Source code for cellpy.utils.batch_tools.engines

"""Engines are functions that are used by the Do-ers.

    Keyword Args: experiments, farms, barn, optionals
    Returns: farms, barn

import logging
import time
import warnings

import pandas as pd

from cellpy import dbreader
from cellpy.parameters.internal_settings import get_headers_journal, get_headers_summary
from cellpy.utils.batch_tools import batch_helpers as helper

hdr_journal = get_headers_journal()
hdr_summary = get_headers_summary()


[docs]def cycles_engine(**kwargs): """engine to extract cycles""" logging.debug("cycles_engine::Not finished yet (sorry).") warnings.warn( "This utility function will be seriously changed soon and possibly removed", category=DeprecationWarning, ) # raise NotImplementedError experiments = kwargs["experiments"] farms = [] barn = "raw_dir" # Its a murder in the red barn - murder in the red barn for experiment in experiments: farms.append([]) if experiment.all_in_memory: logging.debug("all in memory") for key in experiment.cell_data_frames: logging.debug(f"extracting cycles from {key}") # extract cycles here and send it to the farm else: logging.debug("dont have it in memory - need to lookup in the files") for key in experiment.cell_data_frames: logging.debug(f"looking up cellpyfile for {key}") # extract cycles here and send it to the farm return farms, barn
[docs]def raw_data_engine(**kwargs): """engine to extract raw data""" warnings.warn( "This utility function will be seriously changed soon and possibly removed", category=DeprecationWarning, ) logging.debug("cycles_engine") farms = None barn = "raw_dir" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def summary_engine(**kwargs): """engine to extract summary data""" logging.debug("summary_engine") # farms = kwargs["farms"] farms = [] experiments = kwargs.pop("experiments") reset = kwargs.pop("reset", False) for experiment in experiments: if experiment.selected_summaries is None: selected_summaries = SELECTED_SUMMARIES else: selected_summaries = experiment.selected_summaries if reset or experiment.summary_frames is None: logging.debug("No summary frames found") logging.debug("Re-loading") experiment.summary_frames = _load_summaries(experiment) farm = helper.join_summaries(experiment.summary_frames, selected_summaries) farms.append(farm) barn = "batch_dir" return farms, barn
def _load_summaries(experiment): summary_frames = {} for label in experiment.cell_names: # TODO: replace this with direct lookup from hdf5? summary_frames[label] =[label].data.summary return summary_frames
[docs]def dq_dv_engine(**kwargs): """engine that performs incremental analysis of the cycle-data""" warnings.warn( "This utility function will be seriously changed soon and possibly removed", category=DeprecationWarning, ) farms = None barn = "raw_dir" raise NotImplementedError
def _query(reader_method, cell_ids, column_name=None): if not any(cell_ids): logging.debug("Received empty cell_ids") return [] try: if column_name is None: result = [reader_method(cell_id) for cell_id in cell_ids] else: result = [reader_method(column_name, cell_id) for cell_id in cell_ids] except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"Error in querying db.") logging.debug(e) result = [None for _ in range(len(cell_ids))] return result
[docs]def sql_db_engine(*args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: print("sql_db_engine") print(f"args: {args}") print(f"kwargs: {kwargs}") return pd.DataFrame()
# TODO-246: load area
[docs]def simple_db_engine( reader=None, cell_ids=None, file_list=None, pre_path=None, include_key=False, include_individual_arguments=True, additional_column_names=None, batch_name=None, **kwargs, ): """Engine that gets values from the db for given set of cell IDs. The simple_db_engine looks up values for mass, names, etc. from the db using the reader object. In addition, it searches for the corresponding raw files / data. Args: reader: a reader object (defaults to dbreader.Reader) cell_ids: keys (cell IDs) (assumes that the db has already been filtered, if not, use batch_name). file_list: file list to send to filefinder (instead of searching in folders for files). pre_path: prepended path to send to filefinder. include_key: include the key col in the pages (the cell IDs). include_individual_arguments: include the argument column in the pages. additional_column_names: list of additional column names to include in the pages. batch_name: name of the batch (used if cell_ids are not given) **kwargs: sent to filefinder Returns: pages (pandas.DataFrame) """ new_version = False # This is not really a proper Do-er engine. But not sure where to put it. logging.debug("simple_db_engine") if reader is None: reader = dbreader.Reader() logging.debug("No reader provided. Creating one myself.") if cell_ids is None: pages_dict = reader.from_batch( batch_name=batch_name, include_key=include_key, include_individual_arguments=include_individual_arguments, ) else: pages_dict = dict() pages_dict[hdr_journal["filename"]] = _query(reader.get_cell_name, cell_ids) if include_key: pages_dict[hdr_journal["id_key"]] = cell_ids if include_individual_arguments: pages_dict[hdr_journal["argument"]] = _query(reader.get_args, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["mass"]] = _query(reader.get_mass, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["total_mass"]] = _query(reader.get_total_mass, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["loading"]] = _query(reader.get_loading, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["nom_cap"]] = _query(reader.get_nom_cap, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["area"]] = _query(reader.get_area, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["experiment"]] = _query( reader.get_experiment_type, cell_ids ) pages_dict[hdr_journal["fixed"]] = _query(reader.inspect_hd5f_fixed, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["label"]] = _query(reader.get_label, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["cell_type"]] = _query(reader.get_cell_type, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["instrument"]] = _query(reader.get_instrument, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["raw_file_names"]] = [] pages_dict[hdr_journal["cellpy_file_name"]] = [] pages_dict[hdr_journal["comment"]] = _query(reader.get_comment, cell_ids) pages_dict[hdr_journal["group"]] = _query(reader.get_group, cell_ids) if additional_column_names is not None: for k in additional_column_names: try: pages_dict[k] = _query(reader.get_by_column_label, cell_ids, k) except Exception as e:"Could not retrieve from column {k} ({e})") logging.debug(f"created info-dict from {reader.db_file}:") for key in list(pages_dict.keys()): logging.debug("%s: %s" % (key, str(pages_dict[key]))) _groups = pages_dict[hdr_journal["group"]] groups = helper.fix_groups(_groups) pages_dict[hdr_journal["group"]] = groups my_timer_start = time.time() pages_dict = helper.find_files( pages_dict, file_list=file_list, pre_path=pre_path, **kwargs ) my_timer_end = time.time() if (my_timer_end - my_timer_start) > 5.0: logging.critical( "The function _find_files was very slow. " "Save your journal so you don't have to run it again! " "You can load it again using the from_journal(journal_name) method." ) pages = pd.DataFrame(pages_dict) try: pages = pages.sort_values([, hdr_journal.filename]) except TypeError as e: _report_suspected_duplicate_id( e, "sort the values", pages[[, hdr_journal.filename]], ) pages = helper.make_unique_groups(pages) try: pages[hdr_journal.label] = pages[hdr_journal.filename].apply( helper.create_labels ) except AttributeError as e: _report_suspected_duplicate_id( e, "make labels", pages[[hdr_journal.label, hdr_journal.filename]] ) else: # TODO: check if drop=False works [#index] pages.set_index(hdr_journal["filename"], inplace=True) # edit this to allow for # non-numeric index-names (for tab completion and python-box) return pages
def _report_suspected_duplicate_id(e, what="do it", on=None): logging.warning(f"could not {what}") logging.warning(f"{on}") logging.warning("maybe you have a corrupted db?") logging.warning( "typically happens if the cell_id is not unique (several rows or records in " "your db has the same cell_id or key)" ) logging.warning(e)