity_inverted) / self.voltage_inverted_step ) self._incremental_capacity = self.incremental_capacity # --- need to adjust voltage --- self._voltage_processed = self.voltage_inverted[1:] self.voltage_processed = ( self.voltage_inverted[1:] - 0.5 * self.voltage_inverted_step ) elif self.increment_method == "hist": logging.debug(" - diff using HIST") logging.warning( "Using the 'hist' method has not been thoroughly tested yet" ) # raise NotImplementedError df = pd.DataFrame( {"Capacity": self.capacity_inverted, "Voltage": self.voltage_inverted} ) df["dQ"] = df.Capacity.diff() df["Voltage"] = df.Voltage.round(decimals=4) df = df.groupby(["Voltage"])["dQ"].sum().to_frame().reset_index() df["dV"] = df.Voltage.diff().rolling(1).sum() df["dQdV"] = df.dQ / df.dV # df = df[df.dQdV.notnull()] # Might be needed, but could introduce an artefact self.incremental_capacity = df.dQdV self.voltage_processed = df.Voltage
# TODO: Asbjoern, maybe you can put your method here? Yes
[docs] def post_process_data( self, voltage=None, incremental_capacity=None, voltage_step=None ): """Perform post-processing (smoothing, normalisation, interpolation) of the data.""" logging.debug("post-processing data") if voltage is None: voltage = self.voltage_processed incremental_capacity = self.incremental_capacity voltage_step = self.voltage_inverted_step if self.post_smoothing: logging.debug(" - post smoothing (gaussian)") logging.debug(f" * using voltage fwhm: {self.voltage_fwhm}") points_fwhm = int(self.voltage_fwhm / voltage_step) sigma = np.amax([1, points_fwhm / 2]) incremental_capacity = gaussian_filter1d( incremental_capacity, sigma=sigma, order=self.gaussian_order, mode=self.gaussian_mode, cval=self.gaussian_cval, truncate=self.gaussian_truncate, ) if self.normalize: logging.debug(" - normalizing") area = simps(incremental_capacity, voltage) incremental_capacity = ( incremental_capacity * self.normalizing_factor / abs(area) ) self.incremental_capacity = incremental_capacity fixed_range = False if isinstance(self.fixed_voltage_range, np.ndarray): fixed_range = True else: if self.fixed_voltage_range: fixed_range = True if fixed_range: logging.debug(" - using fixed voltage range (interpolating)") v1, v2, number_of_points = self.fixed_voltage_range v = np.linspace(v1, v2, number_of_points) f = interp1d( x=self.voltage_processed, y=incremental_capacity, kind=self.interpolation_method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.NaN, ) self.incremental_capacity = f(v) self.voltage_processed = v
[docs]def value_bounds(x): """Returns tuple with min and max in x.""" return np.amin(x), np.amax(x)
[docs]def index_bounds(x): """Returns tuple with first and last item.""" if isinstance(x, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): return x.iloc[0], x.iloc[-1] else: return x[0], x[-1]
[docs]def dqdv_cycle(cycle, splitter=True, label_direction=False, **kwargs): """Convenience functions for creating dq-dv data from given capacity and voltage cycle. Returns the DataFrame with a 'voltage' and a 'incremental_capacity' column. Args: cycle (pandas.DataFrame): the cycle data ('voltage', 'capacity', 'direction' (1 or -1)). splitter (bool): insert a np.NaN row between charge and discharge. label_direction (bool): Returns: List of step numbers corresponding to the selected steptype. Returns a ``pandas.DataFrame`` instead of a list if ``pdtype`` is set to ``True``. Additional key-word arguments are sent to Converter: Keyword Args: points_pr_split (int): only used when investigating data using splits, defaults to 10. max_points: None voltage_resolution (float): used for interpolating voltage data (e.g. 0.005) capacity_resolution: used for interpolating capacity data minimum_splits (int): defaults to 3. interpolation_method: scipy interpolation method increment_method (str): defaults to "diff" pre_smoothing (bool): set to True for pre-smoothing (window) smoothing (bool): set to True for smoothing during differentiation (window) post_smoothing (bool): set to True for post-smoothing (gaussian) normalize (bool): set to True for normalizing to capacity normalizing_factor (float): normalizing_roof (float): savgol_filter_window_divisor_default (int): used for window smoothing, defaults to 50 savgol_filter_window_order: used for window smoothing voltage_fwhm (float): used for setting the post-processing gaussian sigma, defaults to 0.01 gaussian_order (int): defaults to 0 gaussian_mode (str): defaults to "reflect" gaussian_cval (float): defaults to 0.0 gaussian_truncate (float): defaults to 4.0 Example: >>> cycle_df = my_data.get_cap( >>> ... 1, >>> ... categorical_column=True, >>> ... method = "forth-and-forth" >>> ... insert_nan=False, >>> ... ) >>> voltage, incremental = ica.dqdv_cycle(cycle_df) """ if cycle.empty: raise NullData(f"The cycle (type={type(cycle)}) is empty.") c_first = cycle.loc[cycle["direction"] == -1] c_last = cycle.loc[cycle["direction"] == 1] converter = Converter(**kwargs) converter.set_data(c_first["capacity"], c_first["voltage"]) converter.inspect_data() converter.pre_process_data() converter.increment_data() converter.post_process_data() voltage_first = converter.voltage_processed incremental_capacity_first = converter.incremental_capacity if splitter: voltage_first = np.append(voltage_first, np.NaN) incremental_capacity_first = np.append(incremental_capacity_first, np.NaN) converter = Converter(**kwargs) converter.set_data(c_last["capacity"], c_last["voltage"]) converter.inspect_data() converter.pre_process_data() converter.increment_data() converter.post_process_data() voltage_last = converter.voltage_processed[::-1] incremental_capacity_last = converter.incremental_capacity[::-1] voltage = np.concatenate((voltage_first, voltage_last)) incremental_capacity = np.concatenate( (incremental_capacity_first, incremental_capacity_last) ) if label_direction: direction_first = -np.ones(len(voltage_first)) direction_last = np.ones(len(voltage_last)) direction = np.concatenate((direction_first, direction_last)) return voltage, incremental_capacity, direction return voltage, incremental_capacity
[docs]def dqdv_cycles(cycles, not_merged=False, label_direction=False, **kwargs): """Convenience functions for creating dq-dv data from given capacity and voltage cycles. Returns a DataFrame with a 'voltage' and a 'incremental_capacity' column. Args: cycles (pandas.DataFrame): the cycle data ('cycle', 'voltage', 'capacity', 'direction' (1 or -1)). not_merged (bool): return list of frames instead of concatenating ( defaults to False). label_direction (bool): include 'direction' (1 or -1). Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame`` with columns 'cycle', 'voltage', 'dq' (and 'direction' if label_direction is True). Additional key-word arguments are sent to Converter: Keyword Args: points_pr_split (int): only used when investigating data using splits, defaults to 10. max_points: None voltage_resolution (float): used for interpolating voltage data (e.g. 0.005) capacity_resolution: used for interpolating capacity data minimum_splits (int): defaults to 3. interpolation_method: scipy interpolation method increment_method (str): defaults to "diff" pre_smoothing (bool): set to True for pre-smoothing (window) smoothing (bool): set to True for smoothing during differentiation (window) post_smoothing (bool): set to True for post-smoothing (gaussian) normalize (bool): set to True for normalizing to capacity normalizing_factor (float): normalizing_roof (float): savgol_filter_window_divisor_default (int): used for window smoothing, defaults to 50 savgol_filter_window_order: used for window smoothing voltage_fwhm (float): used for setting the post-processing gaussian sigma, defaults to 0.01 gaussian_order (int): defaults to 0 gaussian_mode (str): defaults to "reflect" gaussian_cval (float): defaults to 0.0 gaussian_truncate (float): defaults to 4.0 Example: >>> cycles_df = my_data.get_cap( >>> ... categorical_column=True, >>> ... method = "forth-and-forth", >>> ... label_cycle_number=True, >>> ... insert_nan=False, >>> ... ) >>> ica_df = ica.dqdv_cycles(cycles_df) """ # TODO: should add option for normalising based on first cycle capacity # this is e.g. done by first finding the first cycle capacity (nom_cap) # (or use nominal capacity given as input) and then propagating this to # Converter using the key-word arguments # normalize=True, normalization_factor=1.0, normalization_roof=nom_cap if len(cycles) < 1: logging.debug("The food was without nutrition") return pd.DataFrame() ica_dfs = list() cycle_group = cycles.groupby("cycle") keys = list() for cycle_number, cycle in cycle_group: cycle = cycle.dropna() if label_direction: v, dq, direction = dqdv_cycle( cycle, splitter=True, label_direction=True, **kwargs ) _d = {"voltage": v, "dq": dq, "direction": direction} _cols = ["voltage", "dq", "direction"] else: v, dq = dqdv_cycle(cycle, splitter=True, label_direction=False, **kwargs) _d = {"voltage": v, "dq": dq} _cols = ["voltage", "dq"] _ica_df = pd.DataFrame(_d) if not not_merged: _cols.insert(0, "cycle") _ica_df["cycle"] = cycle_number _ica_df = _ica_df[_cols] else: keys.append(cycle_number) _ica_df = _ica_df[_cols] ica_dfs.append(_ica_df) if not_merged: return keys, ica_dfs ica_df = pd.concat(ica_dfs) return ica_df
[docs]def dqdv( voltage, capacity, voltage_resolution=None, capacity_resolution=None, voltage_fwhm=0.01, pre_smoothing=True, diff_smoothing=False, post_smoothing=True, post_normalization=True, interpolation_method=None, gaussian_order=None, gaussian_mode=None, gaussian_cval=None, gaussian_truncate=None, points_pr_split=None, savgol_filter_window_divisor_default=None, savgol_filter_window_order=None, max_points=None, **kwargs, ): """Convenience functions for creating dq-dv data from given capacity and voltage data. Args: voltage: nd.array or pd.Series capacity: nd.array or pd.Series voltage_resolution: used for interpolating voltage data (e.g. 0.005) capacity_resolution: used for interpolating capacity data voltage_fwhm: used for setting the post-processing gaussian sigma pre_smoothing: set to True for pre-smoothing (window) diff_smoothing: set to True for smoothing during differentiation (window) post_smoothing: set to True for post-smoothing (gaussian) post_normalization: set to True for normalizing to capacity interpolation_method: scipy interpolation method gaussian_order: int gaussian_mode: mode gaussian_cval: gaussian_truncate: points_pr_split: only used when investigating data using splits savgol_filter_window_divisor_default: used for window smoothing savgol_filter_window_order: used for window smoothing max_points: restricting to max points in vector (capacity-selected) Returns: (voltage, dqdv) """ # Notes: # PEC data # pre_smoothing = False # diff_smoothing = False # pos_smoothing = False # voltage_resolution = 0.005 # PEC data # ... # Arbin data (IFE) # ... converter = Converter(**kwargs) logging.debug("dqdv - starting") logging.debug("dqdv - created Converter obj") converter.pre_smoothing = pre_smoothing converter.post_smoothing = post_smoothing converter.smoothing = diff_smoothing converter.normalize = post_normalization converter.voltage_fwhm = voltage_fwhm logging.debug(f"converter.pre_smoothing: {converter.pre_smoothing}") logging.debug(f"converter.post_smoothing: {converter.post_smoothing}") logging.debug(f"converter.smoothing: {converter.smoothing}") logging.debug(f"converter.normalise: {converter.normalize}") logging.debug(f"converter.voltage_fwhm: {converter.voltage_fwhm}") if voltage_resolution is not None: converter.voltage_resolution = voltage_resolution if capacity_resolution is not None: converter.capacity_resolution = capacity_resolution if savgol_filter_window_divisor_default is not None: converter.savgol_filter_window_divisor_default = ( savgol_filter_window_divisor_default ) logging.debug( f"converter.savgol_filter_window_divisor_default: " f"{converter.savgol_filter_window_divisor_default}" ) if savgol_filter_window_order is not None: converter.savgol_filter_window_order = savgol_filter_window_order logging.debug( f"converter.savgol_filter_window_order: " f"{converter.savgol_filter_window_order}" ) if gaussian_mode is not None: converter.gaussian_mode = gaussian_mode if gaussian_order is not None: converter.gaussian_order = gaussian_order if gaussian_truncate is not None: converter.gaussian_truncate = gaussian_truncate if gaussian_cval is not None: converter.gaussian_cval = gaussian_cval if interpolation_method is not None: converter.interpolation_method = interpolation_method if points_pr_split is not None: converter.points_pr_split = points_pr_split if max_points is not None: converter.max_points = max_points converter.set_data(capacity, voltage) converter.inspect_data() converter.pre_process_data() converter.increment_data() converter.post_process_data() return converter.voltage_processed, converter.incremental_capacity
[docs]def dqdv_frames(cell, split=False, tidy=True, label_direction=False, **kwargs): """Returns dqdv data as pandas.DataFrame(s) for all cycles. Args: cell (CellpyCell-object). split (bool): return one frame for charge and one for discharge if True (defaults to False). tidy (bool): returns the split frames in wide format (defaults to True. Remark that this option is currently not available for non-split frames). Returns: one or two ``pandas.DataFrame`` with the following columns: cycle: cycle number (if split is set to True). voltage: voltage dq: the incremental capacity Additional key-word arguments are sent to Converter: Keyword Args: cycle (int or list of ints (cycle numbers)): will process all (or up to max_cycle_number) if not given or equal to None. points_pr_split (int): only used when investigating data using splits, defaults to 10. max_points: None voltage_resolution (float): used for interpolating voltage data (e.g. 0.005) capacity_resolution: used for interpolating capacity data minimum_splits (int): defaults to 3. interpolation_method: scipy interpolation method increment_method (str): defaults to "diff" pre_smoothing (bool): set to True for pre-smoothing (window) smoothing (bool): set to True for smoothing during differentiation (window) post_smoothing (bool): set to True for post-smoothing (gaussian) normalize (bool): set to True for normalizing to capacity normalizing_factor (float): normalizing_roof (float): savgol_filter_window_divisor_default (int): used for window smoothing, defaults to 50 savgol_filter_window_order: used for window smoothing voltage_fwhm (float): used for setting the post-processing gaussian sigma, defaults to 0.01 gaussian_order (int): defaults to 0 gaussian_mode (str): defaults to "reflect" gaussian_cval (float): defaults to 0.0 gaussian_truncate (float): defaults to 4.0 Example: >>> from cellpy.utils import ica >>> charge_df, dcharge_df = ica.ica_frames(my_cell, split=True) >>> charge_df.plot(x=("voltage", "v")) """ # TODO: should add option for normalizing based on first cycle capacity # this is e.g. done by first finding the first cycle capacity (nom_cap) # (or use nominal capacity given as input) and then propagating this to # Converter using the key-word arguments # normalize=True, normalization_factor=1.0, normalization_roof=nom_cap if split: return _dqdv_split_frames(cell, tidy=tidy, **kwargs) else: return _dqdv_combinded_frame( cell, tidy=tidy, label_direction=label_direction, **kwargs )
def _constrained_dq_dv_using_dataframes(capacity, minimum_v, maximum_v, **kwargs): converter = Converter(**kwargs) converter.set_data(capacity) converter.inspect_data() converter.pre_process_data() converter.increment_data() converter.fixed_voltage_range = [minimum_v, maximum_v, 100] converter.post_process_data() return converter.voltage_processed, converter.incremental_capacity def _make_ica_charge_curves(cycles_dfs, cycle_numbers, minimum_v, maximum_v, **kwargs): incremental_charge_list = [] for c, n in zip(cycles_dfs, cycle_numbers): if c.empty:"{n} is empty") v = [np.nan] dq = [np.nan] else: v, dq = _constrained_dq_dv_using_dataframes( c, minimum_v, maximum_v, **kwargs ) if not incremental_charge_list: d = pd.DataFrame({"v": v}) = "voltage" incremental_charge_list.append(d) d = pd.DataFrame({f"dq": dq}) = n incremental_charge_list.append(d) else: d = pd.DataFrame({f"dq": dq}) # = f"{cycle}" = n incremental_charge_list.append(d) return incremental_charge_list def _dqdv_combinded_frame(cell, tidy=True, label_direction=False, **kwargs): """Returns full cycle dqdv data for all cycles as one pd.DataFrame. Args: cell: CellpyCell-object Returns: pandas.DataFrame with the following columns: cycle: cycle number voltage: voltage dq: the incremental capacity """ cycle = kwargs.pop("cycle", None) number_of_points = kwargs.pop("number_of_points", None) cycles = cell.get_cap( cycle=cycle, method="forth-and-forth", categorical_column=True, label_cycle_number=True, insert_nan=False, number_of_points=number_of_points, ) ica_df = dqdv_cycles( cycles, not_merged=not tidy, label_direction=label_direction, **kwargs ) if not tidy: # dqdv_cycles returns a list of cycle numbers and a list of DataFrames # if not_merged is set to True (or not False) keys, ica_df = ica_df ica_df = pd.concat(ica_df, axis=1, keys=keys) return ica_df assert isinstance(ica_df, pd.DataFrame) return ica_df def _dqdv_split_frames( cell, tidy=False, trim_taper_steps=None, steps_to_skip=None, steptable=None, max_cycle_number=None, **kwargs, ): """Returns dqdv data as pandas.DataFrames for all cycles. Args: cell (CellpyCell-object). tidy (bool): return in wide format if False (default), long (tidy) format if True. Returns: (charge_ica_frame, discharge_ica_frame) where the frames are pandas.DataFrames where the first column is voltage ('v') and the following columns are the incremental capcaity for each cycle (multi-indexed, where cycle number is on the top level). Example: >>> from cellpy.utils import ica >>> charge_ica_df, dcharge_ica_df = ica.ica_frames(my_cell) >>> charge_ica_df.plot(x=("voltage", "v")) """ cycle = kwargs.pop("cycle", None) if cycle and not isinstance(cycle, (list, tuple)): cycle = [cycle] charge_dfs, cycles, minimum_v, maximum_v = collect_capacity_curves( cell, direction="charge", trim_taper_steps=trim_taper_steps, steps_to_skip=steps_to_skip, steptable=steptable, max_cycle_number=max_cycle_number, cycle=cycle, ) logging.debug(f"retrieved {len(charge_dfs)} charge cycles") # charge_df = pd.concat( # charge_dfs, axis=1, keys=[ for k in charge_dfs]) ica_charge_dfs = _make_ica_charge_curves( charge_dfs, cycles, minimum_v, maximum_v, **kwargs ) ica_charge_df = pd.concat( ica_charge_dfs, axis=1, keys=[ for k in ica_charge_dfs] ) dcharge_dfs, cycles, minimum_v, maximum_v = collect_capacity_curves( cell, direction="discharge", trim_taper_steps=trim_taper_steps, steps_to_skip=steps_to_skip, steptable=steptable, max_cycle_number=max_cycle_number, cycle=cycle, ) logging.debug(f"retrieved {len(dcharge_dfs)} discharge cycles") ica_dcharge_dfs = _make_ica_charge_curves( dcharge_dfs, cycles, minimum_v, maximum_v, **kwargs ) ica_discharge_df = pd.concat( ica_dcharge_dfs, axis=1, keys=[ for k in ica_dcharge_dfs] ) ica_charge_df.columns.names = ["cycle", "value"] ica_discharge_df.columns.names = ["cycle", "value"] if tidy: ica_charge_df = ica_charge_df.melt( "voltage", var_name="cycle", value_name="dq", col_level=0 ) ica_discharge_df = ica_discharge_df.melt( "voltage", var_name="cycle", value_name="dq", col_level=0 ) return ica_charge_df, ica_discharge_df def _check_class_ica(): print(40 * "=") print("running check_class_ica") print(40 * "-") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cell = _get_a_cell_to_play_with() cycle = 5 print("looking at cycle %i" % cycle) # ---------- processing and plotting ---------------- fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) capacity, voltage = cell.get_ccap(cycle, as_frame=False) ax1.plot(capacity, voltage, "b.-", label="raw") converter = Converter() converter.set_data(capacity, voltage) converter.inspect_data() converter.pre_process_data() ax1.plot( converter.capacity_preprocessed, converter.voltage_preprocessed, "r.-", alpha=0.3, label="pre-processed", ) converter.increment_data() ax2.plot( converter.voltage_processed, converter.incremental_capacity, "b.-", label="incremented", ) converter.fixed_voltage_range = False converter.post_smoothing = True converter.normalize = False converter.post_process_data() ax2.plot( converter.voltage_processed, converter.incremental_capacity, "y-", alpha=0.3, lw=4.0, label="smoothed", ) converter.fixed_voltage_range = np.array((0.1, 1.2, 100)) converter.post_smoothing = False converter.normalize = False converter.post_process_data() ax2.plot( converter.voltage_processed, converter.incremental_capacity, "go", alpha=0.7, label="fixed voltage range", ) ax1.legend(numpoints=1) ax2.legend(numpoints=1) ax1.set_ylabel("Voltage (V)") ax1.set_xlabel("Capacity (mAh/g)") ax2.set_xlabel("Voltage (V)") ax2.set_ylabel("dQ/dV (mAh/g/V)") def _get_a_cell_to_play_with(): from cellpy import cellreader # -------- defining overall path-names etc ---------- current_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print(current_file_path) relative_test_data_dir = "../../testdata/hdf5" test_data_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(current_file_path, relative_test_data_dir) ) # test_data_dir_out = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "out") test_cellpy_file = "20160805_test001_45_cc.h5" test_cellpy_file_full = os.path.join(test_data_dir, test_cellpy_file) # mass = 0.078609164 # ---------- loading test-data ---------------------- cell = cellreader.CellpyCell() cell.load(test_cellpy_file_full) list_of_cycles = cell.get_cycle_numbers() number_of_cycles = len(list_of_cycles) print("you have %i cycles" % number_of_cycles) # return cell def _check_if_works(): import pandas as pd from cellpy import cellreader cell = _get_a_cell_to_play_with() a = dqdv_frames(cell) print("Hei") if __name__ == "__main__": _check_if_works()