Source code for cellpy.readers.instruments.base

When you make a new loader you have to subclass the Loader class.
Remember also to register it in cellpy.cellreader.

(for future development, not used very efficiently yet).

import abc
import logging
import pathlib
import shutil
import tempfile
from abc import ABC
from typing import List, Union

import pandas as pd

import cellpy.internals.core
import cellpy.readers.core as core
from cellpy.parameters.internal_settings import headers_normal
from cellpy.readers.instruments.configurations import (
from cellpy.readers.instruments.processors import post_processors, pre_processors
from cellpy.readers.instruments.processors.post_processors import (


# TODO: move this to another module (e.g. inside processors):
[docs]def find_delimiter_and_start( file_name, separators=None, checking_length_header=30, checking_length_whole=200, ): """function to automatically detect the delimiter and what line the first data appears on. Remark! This function is rather simple, it splits the data into to parts (possible header part (checking_length_header) and the rest of the data). Then it counts the appearances of the different possible delimiters in the rest of the data part, and then selects a delimiter if it has unique counts for all the lines. The first line is defined as where the delimiter is used same number of times (probably a header line). """ if separators is None: separators = [";", "\t", "|", ","] logging.debug(f"checking internals of the file {file_name}") empty_lines = 0 with open(file_name, "r") as fin: lines = [] for j in range(checking_length_whole): line = fin.readline() if not line: break if len(line.strip()): lines.append(line) else: empty_lines += 1 checking_length_whole -= empty_lines if checking_length_header - empty_lines < 1: checking_length_header = checking_length_whole // 2 separator, number_of_hits = _find_separator( checking_length_whole - checking_length_header, lines, separators ) if separator is None: raise IOError(f"could not decide delimiter in {file_name}") if separator == "\t": logging.debug("seperator = TAB") elif separator == " ": logging.debug("seperator = SPACE") else: logging.debug(f"seperator = {separator}") first_index = _find_first_line_whit_delimiter( checking_length_header, lines, number_of_hits, separator ) logging.debug(f"First line with delimiter: {first_index}") return separator, first_index
def _find_first_line_whit_delimiter( checking_length_header, lines, number_of_hits, separator ): first_part = lines[:checking_length_header] if number_of_hits is None: # remark! if number of hits (i.e. how many separators pr line) is not given, we set it to the amount of # separators we find in the third last line. number_of_hits = lines[-3].count(separator) return [ line_number for line_number, line in enumerate(first_part) if line.count(separator) == number_of_hits ][0] def _find_separator(checking_length, lines, separators): logging.debug("searching for separators") separator = None number_of_hits = None last_part = lines[ checking_length:-1 ] # don't include last line since it might be corrupted check_sep = dict() for i, v in enumerate(separators): check_sep[i] = [line.count(v) for line in last_part] unique_sep_counts = {i: set(v) for i, v in check_sep.items()} for index, value in unique_sep_counts.items(): value_as_list = list(value) number_of_hits = value_as_list[0] if len(value_as_list) == 1 and number_of_hits > 0: separator = separators[index] break return separator, number_of_hits
[docs]def query_csv( self, name, sep=None, skiprows=None, header=None, encoding=None, decimal=None, thousands=None, ): logging.debug(f"parsing with pandas.read_csv: {name}") sep = sep or self.sep skiprows = skiprows or self.skiprows header = header or self.header encoding = encoding or self.encoding decimal = decimal or self.decimal thousands = thousands or self.thousands logging.critical(f"{sep=}, {skiprows=}, {header=}, {encoding=}, {decimal=}") data_df = pd.read_csv( name, sep=sep, skiprows=skiprows, header=header, encoding=encoding, decimal=decimal, thousands=thousands, ) return data_df
[docs]class AtomicLoad: """Atomic loading class""" instrument_name = "atomic_loader" _name = None _temp_file_path = None _fid = None _is_db: bool = False _copy_also_local: bool = True _refuse_copying: bool = False @property def is_db(self): """Is the file stored in the database""" return self._is_db @is_db.setter def is_db(self, value: bool): """Is the file stored in the database""" self._is_db = value @property def refuse_copying(self): """Should the file be copied to a temporary file""" return self._refuse_copying @refuse_copying.setter def refuse_copying(self, value: bool): """Should the file be copied to a temporary file""" self._refuse_copying = value @property def name(self): """The name of the file to be loaded""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): """The name of the file to be loaded""" if not self.is_db and not isinstance(value, cellpy.internals.core.OtherPath): logging.debug("converting to OtherPath") value = cellpy.internals.core.OtherPath(value) self._name = value @property def temp_file_path(self): """The name of the file to be loaded if copied to a temporary file""" return self._temp_file_path @temp_file_path.setter def temp_file_path(self, value): """The name of the file to be loaded if copied to a temporary file""" self._temp_file_path = value @property def fid(self): """The unique file id""" if self._fid is None: self.generate_fid() return self._fid
[docs] def generate_fid(self, value=None): """Generate a unique file id""" if self.is_db: self._fid = core.FileID(, is_db=True) elif self._temp_file_path is not None: self._fid = core.FileID( elif self._name is not None: self._fid = core.FileID( elif value is not None: self._fid = core.FileID(value) else: raise ValueError("could not generate fid")
[docs] def copy_to_temporary(self): """Copy file to a temporary file""" logging.debug(f"external file received? {}") if is None: raise ValueError("no file name given to loader class ( is None)") if self._refuse_copying: logging.debug("refusing copying") self._temp_file_path = return if not self._copy_also_local and not self._temp_file_path = return self._temp_file_path =
[docs] def loader_executor(self, *args, **kwargs): """Load the file""" name = args[0] self.refuse_copying = kwargs.pop("refuse_copying", False) = name if not self.is_db: self.copy_to_temporary() cellpy_data = self.loader(*args, **kwargs) return cellpy_data
[docs] def loader(self, *args, **kwargs): """The method that does the actual loading. This method should be overwritten by the specific loader class. """ ...
[docs]class BaseLoader(AtomicLoad, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Main loading class""" instrument_name = "base_loader" # TODO: should also include the functions for getting cellpy headers etc # here
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_raw_units() -> dict: """Include the settings for the units used by the instrument. This is needed for example when converting the capacity to a specific capacity. So far, it has been difficult to get any kind of consensus on what the most optimal units are for storing cycling data. Therefore, cellpy implements three levels of units: 1) the raw units that the data is loaded in already has and 2) the cellpy units used by cellpy when generating summaries and related information, and 3) output units that can be set to get the data in a specif unit when exporting or creating specific outputs such as ICA. Comment 2022.09.11:: still not sure if we should use raw units or cellpy units in the cellpy-files (.h5/ .cellpy). Currently, the summary is in cellpy units and the raw and step data is in raw units. If you have any input on this topic, let us know. The units are defined w.r.t. the SI units ('unit-fractions'; currently only units that are multiples of Si units can be used). For example, for current defined in mA, the value for the current unit-fraction will be 0.001. The internal cellpy units are given in the ``cellpy_units`` attribute. Returns: dictionary of units (str) Example: A minimum viable implementation:: @staticmethod def get_raw_units(): raw_units = dict() raw_units["current"] = "A" raw_units["charge"] = "Ah" raw_units["mass"] = "g" raw_units["voltage"] = "V" return raw_units """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_raw_limits(self) -> dict: """Include the settings for how to decide what kind of step you are examining here. The raw limits are 'epsilons' used to check if the current and/or voltage is stable (for example for galvanostatic steps, one would expect that the current is stable (constant) and non-zero). If the (accumulated) change is less than 'epsilon', then cellpy interpret it to be stable. It is expected that different instruments (with different resolution etc.) have different resolutions and noice levels, thus different 'epsilons'. Returns: the raw limits (dict) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def get_params(cls, parameter: Union[str, None]) -> dict: """Retrieves parameters needed for facilitating working with the instrument without registering it. Typically, it should include the name and raw_ext. Return: parameters or a selected parameter """ return getattr(cls, parameter)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def loader(self, *args, **kwargs) -> list: """Loads data into a Data object and returns it""" # This method is used by cellreader through the AtomicLoad.loader_executor method. # It should be overwritten by the specific loader class. # # Notice that it is highly recommended that you don't try to implement .loader_executor yourself # in your subclass! pass
[docs] @staticmethod def identify_last_data_point(data: core.Data) -> core.Data: """This method is used to find the last record in the data.""" return core.identify_last_data_point(data)
[docs]class AutoLoader(BaseLoader): """Main autoload class. This class can be sub-classed if you want to make a data-reader for different type of "easily parsed" files (for example csv-files). The subclass needs to have at least one associated CONFIGURATION_MODULE defined and must have the following attributes as minimum:: default_model: str = NICK_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_MODULE supported_models: dict = SUPPORTED_MODELS where SUPPORTED_MODELS is a dictionary with {NICK_NAME : CONFIGURATION_MODULE_NAME} key-value pairs. Remark! the NICK_NAME must be in upper-case! It is also possible to set these in a custom pre_init method:: @classmethod def pre_init(cls): cls.default_model: str = NICK_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_MODULE cls.supported_models: dict = SUPPORTED_MODELS or turn off automatic registering of configuration:: @classmethod def pre_init(cls): cls.auto_register_config = False # defaults to True During initialisation of the class, if ``auto_register_config == True``, it will dynamically load the definitions provided in the located in the ``cellpy.readers.instruments.configurations`` folder/package. Attributes can be set during initialisation of the class as **kwargs that are then handled by the ``parse_formatter_parameters`` method. Remark that some also can be provided as arguments to the ``loader`` method and will then automatically be "transparent" to the ``cellpy.get`` function. So if you would like to give the user access to modify these arguments, you should implement them in the ``parse_loader_parameters`` method. """ instrument_name = "auto_loader" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.auto_register_config = True self.pre_init() if not hasattr(self, "supported_models"): raise AttributeError( f"missing attribute in sub-class of TxtLoader: supported_models" ) if not hasattr(self, "default_model"): raise AttributeError( f"missing attribute in sub-class of TxtLoader: default_model" ) # in case model is given as argument self.model = kwargs.pop("model", self.default_model) if self.auto_register_config: self.config_params = self.register_configuration() self.parse_formatter_parameters(**kwargs) self.pre_processors = self.config_params.pre_processors additional_pre_processor_args = kwargs.pop( "pre_processors", None ) # could replace None with an empty dict to get rid of the if-clause: if additional_pre_processor_args: for key in additional_pre_processor_args: self.pre_processors[key] = additional_pre_processor_args[key] self.post_processors = self.config_params.post_processors additional_post_processor_args = kwargs.pop( "post_processors", None ) # could replace None with an empty dict to get rid of the if-clause: if additional_post_processor_args: for key in additional_post_processor_args: self.post_processors[key] = additional_post_processor_args[key] self.include_aux = kwargs.pop("include_aux", False) self.keep_all_columns = kwargs.pop("keep_all_columns", False) self.cellpy_headers_normal = ( headers_normal # the column headers defined by cellpy )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_formatter_parameters(self, **kwargs) -> None: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_loader_parameters(self, **kwargs): ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def query_file(self, file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> pd.DataFrame: ...
[docs] def pre_init(self) -> None: ...
[docs] def register_configuration(self) -> ModelParameters: """Register and load model configuration""" if ( self.model is None ): # in case None was given as argument (model=None in initialisation) self.model = self.default_model model_module_name = self.supported_models.get(self.model.upper(), None) if model_module_name is None: raise Exception( f"The model {self.model} does not have any defined configuration." f"\nCurrent supported models are {[*self.supported_models.keys()]}" ) return register_configuration_from_module(self.model, model_module_name)
[docs] def get_raw_units(self): """Include the settings for the units used by the instrument. The units are defined w.r.t. the SI units ('unit-fractions'; currently only units that are multiples of Si units can be used). For example, for current defined in mA, the value for the current unit-fraction will be 0.001. Returns: dictionary containing the unit-fractions for current, charge, and mass """ return self.config_params.raw_units
[docs] def get_raw_limits(self): """Include the settings for how to decide what kind of step you are examining here. The raw limits are 'epsilons' used to check if the current and/or voltage is stable (for example for galvanostatic steps, one would expect that the current is stable (constant) and non-zero). It is expected that different instruments (with different resolution etc.) have different 'epsilons'. Returns: the raw limits (dict) """ return self.config_params.raw_limits
[docs] @staticmethod def get_headers_aux(raw: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError( f"missing method in sub-class of TxtLoader: get_headers_aux" )
def _pre_process(self): for processor_name in self.pre_processors: if self.pre_processors[processor_name]: if hasattr(pre_processors, processor_name): logging.critical(f"running pre-processor: {processor_name}") processor = getattr(pre_processors, processor_name) self.temp_file_path = processor(self.temp_file_path) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{processor_name} is not currently supported - aborting!" )
[docs] def loader(self, name: Union[str, pathlib.Path], **kwargs: str) -> core.Data: """returns a Data object with loaded data. Loads data from a txt file (csv-ish). Args: name (str, pathlib.Path): name of the file. kwargs (dict): key-word arguments from raw_loader. Returns: new_tests (list of data objects) """ pre_processor_hook = kwargs.pop("pre_processor_hook", None) if self.pre_processors: self._pre_process() self.parse_loader_parameters(**kwargs) data_df = self.query_file(self.temp_file_path) if pre_processor_hook is not None: logging.debug("running pre-processing-hook") data_df = pre_processor_hook(data_df) data = core.Data() # metadata meta = self.parse_meta() data.loaded_from = name data.channel_index = meta.get("channel_index", None) data.test_ID = meta.get("test_ID", None) data.test_name = meta.get("test_name", None) data.creator = meta.get("creator", None) data.schedule_file_name = meta.get("schedule_file_name", None) data.start_datetime = meta.get("start_datetime", None) # Generating a FileID project: self.generate_fid() data.raw_data_files.append(self.fid) data.raw = data_df data.raw_data_files_length.append(len(data_df)) data.summary = ( pd.DataFrame() ) # creating an empty frame - loading summary is not implemented data = self._post_process(data) data = self.identify_last_data_point(data) if data.start_datetime is None: data.start_datetime = data.raw[headers_normal.datetime_txt].iat[0] data = self.validate(data) return data
[docs] def validate(self, data: core.Data) -> core.Data: """validation of the loaded data, should raise an appropriate exception if it fails.""" logging.debug(f"no validation of defined in this sub-class of TxtLoader") return data
[docs] def parse_meta(self) -> dict: """method that parses the data for meta-data (e.g. start-time, channel number, ...)""" logging.debug( f"no parsing method for meta-data defined in this sub-class of TxtLoader" ) return dict()
def _post_rename_headers(self, data): if self.include_aux: new_aux_headers = self.get_headers_aux(data.raw) data.raw.rename(index=str, columns=new_aux_headers, inplace=True) return data def _post_process(self, data): # ordered post-processing steps: for processor_name in ORDERED_POST_PROCESSING_STEPS: if processor_name in self.post_processors: data = self._perform_post_process_step(data, processor_name) # non-ordered post-processing steps for processor_name in self.post_processors: if processor_name not in ORDERED_POST_PROCESSING_STEPS: data = self._perform_post_process_step(data, processor_name) return data def _perform_post_process_step(self, data, processor_name): if self.post_processors[processor_name]: if hasattr(post_processors, processor_name): logging.critical(f"running post-processor: {processor_name}") processor = getattr(post_processors, processor_name) data = processor(data, self.config_params) if hasattr(self, f"_post_{processor_name}"): # internal addon-function _processor = getattr(self, f"_post_{processor_name}") data = _processor(data) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{processor_name} is not currently supported - aborting!" ) return data
[docs]class TxtLoader(AutoLoader, ABC): """Main txt loading class (for sub-classing). The subclass of a ``TxtLoader`` gets its information by loading model specifications from its respective module (``cellpy.readers.instruments.configurations.<module>``) or configuration file (yaml). Remark that if you implement automatic loading of the formatter, the module / yaml-file must include all the required formatter parameters (sep, skiprows, header, encoding, decimal, thousands). If you need more flexibility, try using the ``CustomTxtLoader`` or subclass directly from ``AutoLoader`` or ``Loader``. Constructor: model (str): short name of the (already implemented) sub-model. sep (str): delimiter. skiprows (int): number of lines to skip. header (int): number of the header lines. encoding (str): encoding. decimal (str): character used for decimal in the raw data, defaults to '.'. processors (dict): pre-processing steps to take (before loading with pandas). post_processors (dict): post-processing steps to make after loading the data, but before returning them to the caller. include_aux (bool): also parse so-called auxiliary columns / data. Defaults to False. keep_all_columns (bool): load all columns, also columns that are not 100% necessary for ``cellpy`` to work. Remark that the configuration settings for the sub-model must include a list of column header names that should be kept if keep_all_columns is False (default). Module: sep (str): the delimiter (also works as a switch to turn on/off automatic detection of delimiter and start of data (skiprows)). """ instrument_name = "txt_loader" raw_ext = "*" # override this if needed
[docs] def parse_loader_parameters(self, **kwargs): sep = kwargs.get("sep", None) if sep is not None: self.sep = sep if self.sep is None: self._auto_formatter()
# override this if needed
[docs] def parse_formatter_parameters(self, **kwargs): logging.debug(f"model: {self.model}") if not self.config_params.formatters: # Setting defaults if formatter is not loaded logging.debug("No formatter given - using default values.") self.sep = kwargs.pop("sep", None) self.skiprows = kwargs.pop("skiprows", 0) self.header = kwargs.pop("header", 0) self.encoding = kwargs.pop("encoding", "utf-8") self.decimal = kwargs.pop("decimal", ".") self.thousands = kwargs.pop("thousands", None) else: # Remark! This will break if one of these parameters are missing # (not a keyword argument and not within the configuration): self.sep = kwargs.pop("sep", self.config_params.formatters["sep"]) self.skiprows = kwargs.pop( "skiprows", self.config_params.formatters["skiprows"] ) self.header = kwargs.pop("header", self.config_params.formatters["header"]) self.encoding = kwargs.pop( "encoding", self.config_params.formatters["encoding"] ) self.decimal = kwargs.pop( "decimal", self.config_params.formatters["decimal"] ) self.thousands = kwargs.pop( "thousands", self.config_params.formatters["thousands"] ) logging.debug( f"Formatters: self.sep={self.sep} self.skiprows={self.skiprows} self.header={self.header} self.encoding={self.encoding}" ) logging.debug( f"Formatters (cont.): self.decimal={self.decimal} self.thousands={self.thousands}" )
def _auto_formatter(self): separator, first_index = find_delimiter_and_start(, separators=None, checking_length_header=100, checking_length_whole=200, ) self.encoding = "UTF-8" # consider adding a find_encoding function self.sep = separator self.skiprows = first_index - 1 self.header = 0 logging.critical( f"auto-formatting:\n {self.sep=}\n {self.skiprows=}\n {self.header=}\n {self.encoding=}\n" ) # override this if using other query functions
[docs] def query_file(self, name): logging.debug(f"parsing with pandas.read_csv: {name}") logging.critical( f"{self.sep=}, {self.skiprows=}, {self.header=}, {self.encoding=}, {self.decimal=}" ) data_df = pd.read_csv( name, sep=self.sep, skiprows=self.skiprows, header=self.header, encoding=self.encoding, decimal=self.decimal, thousands=self.thousands, ) return data_df