Source code for cellpy.parameters.internal_settings

"""Internal settings and definitions and functions for getting them."""
import logging
import warnings
from collections import UserDict
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, asdict
from typing import List, Optional

import pandas as pd

from cellpy import prms

# if you change this, remember that both loading and saving uses this
# constant at the moment, and check that loading old files still works
# - and possibly refactor so that the old-file loaders contain the
# appropriate pickle protocol:

# For creating the sqlite database from Excel:
    "batch": "comment_history",
    "cell_name": "name",
    "exists": "cell_exists",
    "group": "cell_group",
    "raw_file_names": "raw_data",
    "argument": "cell_spec",
    "nom_cap": "nominal_capacity",
    "freeze": "frozen",

OTHERPATHS = ["rawdatadir", "cellpydatadir"]

[docs]@dataclass class CellpyMeta:
[docs] def update(self, as_list: bool = False, **kwargs): """Updates from dictionary of form {key: [values]} Args: as_list (bool): pick only first scalar if True. **kwargs (dict): key word attributes to update. Returns: None """ for k, v in kwargs.items(): if not as_list: v = v[0] if hasattr(self, k): logging.debug(f"{k} -> {v}") setattr(self, k, v) else: logging.debug(f"[NOT-VALID]{k}:{v}")
[docs] def digest(self, as_list: bool = False, **kwargs): """Pops from dictionary of form {key: [values]} Args: as_list (bool): pick only first scalar if True. **kwargs (dict): key word attributes to pick. Returns: Dictionary containing the non-digested part. """ not_digested = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if not as_list: v = v[0] if hasattr(self, k): logging.debug(f"{k} -> {v}") setattr(self, k, v) else: logging.debug(f"{k}:{v} ->") not_digested[k] = v return not_digested
[docs] def to_frame(self): """Converts to pandas dataframe""" df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(asdict(self), orient="index") = "key" n_rows, n_cols = df.shape if n_cols == 1: columns = ["value"] else: columns = [f"value_{i:02}" for i in range(n_cols)] df.columns = columns return df
[docs]@dataclass class CellpyMetaCommon(CellpyMeta): # about test cell_name: Optional[str] = None # used as property start_datetime: Optional[str] = None time_zone: Optional[str] = None comment: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.CellInfo.comment file_errors: Optional[str] = None # not in use at the moment raw_id: Optional[str] = None # used as property cellpy_file_version: int = CELLPY_FILE_VERSION # about tester tester_ID: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = None tester_server_software_version: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = None tester_client_software_version: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = None tester_calibration_date: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = None # about cell material: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.Materials.default_material # TODO @jepe: Maybe we should use values with units here instead (pint)? mass: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.Materials.default_mass # active material tot_mass: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.Materials.default_mass # total material nom_cap: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.Materials.default_nom_cap # nominal capacity # used as property nom_cap_specifics: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = ( prms.Materials.default_nom_cap_specifics ) # nominal capacity type # used as property active_electrode_area: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.CellInfo.active_electrode_area active_electrode_thickness: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.CellInfo.active_electrode_thickness electrolyte_volume: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.CellInfo.electrolyte_volume electrolyte_type: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.CellInfo.electrolyte_type active_electrode_type: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.CellInfo.active_electrode_type counter_electrode_type: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.CellInfo.counter_electrode_type reference_electrode_type: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.CellInfo.reference_electrode_type experiment_type: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.CellInfo.experiment_type cell_type: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.CellInfo.cell_type separator_type: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.CellInfo.separator_type active_electrode_current_collector: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.CellInfo.active_electrode_current_collector reference_electrode_current_collector: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = prms.CellInfo.reference_electrode_current_collector
[docs]@dataclass class CellpyMetaIndividualTest(CellpyMeta): # ---------------- test dependent ------------------------------- channel_index: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = None creator: Optional[str] = None schedule_file_name = None test_type: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = None # Not used (and might be put inside test_ID) voltage_lim_low: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.CellInfo.voltage_lim_low voltage_lim_high: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.CellInfo.voltage_lim_high cycle_mode: Optional[prms.CellPyDataConfig] = prms.Reader.cycle_mode test_ID: Optional[ prms.CellPyDataConfig ] = None # id for the test - currently just a number; could become a list or more in the future
# TODO: remove import of this
[docs]class HeaderDict(UserDict): """Sub-classing dict to allow for tab-completion.""" def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: if key == "data": raise KeyError("protected key") super().__setitem__(key, value) self.__dict__[key] = value
[docs]@dataclass class DictLikeClass: """Add some dunder-methods so that it does not break old code that used dictionaries for storing settings Remarks: it is not a complete dictionary experience - for example, setting new attributes (new keys) is not supported (raises ``KeyError`` if using the typical dict setting method) since it uses the ``dataclasses.fields`` method to find its members. """ def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self._field_names: logging.debug(f"{key} not in fields") try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise KeyError(f"missing key: {key}") def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self._field_names: raise KeyError(f"creating new key not allowed: {key}") setattr(self, key, value) def __missing__(self, key): raise KeyError @property def _field_names(self): return [ for field in fields(self)] def __iter__(self): for field in self._field_names: yield field def _value_iter(self): for field in self._field_names: yield getattr(self, field)
[docs] def keys(self): return [key for key in self.__iter__()]
[docs] def values(self): return [v for v in self._value_iter()]
[docs] def items(self): return zip(self.keys(), self.values())
[docs]@dataclass class BaseSettings(DictLikeClass): """Base class for internal cellpy settings. Usage:: @dataclass class MyCoolCellpySetting(BaseSetting): var1: str = "first var" var2: int = 12 """
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get the value (postfixes not supported).""" if key not in self.keys(): logging.critical(f"the column header '{key}' not found") return else: return self[key]
[docs] def to_frame(self): """Converts to pandas dataframe""" df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(asdict(self), orient="index") = "key" n_rows, n_cols = df.shape if n_cols == 1: columns = ["value"] else: columns = [f"value_{i:02}" for i in range(n_cols)] df.columns = columns return df
[docs]@dataclass class BaseHeaders(BaseSettings): """Extending BaseSetting so that it's allowed to add postfixes. Example: >>> header["key_postfix"] # returns "value_postfix" """ postfixes = [] def __getitem__(self, key): postfix = "" if key not in self._field_names: # check postfix: subs = key.split("_") _key = "_".join(subs[:-1]) _postfix = subs[-1] if _postfix in self.postfixes: postfix = f"_{_postfix}" key = _key try: v = getattr(self, key) return f"{v}{postfix}" except AttributeError: raise KeyError(f"missing key: {key}")
[docs]@dataclass class InstrumentSettings(DictLikeClass): """Base class for instrument settings. Usage:: @dataclass class MyCoolInstrumentSetting(InstrumentSettings): var1: str = "first var" var2: int = 12 Remark! Try to use it as you would use a normal dataclass. """ ...
[docs]@dataclass class CellpyUnits(BaseSettings): """These are the units used inside Cellpy. At least two sets of units needs to be defined; `cellpy_units` and `raw_units`. The `data.raw` dataframe is given in `raw_units` where the units are defined inside the instrument loader used. Since the `data.steps` dataframe is a summary of the step statistics from the `data.raw` dataframe, this also uses the `raw_units`. The `data.summary` dataframe contains columns with values directly from the `data.raw` dataframe given in `raw_units` as well as calculated columns given in `cellpy_units`. Remark that all input to cellpy through user interaction (or utils) should be in `cellpy_units`. This is also true for meta-data collected from the raw files. The instrument loader needs to take care of the translation from its raw units to `cellpy_units` during loading the raw data file for the meta-data (remark that this is not necessary and not recommended for the actual "raw" data that is going to be stored in the `data.raw` dataframe). As of 2022.09.29, cellpy does not automatically ensure unit conversion for input of meta-data, but has an internal method (`CellPyData.to_cellpy_units`) that can be used. These are the different attributes currently supported for data in the dataframes:: current: str = "A" charge: str = "mAh" voltage: str = "V" time: str = "sec" resistance: str = "Ohms" power: str = "W" energy: str = "Wh" frequency: str = "hz" And here are the different attributes currently supported for meta-data:: # output-units for specific capacity etc. specific_gravimetric: str = "g" specific_areal: str = "cm**2" # used for calculating specific capacity etc. specific_volumetric: str = "cm**3" # used for calculating specific capacity etc. # other meta-data nominal_capacity: str = "mAh/g" # used for calculating rates etc. mass: str = "mg" length: str = "cm" area: str = "cm**2" volume: str = "cm**3" temperature: str = "C" """ current: str = "A" charge: str = "mAh" voltage: str = "V" time: str = "sec" resistance: str = "ohm" power: str = "W" energy: str = "Wh" frequency: str = "hz" mass: str = "mg" # for mass nominal_capacity: str = "mAh/g" specific_gravimetric: str = "g" # g in specific capacity etc specific_areal: str = "cm**2" # m2 in specific capacity etc specific_volumetric: str = "cm**3" # m3 in specific capacity etc length: str = "cm" area: str = "cm**2" volume: str = "cm**3" temperature: str = "C" pressure: str = "bar"
[docs] def update(self, new_units: dict): """Update the units.""" logging.debug(f"{new_units=}") for k in new_units: if k in self.keys(): self[k] = new_units[k]
[docs]@dataclass class CellpyLimits(BaseSettings): """These are the limits used inside ``cellpy`` for finding step types. Since all instruments have an inherent inaccuracy, it is naive to assume that for example the voltage within a constant voltage step does not change at all. Therefore, we need to define some limits for what we consider to be a constant and what we assume to be zero. """ current_hard: float = 1e-13 current_soft: float = 1e-05 stable_current_hard: float = 2.0 stable_current_soft: float = 4.0 stable_voltage_hard: float = 2.0 stable_voltage_soft: float = 4.0 stable_charge_hard: float = 0.9 stable_charge_soft: float = 5.0 ir_change: float = 1e-05
[docs]@dataclass class HeadersNormal(BaseHeaders): aci_phase_angle_txt: str = "aci_phase_angle" ref_aci_phase_angle_txt: str = "ref_aci_phase_angle" ac_impedance_txt: str = "ac_impedance" ref_ac_impedance_txt: str = "ref_ac_impedance" charge_capacity_txt: str = "charge_capacity" charge_energy_txt: str = "charge_energy" current_txt: str = "current" cycle_index_txt: str = "cycle_index" data_point_txt: str = "data_point" datetime_txt: str = "date_time" discharge_capacity_txt: str = "discharge_capacity" discharge_energy_txt: str = "discharge_energy" internal_resistance_txt: str = "internal_resistance" power_txt: str = "power" is_fc_data_txt: str = "is_fc_data" step_index_txt: str = "step_index" sub_step_index_txt: str = "sub_step_index" step_time_txt: str = "step_time" sub_step_time_txt: str = "sub_step_time" test_id_txt: str = "test_id" test_time_txt: str = "test_time" voltage_txt: str = "voltage" ref_voltage_txt: str = "reference_voltage" dv_dt_txt: str = "dv_dt" frequency_txt: str = "frequency" amplitude_txt: str = "amplitude" channel_id_txt: str = "channel_id" data_flag_txt: str = "data_flag" test_name_txt: str = "test_name"
[docs]@dataclass class HeadersSummary(BaseHeaders): """In addition to the headers defined here, the summary might also contain specific headers (ending in _gravimetric or _areal). """ postfixes = ["gravimetric", "areal"] cycle_index: str = "cycle_index" data_point: str = "data_point" test_time: str = "test_time" datetime: str = "date_time" discharge_capacity_raw: str = "discharge_capacity" charge_capacity_raw: str = "charge_capacity" test_name: str = "test_name" data_flag: str = "data_flag" channel_id: str = "channel_id" coulombic_efficiency: str = "coulombic_efficiency" cumulated_coulombic_efficiency: str = "cumulated_coulombic_efficiency" discharge_capacity: str = "discharge_capacity" charge_capacity: str = "charge_capacity" cumulated_charge_capacity: str = "cumulated_charge_capacity" cumulated_discharge_capacity: str = "cumulated_discharge_capacity" coulombic_difference: str = "coulombic_difference" cumulated_coulombic_difference: str = "cumulated_coulombic_difference" discharge_capacity_loss: str = "discharge_capacity_loss" charge_capacity_loss: str = "charge_capacity_loss" cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss: str = "cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss" cumulated_charge_capacity_loss: str = "cumulated_charge_capacity_loss" normalized_charge_capacity: str = "normalized_charge_capacity" normalized_discharge_capacity: str = "normalized_discharge_capacity" shifted_charge_capacity: str = "shifted_charge_capacity" shifted_discharge_capacity: str = "shifted_discharge_capacity" ir_discharge: str = "ir_discharge" ir_charge: str = "ir_charge" ocv_first_min: str = "ocv_first_min" ocv_second_min: str = "ocv_second_min" ocv_first_max: str = "ocv_first_max" ocv_second_max: str = "ocv_second_max" end_voltage_discharge: str = "end_voltage_discharge" end_voltage_charge: str = "end_voltage_charge" cumulated_ric_disconnect: str = "cumulated_ric_disconnect" cumulated_ric_sei: str = "cumulated_ric_sei" cumulated_ric: str = "cumulated_ric" normalized_cycle_index: str = "normalized_cycle_index" low_level: str = "low_level" high_level: str = "high_level" temperature_last: str = "temperature_last" temperature_mean: str = "temperature_mean" charge_c_rate: str = "charge_c_rate" discharge_c_rate: str = "discharge_c_rate" pre_aux: str = "aux_" @property def areal_charge_capacity(self) -> str: warnings.warn( "using old-type look-up (areal_charge_capacity) -> will be deprecated soon", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return f"{self.charge_capacity}_areal" @property def areal_discharge_capacity(self) -> str: warnings.warn( "using old-type look-up (areal_discharge_capacity) -> will be deprecated soon", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return f"{self.discharge_capacity}_areal" @property def specific_columns(self) -> List[str]: return [ self.discharge_capacity, self.charge_capacity, self.cumulated_charge_capacity, self.cumulated_discharge_capacity, self.coulombic_difference, self.cumulated_coulombic_difference, self.discharge_capacity_loss, self.charge_capacity_loss, self.cumulated_discharge_capacity_loss, self.cumulated_charge_capacity_loss, self.shifted_charge_capacity, self.shifted_discharge_capacity, # self.cumulated_ric_disconnect, # self.cumulated_ric_sei, # self.cumulated_ric, # self.normalized_cycle_index, ]
[docs]@dataclass class HeadersStepTable(BaseHeaders): test: str = "test" ustep: str = "ustep" cycle: str = "cycle" step: str = "step" test_time: str = "test_time" step_time: str = "step_time" sub_step: str = "sub_step" type: str = "type" sub_type: str = "sub_type" info: str = "info" voltage: str = "voltage" current: str = "current" charge: str = "charge" discharge: str = "discharge" point: str = "point" internal_resistance: str = "ir" internal_resistance_change: str = "ir_pct_change" rate_avr: str = "rate_avr"
[docs]@dataclass class HeadersJournal(BaseHeaders): filename: str = "filename" mass: str = "mass" total_mass: str = "total_mass" loading: str = "loading" area: str = "area" nom_cap: str = "nom_cap" experiment: str = "experiment" fixed: str = "fixed" label: str = "label" cell_type: str = "cell_type" instrument: str = "instrument" raw_file_names: str = "raw_file_names" cellpy_file_name: str = "cellpy_file_name" group: str = "group" sub_group: str = "sub_group" comment: str = "comment" argument: str = "argument"
keys_journal_session = ["starred", "bad_cells", "bad_cycles", "notes"] headers_step_table = HeadersStepTable() headers_journal = HeadersJournal() headers_summary = HeadersSummary() headers_normal = HeadersNormal() cellpy_units = CellpyUnits() base_columns_float = [ headers_normal.test_time_txt, headers_normal.step_time_txt, headers_normal.current_txt, headers_normal.voltage_txt, headers_normal.ref_voltage_txt, headers_normal.charge_capacity_txt, headers_normal.discharge_capacity_txt, headers_normal.internal_resistance_txt, ] base_columns_int = [ headers_normal.data_point_txt, headers_normal.step_index_txt, headers_normal.cycle_index_txt, ]
[docs]def get_cellpy_units(*args, **kwargs) -> CellpyUnits: """Returns an augmented global dictionary with units""" return cellpy_units
[docs]def get_default_output_units(*args, **kwargs) -> CellpyUnits: """Returns an augmented dictionary with units to use as default.""" return CellpyUnits()
[docs]def get_default_cellpy_file_raw_units(*args, **kwargs) -> CellpyUnits: """Returns a dictionary with units to use as default for old versions of cellpy files""" return CellpyUnits( charge="Ah", mass="mg", )
[docs]def get_default_raw_units(*args, **kwargs) -> CellpyUnits: """Returns a dictionary with units as default for raw data""" return CellpyUnits( charge="Ah", mass="mg", )
[docs]def get_default_raw_limits() -> CellpyLimits: """Returns an augmented dictionary with units as default for raw data""" return CellpyLimits()
[docs]def get_headers_normal() -> HeadersNormal: """Returns an augmented global dictionary containing the header-strings for the normal data (used as column headers for the main data pandas DataFrames)""" return headers_normal
[docs]def get_headers_step_table() -> HeadersStepTable: """Returns an augmented global dictionary containing the header-strings for the steps table (used as column headers for the steps pandas DataFrames)""" return headers_step_table
[docs]def get_headers_journal() -> HeadersJournal: """Returns an augmented global dictionary containing the header-strings for the journal (batch) (used as column headers for the journal pandas DataFrames)""" return headers_journal
[docs]def get_headers_summary() -> HeadersSummary: """Returns an augmented global dictionary containing the header-strings for the summary (used as column headers for the summary pandas DataFrames)""" return headers_summary
[docs]def get_default_custom_headers_summary() -> HeadersSummary: """Returns an augmented dictionary that can be used to create custom header-strings for the summary (used as column headers for the summary pandas DataFrames) This function is mainly implemented to provide an example. """ # maybe I can do some tricks in here so that tab completion works in pycharm? # solution: ctrl + space works return HeadersSummary()